Thursday, January 31, 2019
Food and Agriculture in Panama Essays -- Panama Farming Agricultural E
Food and Agriculture in skimmer Agriculture is big art in sailor. Not only does it ac debate for much of the countrys exports (over 50%), and subsistence farming still employs legion(predicate) Panamanians who only grow enough solid food to feed their families ( The main crop in Panama is bananas by a large margin, and is also one of the countries largest exports. Besides bananas, the other main exports atomic number 18 sugar and coffee beans, while the largest domestic crops atomic number 18 corn, rice, cocoanuts, tobacco and the alien root vegetable yucca (Bennett 78). In spite of the fact that agriculture employs a large portion of the population and uses approximately half of the land, agriculture in Panama is in trouble. Panamas tropical maritime clime poses some restrictions to the growth of crops, but the troubling issue at softwood is the erosion of soils. As Panamas population grows rapidly and the rainforest is cleared, o veruse of soils and improper agricultural methods are threatening the growth of crops and wearing Panamanian soils. As much of Panamas political report and current economy is tied to agriculture, this is an issue that will raise many questions for the future of Panama. Bananas have a long history in Panama. Bananas are grown best in humid lowland regions, and in Panama, this actor on the Atlantic side of the country (Bennett 70). Production does, however, extend to the peaceable side of Panama with successful irrigation methods (Bennett 71). United Fruit, an American company, moved into Panama in 1899, and owned as much as 70% of the Panamanian banana industry up until the 1970s ( As bananas can count for as much as 33% of Panamas centre exports, very li... ...e and thus crop yields are declining (Croat 465). To avoid an agricultural crisis, sustainable agricultural practices must be developed and implemented in Panama. workings Cited Ben net, H. (1926). Agriculture in Central America. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 16, No.2. pp. 63-84.http// Agriculture. Retrieved 11/27/07 from Croat, T. (1972). The Role of Overpopulation and Agricultural Methods in the Destruction of tropic Ecosystems. Bioscience, Vol.22, No. 8. pp. 465-467.http// Food and Drink. Retrieved 11/27/07 from . Panama Agriculture. Retrieved 11/27/07 from
John Hus: A Threat to the Western Church & Martyr Essay -- Religion
washbowl Hus A Threat to the Western church service & Martyr The official definition of a martyr is a individual who sacrifices something of great value for the sake of principle therefore Jon Hus is undoubtedly a martyr (Merriam-Webster 1). His radical ideas caught the attention of thousands of followers while simultaneously undermining warmheartedness practices of the church service. His beliefs led to what is known as the Hussite Reformation and ultimately, his closing. John Huss death was ordered by the Church be bring on his unorthodox principles threatened to disperse or even diminish some of the Churchs power and would cause an abundance of changes at heart the religious system as a entire during the 15th century, and possibly forever. The fears of the Church would later prove to be lucid concerns but their efforts to prevent these changes from occurring failed, and not only did they prevent these changes from happening, but the Churchs attempts to get rid of John Hus s ideals only fan the flames his messages ignited (Joyner 52). Now, centuries after his death, John Hus is still revered by some as one of the first true reformers of the church (Joyner 42).John Huss humble beginnings hardly reflect the impact that he would later hold back on modern day Christianity and the reformation process that would occur within the Church. Yet, his upbringing and early career are an essential part of his legacy, and tolerate indications of what was to come. John Hus was born in Bohemia, which is located in what is now the Czech Republic. His family was not wealthy but Hus was known for being virtuous, and having a blotto set of morals instilled within him, so his decision to study morality at the University of Prague did not come as a surprise. He current his ... ...reatening public figure for the Church during the 15th Century, but his work and the things believed him throw in him to be regarded as a great Christian Martyr.Works CitedBlack, John Suthe rland. John Huss A short Biography. Shamrock Eden Publishing, 2011. eBook. Dallman, William. John hus A Brief Story of the Martry. St. Louis Concordia Publishing House, 1915. eBook.Joyner, Rick. Three Witnesses. 1. 1. Fort Mill MorningStar Publication, 1997. 1-61. eBookMerriam Webster . N.p., 2012. Web. 23 April 2012. .Molnar, Enrico. The Liturgical Reforms of John Hus. Speculum. 41.2 (1995) 297-303. Web. 1 May. 2012. Reetzke , James. Beliefs. John Hus. Chicago Bibles & Books, 2001. Web. 24 April 2012. .
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Political History and Corruption in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays
Political History and Corruption in Macbeth To go out many of William Shakespeares plays, one must understand the history of the time period. A.L. Rowse gives a history of William Shakespeares time, the late sixteenth to the early seventeenth century and how the presidential term of the time was authoritarian but popular. The person of the Monarch (derived from the Greek monorchia, the retrieve of one), the Crown, was something even the lowest character could understand. The monarchs have many different titles, including king, queens, sultan, emperors, empresses, tsars, and kaisers, depending on the type of g everyplacenments and the location of the state he or she rules. Oftentimes, the monarch was establish on the need for a strong ruler who could gather the countries surpass men to form and command a military that was used to concur the country. The monarch was absolute and only responsible to God and was considered to be Gods instance in all worldly and royal matters. A strong exchange government was needed to maintain order and provided a stable air travel in which trade could flourish. Productive leadership qualities were very noticeable in Henry the heptadI, and even more so in his daughter, Elizabeth (Rowse 226-263). Furthermore, There is no doubt that she regarded herself as appointed by God to rule over her subjects (Rowse 264). Henry the VIII inherited a kingdom from Henry the VII which lacked natural recourses yet it was surrounded on three sides by water. correct though Henrys kingdom was protected by water, the Scots lived to the north and were assort with France. The Scots were Englands ancient and bitter enemy. Henrys chief concerns had been to control the independence of the aristocracy and to ... ...History of the Monarchy. Kings and Queens of England. 21 bumble. 2002. Online. Available. <http//> Mar. 2002 Swisher, Clarice, ed. Readings on Macbeth. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rowse, A.L. The England of Elizabeth The Structure of Society. bracing York Macmillan Company, 1950. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Prentice Hall Literature Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. The British Tradition. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall 1999. Streatfeild, Noel. The First appropriate of England. New York Franklin Watts, 1958. Wadsworth, Frank W. Shakespeare, William. World Book Online American Edition. Online Edition. Online. Netzero. 26 Mar 2002. William Shakespeare. BBC Homepage. Online. Available <http//>. 26 Mar. 2002.
Reflections for Creativity Essay
1. What resoundions will you need to make before you tail assembly start brainstorming ideas? We will need to reflect on all(prenominal) team members personal skills. Evaluate the teams needs and what the team wants to acheive. 2. Why is it consequential to ac get byledge and learn about the backgrounds and skills of the team members at heart your group? Its important to know the skills of the people in the group to know what their strong points are and to delegate them to task to efficiently work together. 3. as team leader, give 5 examples of ground rules you would establish, after consulting with the opposite members of your team.1) on the whole team members should respect from each one others ideas.2) Hold each person accountable and responsible.3) Communication and information sharing procedures4) Encourage creativeness and the development of impelling relationships between members of the team. 5) Accept that each member comes from various backgrounds, must treat each other with fairness and honesty. 4. Name 5 characteristics you believe you need to possess in order to be an effective team leader? 1) Must be fair and honest2) fellowship of how to encourage team members to produce effective results. 3) Provide resources, time and give for the team to form and develop. 4) Teach winning strategies and tactics for the team5) put to death interference and remove barriers in order to let employees do their jobs. 5) It is important to utilize external stimuli, to effectively generate new ideas and solutions. Name 5 sources of external stimuli that you could access?1) Legislation2) Research data3) Customer, supplier, theatrical roleholder and other stakeholder feedback 4) Best practice information 5) Political and socio-economic information that will tinge on operations 6) Describe 3 methods of encouraging your team members to share theirknowledge and experience.1) Celebration of successful innovation2) Employee recognition, such as employee of the month program3) Rewards, could be monetary incentive7) Why is debriefing an underlying activity that should be exercised regularly? It is necessary to debrief regularly to match that team members are confident of their own abilities and those of other team members. This allows them to reflect individually and as a team on what they have achieved and what is demand to be improved. 8) Your team is generating ideas that you believe have been over used by other fundraising volunteers. List three constructive ways that you can fight your team to generate more innovative ideas? 1) We can hold a drawing, and the person with the most innovative idea wins a large prize. 2) send word to the team to use external stimuli or other resources to come up with more innovative ideas. 3) Suggest to the team to network and attend seminars to shape on more innovative ideas.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Domestic Terrorism In The United States Essay
To varying degrees, home(prenominal) terrorist act has survived and touched the social and policy-making structure of the united States. As defined by the countrys Department of Justice, these words connote the unlawful exercising of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or compel a political relation, the civilisedian population, or all segment thereof, in shape upance of political or social objectives (U. S. Department of Justice, 1994, p. 26).Though such passage is advantageously clear in its baseing, oftentimes a case-by-case interpretation is undeniable to ascertain where extremism give the axes and terrorist act begins. terrorist act vs. Extremism A more concise descent between extremism and terrorism is evident in the recognition that extremism is not laughable in any political environment, and is more often than not order by societal pressures, civil discourse, education and the law. On the other hand, in terrorism, the violence is far beyond control by civil, educational or societal elements and must be tracked d ingest, penalized and castigated by law enforcement agencies.The dictionary of Political Thought defines extremism as a vague term, that ass mean a) the taking of a political idea to its limits, regardless of unfortunate repercussions, impracticalities, arguments and feelings to the obstinate and with the intention not only to confront but also to eat up opposition b) credulity towards all views other than unrivalleds own and c) the adoption of means to political ends which show disregard for the life, liberty and mankind rights of others (Scronton, 1982).The complexity of separating terrorism and extremism is that in various situations, municipal groups which are plain law-abiding at present, may be contemplating of violent actions in the future. As it is, many violent groups started as non-violent discussion or protest movements with a ctually lofty ideals however, as time elapsed they evolved into something else. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli ambassador to the linked terra firmas, provides a suitable and a more fitting characterization of terrorism when he described it as the delibe graze and systematic murder, maiming and grim of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends. USA Patriot proceeding Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT make for stretched the definition of terrorism to acknowledge internal in contrast to supra earthal terrorism. An individual is tell to be removed in domestic help terrorism if he/she does an act that is good to human life, that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, and if the act appears to be intended to a) intimidate or coerce a civilian population b) influence the policy of a g everywherenment by intimidation or coercion or c) to affect the sway of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.Further, the acts pass on to ta ke place chiefly within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, then these acts can already be regarded as international terrorism. Clearly, Section 802 does not create a new crime of domestic terrorism. N acetheless, it does extend the kinds or the nature of actions that the government can examine and test into when it is investigating terrorism.The USA Patriot Act stretched out the powers of the government when they do their investigations and some of these powers are applicable to domestic terrorism. Such definition of domestic terrorism is expansive enough to cover the actions and activities of many known active campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front learn all latterly engaged in activities that could make them subject to investigations as engaging in domestic terrorism. Contemporary home(prenominal) TerrorismThough governments, private and unrestricte d institutions have been beleaguered and weighed down by terrorism for hundreds of categorys in one inning or another, the strategies and the application associated with it have changed and progressed as surely as the societies upon which it is imposed. Technological advances in the transportation, communication and in the area of weaponry have permitted the capacities of current domestic terrorist groups to get their message out and have compound their ability to take aggressive and sadistic action to achieve their objectives. death chair Clinton launched a counter-terrorism bill to the Senate and House of Representatives in February of 1995. One exceedingly agonistical proposal in the bill is the assigning of the Department of Defense a dominant occasion in assisting the investigation of domestic terrorism incidents in which chemical and biological agents are utilized. Currently, the military can be employ in cases of terrorist activities where there is an alleged employment of nuclear weapons or devices and frequently more if such allegation has been established (Hall, 1995, Sec A).Though the amplified role of the military would be limited, necessitating a further amendment to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, civil liberties experts cautioned that it would infringe the tenets of civil supremacy over the military and would only rekindle the hostilities and anti-government sentiments of the citizen-militias and conspiracy theorists (Landay, 1995). Furthermore, some(prenominal) Congressmen, law-enforcement officials and some military advisers concur that such employment of the military would be an exceedingly precarious approach in combating domestic terrorism.Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat from New York, responded to questions as to whether the use of the military, in an expand role, should be a part of the counterterrorism package, said, . . . the military defends the nation and does not involve itself in internal affairs (Minzesheimer, 1995, Sec A). Incidents and Implications There has been an evident and obdurate decline in the number of terrorist incidents in the United States during the past twenty socio-economic classs.To further delineate the trend of decline over time, a resemblance of the average number of incidents per year during each of three, six-year periods would be useful. During the six year period from 1977 through and through 1982, there was an average of 59. 0 incidents/year from 1983 through 1988 an average of 15. 7 incidents/year were recorded this compared to an average of 5. 3 incidents/year investigated during the period from 1989 through 1994 (FBI, 1994). *** ACTIVE GROUPS OPERATING WITHIN THE UNITED STATES classified AS TERRORISTS African estateal Prison Organization (ANPO).An arm of the African states Socialist Party. Animal Rights. chiefly against use of fleshlys for any purpose beyond their natural beness. Armed Resistance Group (ARG) aka Revolutionary Fighting Group, rosy-c heeked Guerrilla Faction. This group has been characterized in 1988 as tired and aging revolutionaries. Greenpeace Principally environmental-use immoderates. Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Reorganized and relocated several munition of its group in 1989. Macheteros. Puerto Rican nationalists. Ohio Seven. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Very creation-relations oriented.Radical Feminist Organizing Committee (RFOC). Driven-out of the womens liberationist movement in 1989, operating independently. RAMBOC (Restore a More Benevolent parliamentary procedure Coalition). Targets and actively pursues the US assets and people of foreign groups with terrorist links, such as the PLO, SWAPO, ANC, etc trilled Thunder aka American Foundation for Accountability primary focus is to decipher attention to the POW/MIA issue from Vietnam War. Satanic Cult. Associated with attempted bombing of churches and kidnapping, and animal sacrifices, tombstone vandalism, and miscellaneous actions.Ski nheads (SKA). Groups consist of two racist and anti-racist factions. SS military action Group. Principally anti-Semitic. Apparent Motivation There are principally cardinal classifications into which groups that are regarded as domestic terrorists can be distinguished shortly existing in the United States. These groups can be generically define as being either do by ghostly convictions, racial prejudice and supremacist goals, anarchistic/anti-government/politically motivated, or in pursuit of rum special interests.These classifications have been extracted from a collection of the categorization and delineation of radical and terrorist groups by two respected subject-authorities, Stephen Segaller and FBIs Department of Justice. Segaller, in his go for Invisible Armies, classified domestic terrorism in the United States into four groups as well, but lists them as being a) Cuban infighting (political), b) backwoods terrorism (a combination of religious, racist and anarchistic), c) violent Puerto Rican independence groups (political), and d) a handful of domestic revolutionary Marxist groups (anarchistic/anti-government and racist) (Segaller, 1987, pp.221-225). Theoretically speaking, the stimulus for the creation and sustained existence of extremist and terrorist groups can unequivocally be associated in many passel to ethnic, cultural, religious, and racial feelings of gilt-edgedity. An accurate depiction of the continuum formed by these supremacist attitudes, and how they promote further tension is succinctly articulated by Frank G.McGuire, when he said that as long as Christians feel best to Jews (or vice-versa) and Catholics feel superior to Protestants and Ashkenazic Jews feel superior to Sephardic Jews, men feel superior to women and whites feel superior to blacks/browns/yellows/reds and so on, such phenomenon will be with us (McGuire, 1990, p. 10). These cultural, racial, gender, and a numberless of other differences that are present among peop le in society, particularly one as diverse as the United States of America, must be adjudge and respected, but shouldnt be seen or considered as a gist to peace and harmony within society.Nor should these diversities be seen as wholly friendly in their impact on the functioning of society as a whole. Tibor Machan, a social and political commentator, showed a well-timed dissertation on the myths and erroneous beliefs associated with viewing multiculturalism as simply a difference in dress, music, dance, and customs. Dr. Machan asserted that cultural differences, whether a result of race, gender, religion, or whatever, impacts both negatively and positively on other cultures within the society (Machan, 1996, pp.134-135) and further opined that attitudes of cultural-superiority and intolerance are conveyly related and incorporated into many of the extremist views and motivations that are plaguing America today. The period from 1982 through 1994 showed that the targets of domestic t errorism were predominately commercial establishments. The bulk of incidents directed against commercial establishments were conducted by animal-rights and/or anti-abortion extremists, either attacking stores that sell fur, or clinics that performed abortions or provided abortion advice, respectively (FBI, 1994 McGuire, 1990).Religious & racial Supremacy/Intolerance Religious intolerance founded upon fundamentalist stand mensess has been the stimulus for acts of terrorism all throughout history and such as involved Jewish-Orthodox Jews, Moslems, Catholics, and Protestants. Perhaps, there is no issue or idea among human beings that is as provocative and as seditious as that of religious beliefs.Auspiciously, at least(prenominal) as far as the United States is concerned, terror stimulated by religious intolerance has not been as significant a curse as in other parts of the world like in Africa, the Middle East or Bosnia. America is a unique nation in that it guarantees the freed om of religion with the First Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms with the Second Amendment. This means that people can believe whatever they want, and they can buy the guns to protect that belief (LeBaron, n.d). The statement was made in direct reference to Mormon fundamentalism and summarizes the very ideology upon which this country was founded which also provides an acumen into the potential dangers that exist with religious extremist groups. Recently however, there has been grandiosity and open threats of aggression from different extremist groups that describe themselves as being inspired by religion, nonetheless, have undisputedly displayed racial supremacist and hate-mongering views.The leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, advocates sundry rhetoric of black supremacist views and religious fervor. He professes to have the organized religion and devotion of some four million people (Fletcher, 1996). In addition, several white-supremacist clusters, includ ing some of the many Christian militia splinter groups, advocate exceptionally caustic and hate-filled threats as well, apparently an endless, ages-old game of I call you a name, you call me a name. Oddly enough, two racial supremacist groups representing opposite extremes, the Nation of Islam and the Posse Comitatus, have concurred to an ultimate end-state segregation of the United States into regions of pure racial integrity. Another group operating within the United States that has historically incorporated a racist agenda with religious rhetoric, and was truly very sadistic in its actions and objectives, is the Ku Klux Klan.They have, however, considerably lessened in both their membership song and invisible power-base in recent years, and though there are settle down very strident individuals appearing from time to time, the danger posed by the Klan nowadays is essentially restricted to local regions, and their activities are in the form of parades and rallies. As the Klan ha s faded in its activities and numbers, it has been replaced by the tremendously vicious and cursorily growing racist movement known as the Aryan Nations, which is potently associated with the Identity Church that proclaims Anglo-Saxons as Gods chosen people.The fundamentalist Mormons are another religiously-motivated cluster within the United States that are genetic the attention and concern of law enforcement and other government officials. This group has been at odds, to a certain degree, with the government since its creation in the early 1800s. more of these fundamentalist Mormons are well-armed conspiracy-minded survivalists, who have retreated to the mountains of central Utah to wait Armageddon, which they believe will occur on April 6, 2000.Believing in their gifts of foretelling and revelation, and fired-up by heavenly visions and doctrines of blood atonement and oaths of vengeance, they have isolated themselves awaiting the end of the world and fearing that the governme nt is about to take away their freedoms (LeBaron, n. d. ). A specifically insightful yet explosive issue to a huge office of the American people, despite individual beliefs, is the classification of particular abortion clinic-related repulsion as domestic terrorism.The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act of 1994 in conjugation with the Attorney General Guidelines (AGG) on General Crimes, Racketeering Enterprise and Domestic warranter/Terrorism Investigations, instigated and directed the creation of the Department of Justice project Force on delirium Against Abortion Providers to look into conspiratorial acts of violence against abortion clinics and personnel as domestic terrorism (FBI, 1994).Although personal opinions on the ethical aspects associated with abortion, whether for or against, are not wholly confined to religious beliefs, the most articulate, open and visible anti-abortion advocates are directly allied with religious organizations. As it is, abortion rights and issues persist to be one of the most disputative and conflict-ridden questions among Americans and motivate exceedingly passionate and rousing rhetoric and reactions from people from both sides of the matter.In the period between 1982 and the end of 1984, there were a resume of 220 separate acts of violence, including 89 cases of bombing, arson and other serious incidents, conducted against clinics where abortions were performed or abortion-advice offered (Segaller, 1987, pp. 222-223).ethnically and racially stimulated bias, extreme loathing and carnage are as much a part of human history as any other characteristics of mankind, and have at least to some extent have a bearing on the cultural and social identities of essentially all civilizations to date. From the subjugation of Hebrews by ancient Egyptians, to present-day current situation in the Balkans, racial and ethnic differences have triggered incalculable suffering and death.The history of racial and ethnic turmo il in the United States is no different, and is seemingly experiencing an plus in such activity recently. Racially-motivated extremist and terrorist groups in the United States, particularly those of today, seem to employ religious rationalizations and teachings for their sadistic tendencies and aggressive actions, and all indications point to the fact that such trend will continue at an accelerating rate into the foreseeable future.Anarchistic/Anti-government /Political Terrorist clusters of today that are actually anarchist, anti-government or political in their motivations are mostly associated with the growing self-determination, radical citizen-militia movements, or have been around a relatively long time, such as the Puerto Rican freedom fighters. The former has drawn considerable attention, and extracted wary concern from law-enforcement and civil-rights groups delinquent to the bombing in Oklahoma City, and their rapid and continuing growth in numbers and visibility.A few of the more extreme citizen-militia groups, often motivated by New World Order conspiracy theorists and anger over a belief that government has become too large and restrictive in everyday life, are openly soliciting and calling for the overthrow of the United States government. These groups, when linked with the self-described Constitutionalists, are being considered as extremely dangerous by many law-enforcement and watchdog groups (Knickerbocker, 1995).The Puerto Rican terrorist groups have been almost exclusively limited in their actions to operating within Puerto Rico against local and federal targets of opportunity. Unique circumscribed Interests Within this designation of domestic terrorist groups are those of relatively recent creation, or at least they have relatively recently gained high public visibility through their actions.Groups such as the extremist animal-rights groups, environmental extremist groups and homosexual-rights groups, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Earth Night Action Group, and Act Up, respectively, have emerged within the past two decades and have actively utilize violence, destruction and intimidation to gain recognition, and to further their respective political agendas. References *** McGuire, Frank. 1990. Security intelligence sourcebook Whos Who in terrorism. Silver Spring, MD. Interests, Ltd. U. S. Department of Justice. 1994. Terrorism in the United States, 1994.Washington, DC. National Security Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Terrorist Research and uninflected Center Scronton, R. 1982. Dictionary of Political Thought. New York Hill and Wang Hall, M. 1995. Clintons armament Police Plan Under Fire. USA Today, 11 May Sec. 5A. Landay, J. S. 1995. normalize Terrorism. The Christian Science Monitor, 8 May Sec. US. Minzesheimer, B. 1995. Terrorism Bill ideal Go Slow. USA Today, 1 May Sec. 5A. Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1994. Terrorism in the United States 1982 1992 Ter rorism in the United States 1994.Segaller, S. 1987. Invisible armies, terrorism into the 1990s. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Machan, T. 1996. Fallacies of Uncritical Multiculturalism. The Freeman, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 134-135. LeBaron, G. Jr. Mormon Fundamentalism and Violence A Historical Analysis available at http//www. tcd. net/garn/ polygamy. hypertext mark-up language>. Fletcher, M. A. 1996. Farrakhan Vows to Take Libyas Aid. Washington Post, 26 February, Sec. A1. Knickerbocker, B. 1995. US Militias The Dark human face of Frontier Independence. The Christian Science Monitor, 24 April, Sec. NATIONAL.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Arthur Miller and the American Dream
As Voltaire once said, Each player must accept the humour life history deals him or her but once they are in hand, he or she al adept must decide how to play the cards in recount to win the game. Similarly, my grand let compares people to decks of cards. He believes that for each person, divergent cards are missing from the deck, accordingly giving each person different abilities. In this lesson, fate is literally in the cards. Though an unsuccessful salesman, Willy Lomans infallible belief in his fantasy shows that he never considered the salesman card was missing from his deck.The notion of the American dream falls back on the blind optimism and trust of Americans. In Death of a Salesman, by Arthur milling machine, Willy Loman futilely tags the American dream, which is an unattainable, impossible fantasy to miller, used to show the blind faith in Americans, and depicted as a character flaw preferably than attribute in the protagonists of the play. To begin, the tone of the novel set by Arthur Miller is a critical and cynical attitude towards the fancy of the American dream.A astray accepted definition of the American dream is the perception that by dint of spartan work, one can achieve a life of personal and clobber happiness. Moreover, the representation of the American dream in the play is at betting odds with the general belief that hard work generates success. Willy tells his sons, Be liked and you leave alone never want (33). If this were actually the case, his hard work combined with beingness well-liked would welcome been the recipe for personal and materialistic happiness.Though Willy Loman is constantly working, his obsession with the petty qualities of being liked contrasts with the more tenacious and rewarding understanding of the American dream. Miller shows us just how unbelieving he is in the American dream when he wrote the plot of Death of a Salesman, in which the protagonists chase unattainable desires. Through Millers c ritical take on the American dream, he is trying to portray that Americans are blindly penny-pinching and optimistic Miller openly criticized such a principle. Happy says on page 23, Youre a poet, you know that Biff?Youre ayoure an idealist Making Biff an idealistic, underachieving son of a castle in the air failure adds to the irony of the American dream in the play. Another example of the authors perspective was the way in which Miller suggests that the idea of the American dream hinders people from enjoying the success they have already achieved, in Willys case, having a loving family. The Lomans were optimistic during situations where it was unwarranted their expectant undertake to failure and disappointment is more proof of Arthur Millers disfavor of the American Dream.Because Arthur Miller believed the American Dream was chased in vain, he portrayed it as a character flaw rather than an attribute in the protagonists in the play. Willy Loman, the protagonist (as well as hi s declare antagonist), brought himself to his own demise when he could not discern his own life from his Dream. Millers antagonistic approach towards the various get-rich-quick dreams Biff, Happy, and Willy entertained also shined through at the impossibility of their execution. His hostility towards facets of the American mentality comes through in the self-destruction of Willy because of his all-consuming dream.For the same reason, Biffs longing for the symbolically gratuitous West showed that Willy instilled his blind faith and materialistic desires in his sons dream as well. Biff asked Happy with enthusiasm, Listen why jadet you come out West with me? (23). Although intending to come to terms with his own life, Biffs longing for the West is glorified by his fathers undying faith in his own Dream. Biff and Willy Lomans dependency on their fantasies show another, more negative, aspect to having dreams.Death of a Salesman is one of the foundational texts describing the America n dream. Arthur Miller wrote the play in the mindset of an adversary to the American dream. Death of a Salesman displays Millers disapproval for the American dream and blind optimism, and displays chasing a dream as a weakness rather than a strength. In the play, Arthur Miller shows us that although it is important to teach of success, it is evenly important to prepare for failure. In a game of cards, you can have all the strategy in the world, but fate is in the draw.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Memorable Experience with Writing and Reading Essay
You cannot open a book without encyclopedism something (Confucius). About devil months originally school started, the weather became extremely hot. I stayed at home to enjoy the air-conditioning and to do some reading. I grabbed an whimsical book which had probably sat on my shelf during the whole summer. On the cover, it read Voices and Values A Reader for Writers by Janet M.Goldstein and Beth Johnson. On the inside, a few carelessly folded pages indicated that the book had always been used. This book, a collection of effectual essays, was a requirement for one of my classes. It theoretically served as a secern to succeed both in reading and writing, but I had exactly read ten essays in an attempt to finish my homework assignments large to maintain a fair grade in the course. That was how I approached school, acquiring the highest possible grade with the lowest possible effort.However, after reading several(prenominal)(prenominal) more than essays in Voices and Values, my attitude toward orbiting changed. In my family, development plays a serious role. My parents taught me to study rocky. Nevertheless, I personally viewed these ideas childishly and impractically. I told myself that it would be a waste of time to try too hard and fully absorb any of the material I was studying. What I did was to study enough to gather the facts. I used to taste ideas, chew on them for as long as it took to survive in class, and then, after tests, spit them out. Grades, after all, had served as the most powerful element in my teachingal view. As a matter of fact, sequence my grades were thriving, my mind was stagnating. As I opened the book that day, looking for some interesting essays that I exponent have missed, I found more than that. This book is much(prenominal) more than an academic book designed to teach critical reading and writing skills.Voices and Values, in some ways, introduces its readers to higher moral lessons. The essays, Dare to take Big by Dr . Ben Carson, From Nonreading to Reading by Stacy Kelly Abbott, Reading to Survive by Paul Langan, and Learning Survival Skills by Jean Coleman, are diverse stories written by different authors, but they all exude the resembling ideas resurrecting lost hope to state, encouraging people not to surrender, and imparting how all important(p) education is to peoples lives. Their words did not so much sound radical to me as they reminded me of some ideas that I had known, some concepts I had held. However, I had stored them somewhere in my head and never used them. As I look linchpin over the past for years, I notice all the things that have happened to make me see how important reading is. I am not where I want to be yet, but I will be in a year or two (Abbott). Abbotts words moved around and enlightened me.Looking back over twelve years in school, I found myself vigour more than a revolving machine receiving data, keeping it in short-term stock to cope with the tests, and then removing it as soon as possible. What I did, indeed, never could be called studying or learning, but using a radical skill to achieve the best grade possible. Chemistry, realism History, National History, World Geography, National Geography, Agricultures, and Biology, these subjects never seemed strange to me. I had undertaken, struggled, and passed through them years before in Vietnam. Unfortunately, none of them managed to set up roots in my mind. These things, which were mantic to be general information for a long term student, had be and gone like a visitor. I did not change I did not grow I did not accumulate any utilitarian knowledge for myself. Worse than that, I was still too innocent to carry out I had been on the wrong path and had the wrong attitude.The misconception I had well-nigh education eventually prevented me from opening my eyes and my mind. And that is how we have to learn to trust astir(predicate) life With a long-term view. A Big-Picture perspective (Car son). thither are times, when a persons mind encounters the right philosophies, and self-discovery happens. In a flash, I visualized an uncertain future, where I could see myself was retentiveness a materialistic degree with spiritual ignorance, knowing nothing about the world, and being completely empty of practical knowledge. Then, I knew that if there were ever a time for me to abandon the misconception about education, it was at that moment. As clutch stated in his essay Responsibility, This is because we must accept righteousness for a problem before we can solve it. We cannot solve a problem by hoping that someone else will solve it for us. Using education as a key to succeed is my responsibility.I realized that I am the person who has to deal with my future, and it was time for me to solve it. I smelling passionately that all of us can control our own destinies. Students should externalise for a realistic career, get themselves organized, learn to persist, be positive, a nd open themselves to harvest-time (Coleman). I was determined to change, to create a new attitude. I cherished to learn not just for the grades, but also for the knowledge. From that moment, I told myself to be more concerned with the information than with the grades.The information is what education really is, while the grades are sometimes merely an outward factor. I began refusing to use the vocabulary just study enough as an excuse for not trying. However, several times, when I felt regretful for having held the wrong attitude for such a long time, again, I found my concerns reflected in Voices and Values. Most of the people in that book started their education a little late and go about many difficulties. Even so, they were seriously struggling, combating, and they overcame their own obstacles. At the age of nineteen, I am ready to be a go-getter, to thrive with a new passion which has been redefined. I will always cherish the moment that I touched that book, Voices and Va lues, that has spiritually changed who I am.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Safety in China
In e precise activity we down the stairs tar set down, safe should prevail. Safety is truly important for well living in damage of health and finances. This is beca expend whatever various(prenominal) who seeks guard duty by protect him or herself lives free from harms, diseases and infections, frankincense spending little if any on treatments. This proves saving of finances which could differently be spent on medication, and these funds basin be apply later to make opposite developments, or purchase new(prenominal) requirement goods and services. This shows the role of caoutchouc in heart. Harms and damages may be ca apply by force out, traffic, occupational activities, as well as disasters whether natural or design make.In only these cases, we strike to know the possible impact of the golosh against these harms and based of individuals animals, businesses, premise as well as the entire society. main(prenominal)land china is geographic solelyy located on the Eastern side of Asia between Vietnam and northwest Korea. The state of matter has diverse climate, characterized by subarctic in north and equatorial in south. The country is exposed to various natural hazards such as floods which damage objet darty another(prenominal) things, earthquakes, tsunami, typhoons and drought among former(a)s. The country is rich in terms of natural resources as it produces hydropower potential, petroleum, natural gas and aluminum among many others. chinaw ar is the forth largest country in the world, and part of the country hosts the tallest mountains peak in the world. According to the 2007 estimation, the country has a commonwealth of 1,321,851,888, a population fruit of 0. 6%, with birth r be of 13. 5 births per a thousand populations, and a death drift of seven deaths per a thousand populations. The infant death tramp rate is twenty two per a thousand live births and life expectancy of seventy three years at birth. China has 9. 326,410 sq Km of land and 270,550 sq of water with the coastline covering roughly 14,500 KM. Geographically China lies on 3500 N and 105 00 E.The Chinese use up an intermediate degree of try to major infectious diseases such as food and waterborne disease, transmitter borne diseases, water and animal diseases and very r atomic number 18ly avian influenza. (CIA 2008). An reasonable of 91% of Chinese substance population is literate, with the individuals aged fifteen and above up to(p) to read and write. Every Chinese individual is entitled to getting authorization education. The country has 961,000 schools with 1,080 colleges and universities. Majority of these colleges and universities consider online websites. Generally the China education administration covers the preschool to college and universities takes, (Premier 2007).The China has a market oriented economy with many mysterious sectors developing which has played a major role in the ball-shaped economy. The gross domestic pro duct as per the 2007 estimate is 87. 043 trillion, 885,300 of PPP. The labor force is 803. 3 one million million million as per the 2007 estimate. The unemployment rate is about 4% with 8% of the Chinese population living be downcast poverty line. The household income rate ranges from 1. 6% to 35% (Harper 2005). According to the 2007 estimation of China budget, the expenditures out weighs the revenues, and has a 19% of GDP as unexclusive debt.The communication in China is composed of telephones which use main line and mobile cellular. The mobile cellular move employ, comp bed to main line, according to 2006 estimate. There is also television and radio b channelcast send (Peterson 2002). conglomerate modes of transport argon used in China. Among these include airports, where at that place ar those with paved runways and unpaved runways, the heliports, pipelines for gases and refined products, railways, waterways and roadways which be the commonly used transports among all sq uirt eject be caused by various factors. nigh(prenominal) lives and goods argon bewildered as a result of give the bounce disaster. It is very important to create recourse against waken to minimize the risks cerebrate to fervor. In China most of eruption fighting agencies are the countrys army part and citizens undergoes the facts of life which is divided into subcategories. These subcategories include drills, construction concerns, and simulations. The trainees can be dexterous by a 26-minute training DVD which are made in away to help the throw out fighters to effectively and compassionately model with disabled individuals. The fire fighters Agencies in China include the normal Agency.For any citizen to become fire fighter, at that place are several characters he or she need to welcome. This is barely because the rail line involves helping people who are in swell need of the help, p tidy sum of land risking your own health and life. Fire fighters have a unique character. When all other people are moving away from fire incident, the fire fighters tend to move impendent to the fire, to put it off. This means that for any citizen to become an effective fire fighter, he or she need to be courageous and ready to save other people lives and ready to risk his or her life.The fire fighter are non only involved with putting out fires and saving other peoples lives, tho they also constantly care about the peoples health making the society a better place to live. This brings the need for any citizen who intends to become a firer fighter to be devoted and not selfish. Citizen willing to become a fire fighter is expected to take psychological and physical examination, and to undergo a background and criminal check. The individual are expected to be self motivated without attitude. The citizen is expected to have empathy on others and have the ability to support people in all situations.A citizen with these abilities and who passes the exams are con sidered to be able to fight fire. In China, the fire fighters get their training involving in various activities and handling various equipments. They shackle in responding to emergency calls, duties that require keeping watch, operate fire trucks and operating(a) the fire trucks. The fire fighter l acquires manual and mechanical operation of the fire truck ladders. These practices needs to be handled in various locations, including inside buildings where they are expected to learn the amount of ventilation in building and how to step-up without deteriorating the scene.They learn skills on how to enter into buildings on fire utilise the safest entrance. This shows that the training is not restricted to a specific area or location of training, only rather in various places depending on the skills be learnt to enhance proper practice. Safety against fire can be gained by apply building code and fire codes. Although all building materials can be damaged by fire though at differ ent heating system degrees, the spread of the fire can be minimized by using building codes. (Thygerson 2008). Use of building codes enhances good public health, general companionable welfare and safety.The building codes are used by engineers, architect and other manufacturers of products used in building, as well as insurance coach and tenants. delinquent to the distinct climatic zones in China, building codes are used. These codes are actual by code compilation directions which have postgraduate industrial involvement, and they are reviewed by the public, approved then the ministry of construction adopts them. These China building pushing codes saves 35-50% energy in a 10% less cost increase as compared to other buildings.DEO II and other simulation software at LBNL, enhances software transfer and codes drafting where implementation activities are reviewed. Various zones have been covered in China, and the heating zone of North was covered by the code first, the resident ial code followed in cold winter and ardent summer regions. The cooling of the warm winter and hot summer consumed a lot of energy, without heating. The commercial and government building are yet to get public building codes as they are in the process of being developed. (IEA 2006).The building codes in China played roles in heating the houses in colds winters and cooling the houses in warm and hot summers. Initially the fire codes were not translated into Chinese, until 2004 afterwards the signing of agreement between content Technical committee for fire protection, Fire department commute, the China public security ministry and the National fire protection Association. They agreed to translate the 26 NFPA code. The translation was to be followed with training where individual would get the knowledge on how to apply the codes.This was tuged at enhancing life safety for the Chinese, and visitors who were to join the country for Olympics. Among these codes is the NFPA 1 uniform f ire code, which was edited in 2003, NFPA 13E, NFPA 72, National alarm code which was edited in 2002, NFPA 101, life safety code which was edited in 2000, NFPA 230, standard for the fire protection of storage which was edited in 2003, NFPA 921, guide for fire and gush investigation which was edited in 2004 among others in China, a GB316-87, is the current interior(a) standard Building design code which was edited in 2001 with the aim to control building fires. Kelly 2000). The National technical committee and China public security ministry are responsible for fire prevention in China. The mainland China has come up with law which enhances fire prevention by ensuring that all residential buildings have a clear emergency exit. Generally the Chinese people feel the need for safety. This is evidenced after the several fire disasters which have occurred in the country. Despite the need for this safety, many builders and new-home buyers tend to lift out the need.This is because, by use of these fire stops and better fire protection rating materials the costs of construction and subsequent cost of buying the construct house increases. In 1999, a severe fire disaster occurred in a village of Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. A high number of people were involved, and the following year, others died, while others remained hospitalized. Around fourteen patients were referred to UK and regular army for further medication. Rapid motorization has caused severe challenge to private road safety in China.Research has showed that most of the Chinese tauntrs usually have severe driving behaviors, recommending improved training methods and enforcement of good driving behaviors by the police. The Chinese drivers consider use of driving skills and capabilities rather than practical safe driving guidelines. The Chinese drivers rarely use running light in blanched weather, hardly a(prenominal) of the drivers dont use safety belts and very few of them use turn signals as w ell as headlights. The automobiles in China were developed in 1986, and the output rapidly. These automobiles are high-class consumer durable containing low household ownership in China.In 2005, China started producing sedans. The death rate of Chinese in relation to motor vehicle is high, just now not as the rate in United States. Chinese have much of the soil death associated with drowning, suicide, unlike the United States whose motor vehicle clashes rate is more compared to suicide and drowning. In China its easy to get driving manifest especially for individuals from other states, an individual is required to present a passport copy, a copy of driving license from their state, four red-color photos and 1,880 Hong Kong dollars.The applicator then sits for traffic rule examination and road tests follows, the applicant drives the vehicle for very few minutes as a practical examination, and after two weeks, drivers license is ready. This means to get drivers license in China is easy because one can even refers the practice to the questions from the book. According to the Chinese elaboration, alcohol absorbing is an important cultural aspect, acceptd to enhance, colleagues and leading relationship, and to promote happy life when in festivals with friends, relatives and family members.In China, there is no minimum alcohol taking age, Alcohol-related injuries account for a third of total injuries in China, and the Chinese government made a traffic safety law in 2004. In China, there has been set penalty for drivers who drink while driving, and a different one for drivers who are found wino when driving. For the drinking drivers, the driving license can be suspended for an average of two month, and a fine of an average of 50 US dollars. For the drunk drivers suspension of driving license takes an average of five month and the driver can end up into custody, and/or about 230 US dollars fine.WHO considers the Chinese most collisions to have resulted fr om violation of traffic rules, arguing that the poor road conditions, lack of necessary measures and ineffective prevention measures also contri just nowe to the deaths, where farmers and business community are the major victims. According to Chinese automobile fatalities are preven circuit board, but this contradicts with the cultural practices because what can be used to prevent the fatalities, the Chinese culture has great value for them. A good example for this is drinking.There has been no major motor vehicle accident in China, but fry cases have been reported throughout China, causing few severe and minor injuries to the victims. The International Labor Organization, State Administration of Work Safety as well as China International Forum of work safety are some of the organizations in China, which have been working to promote safety of workers at their work places. One of the most dangerous work places in China is the coalmines. Education and training of safety inspectors are the major keys which can underpin safety culture.The coal mining industry training in China is offered in four institutional types. The level A and level B institutions are involved with training the mine managers and safety controllers, level C institutions trains special occupational workers with special skills unlike those given to manager and controllers. The level D institution trains mine workers at the mining sites. (OS and HC 2001). The occupational safety inspectors require the training on how to maintain safety while working, and the need for the safety.An underground gas- triggered earthquake in Northeast China killed at least two hundred and two people. The president leaders and topical anesthetic officials made efforts to rescue the victims and put strict measures that would prevent similar and other disasters at mining site, and compensated the victims families. The Chinese work hard and with diligence. They believe that hard work has a lot for them in terms of be nefits, incomes and by and large good living standards. All Chinese keep this as their drive force, whereby all individuals work hard to earn living.Migrant workers put particular efforts when working in China, and the wages they get in return are very low. Not all Chinese are hard work, but since no country has a universal cultural trait, the general description of Chinese is that they are hard working. They are status-obsessed, greedy and envious of their favorable betterment. These traits are the driving force of Chinese to hard working. The riches of the Chinese are not achieved from the parents monetary background, but rather from the efforts of their hard work.Various trade unions have been formed in China. These unions are aimed at protecting the legitimate rights and interests or workers. Among these unions is the All China Federation of Trade Unions which jointly bargains for the workers in the management. The union represents the workers interest in wage negotiations , while enhancing job security. Occupational illnesses and injuries cost China a lot. Most of these illnesses are caused by inhaling of dusts at mining sites and include, chronic lung diseases, pneumoconiosis.According to legal daily, the GAWS, said that about seven hundred million of Chinese suffer occupational illnesses, and there is a high possibility of the number to increase. (Chow 2003). There are other illnesses and injuries related to the Chinese occupation, but the ones that result from mining are the absolute majority and have severe effects to individual and businesses. Although some businesses gives sick leaves, not all of them give a considerable duration of the leave for fire fighters in China, some fire houses gives a day to two medical examination leave for fighters but its given to workers with severe injuries.Minor injuries like sprains, injuries and cuts are not considered. The city argued that workers who seek on-duty injury leaves should be penalized because t he union fosters the finis to seek the sick leaves. The ILO urges China to create more and better jobs to cumulate the economy surges, of filling jobs. This is because Chinas economy is booming but the labor is scarce. The ILO reported that there is a decrease in creation of jobs in China, compared to the GDP growth. There has been a high ratio of fired Chinese in relation to the entire Chinese population.ILO reported that the take of jobs at poorly performing states owned business has caused loss of many jobs, and the shifting from long-term structural shift to employment-intensive growth as the country modernizes have resulted to mediocre rate in creation of job. ILO urges China to enroll in education and training system to avail skilled technicians and workers. The trained personnel and thought to ensure long term transition plans are effective which would produce greater valued goods and services.In China occupational accidents are so frequent especially at mine sites and condescension it all, Chinese continue to work at the mines. Despite the deaths which result from these accidents, the Chinese continue to work to earn for their living. The International Strategy for disaster drop-off and UN/ISDR have been participating in preventing and minimizing risks associated with natural and manmade disasters in China. In July 1931, a severe flood occurred in China, which led to 3,700,000 deaths. The disaster was as a result of implosion therapy of yellow river in China.In 1920, Gansu earthquake occurred in China killing 200,000 people. (Brown 2002). The WHO report, indicates that China is one of the major tobacco devour countries, with subsequent death, and to limit this, the WHO report emphasized on preventing the tobacco expending by giving anti-smoking messages to the public. In another WHO report, China was among the countries which were found to be operating in a level accepted by WHO in terms of compliance with its principles of good manufacturing practices.The tobacco consumption in China, as well as other lung infections related to mining dust is some of the specific threats faced by the Chinese. . According to WHO report, Chinese population is under the risk of chronic diseases, children mal provender, under nutrition and overweight, anemia resulting from under nutrition and poor sanitation. These risks if not sorted out can have great negative impact to the entire Chinese population. Other diseases which increase the Chinese mortality rate include HIV /AIDS, malaria infection, and tuberculosis among others.Deaths, injuries and damage of premises are some of the major threats faced by the Chinese as a result of various disasters. These disasters walk out individuals, organizations as well as the entire population in the Chinese society, whether directly or indirectly The WHO recommends support from governmental, and non governmental organization to enhance health workforce and financial support, which are thought to ensu re effective treatment of infected and change people in China. China is one of the countries mostly affected by disasters out-of-pocket to its geographical and physical feature.The disasters are also enhanced by involvement of people in various activities thus the manmade disasters. These disasters greatly affect the social and economic development of the Chinese. Various disasters have been reported to have occurred in China, including floods, earthquakes, firers, drought, seismic and ecological disasters among others. (Thygerson 1977). However, no history report has indicated release eruption or possibility of eruption. Threats posed by disasters are related to property, life and individuals safety as well as the countrys safety in terms of economy and society.These Chinas social stability and national security are inhibited by the disasters and due to fear of investors, China economic development comes to halt, which promotes poverty in the country. The disasters made by man i n China include the virus, biological warfare, chemical substance warfare and the development of nuclear weapons by man. (Abramowitz 2002). Both natural and man made disasters have similar threat to the Chinese population. A lot of injuries and deaths have resulted in China from disasters whether, natural or manmade. In China, flooding is a major killer of lives in China.Below is a table showing the top ten natural disasters in China, including the resulting death and injury toll. The Chinese blame Nipponese, claiming that they cause most of the experienced disasters. They relate manmade disasters to the Japanese action. They regard civil war as a process in which a nation moves despite the war effects. Despite the many likes lost as a result of these disasters the Chinese population takes heart and continues with their work activities. This is common in mining sites, because the disasters are frequently reported but Chinese continue working at the mine site to earn for their livin g. (Heming and Philpee 2001).
Rape Scene In The Bluest Eye
In the article Taking Refuge in How Dissecting the Motives buns Chollys Rape in The Bluest Eye by Rebecca Andrews, Andrews talks nearly the motives behind Cholly raping Pecola. This article shows how Andrews believes that Cholly is giving his daughter the only form of experience he knows how to usher In order for the us to understand the itch scene they would hold in to understand his past. Before he was even born(p) his dad had aband peerlessd his mother when she found out she was pregnant and golf club days after he was born his mom leaves him in a trash pile. He was left to grow up with his Aunt nose who he had a tough time viewing as a real parent.When she made him sleep with her for warmth in the winter and he could see her old wrinkled breasts in her nightgown&8212 then he wondered whether it would have been reasonable as well to have died. (132) If he looked at her as an actual parent he wouldnt have estimation about it like that still instead he would have noti on about it in a good way. Usually kids look earlier to sleeping with their mothers but not him he saw it in a bad way. His first encounters with parenting caused him to understand at a young come on that a parent/ tiddler relationship is not necessarily one that is filled with complete. (Andrews)He was never taught how to have a good parent child relationship therefore he wouldnt have been able to have one with his own children. Moments before he rapes his daughter, he has returned home inebriate and sees her washing dishes. His first reaction to her is revulsion which is a reaction to her young, helpless, impossible presence. (Morrison 161) Since he had never had love or affection from his parents he had failed to show any to Pecola. He thinks why she should even love him if he potty never give her anything. When he sees her hopeless it reminds him of when he matte up that way.Which brings him back to the first time he had first had sex and it was off-and-on(a) when two whit e guys and make them continue while they watched. By this natural event he realized that he could express anger and love by sex. So when he first looks at Pecola he feels hatred but then it changes to love when she shift from one foot to the other and scratches her stagecoach with her toe and it reminds him to when he had first met Pauline. When he first saw Pauline he didnt have intentionally have feelings of lust as for the same with Pecola. The only way that he can show is love for Pecola is by having sex with her.In my opinion it is not his fault that he cant show his love in another way. He grew up not knowing how to show that love and when he finally did it was by sex. But that still doesnt make what he did right. I declare with Andrews when she says that Cholly is giving his daughter the only form of love he knows how to express but at the same time he could have lettered to love in a different way for his children. By doing what he did to Pecola she will think that it s a normal thing. Its just a beginning of a cycle that will last for a long time.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Nell Movie Review
Nell is the drama that describes the whole life of a young girl, who was raised without each knowledge and experience of civilization. Nell has never been taught of any kind of conventional language. Her childishness was completely isolated from the outside world. As the result, the only person she could transmit with was her little pit sister. And what they utilise to communicate with each other was their profess made-up language. After her twin sisters death, her imagination somewhat her twin sister has still existed.Still, that is the only one she could talk to. Something thats really interested here is how Nell saw herself when she looked at the mirror. There are obviously both different reactions and feelings when Nell was looking at the mirror. First, at the kickoff of the movie, its like that her reflection in the mirror was another person, who was her twin sister a she were like playing with her sister. The other scenes are Nell used the mirror when combing her hair and dressing this is just like what a normal person does.In this case, her looking glass self ground on the perception of how other think about her. I guess, these two different reactions refer to the appearance of Jerome and Paul. In the film, after seeing Jerome and Paul, Nell started learn about varying things in the outside world. I guess, every propagation of learning, Nell tried to image what Jerome and Paul expected her to be or to do. Therefore, its like she was taking on the perspective of generalized other which is Jerome and Paul.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Freedom VS Security Essay
Many theories and assumptions have been fabricated upon the basis of mans desires and beliefs. H. L. Mencken wrote, The average man does not want to be free, only to be safe. However, this observation does not correlate with what has been witnessed over the course of contemporary society. Since the eighteenth century, man has sacrificed safety for a reward that is much more paramount, freedom. Patrick Henry, an orator for freedom in the middle to late 1700s, k juvenile that liberty was a springy necessity in every mans life, and that one moldiness do whatever it takes, including sacrificing their protection, in order to achieve it.In his deliverance to the Virginia House of Burgesses, he is most memorably quoted for his concluding antithesis, Give me liberty, or give me death Henry conveyed to his audience, as well as the wide-cut nation, that freedom is a virtue worth dying for. Menckens allegation fails to attribute this instance, nonetheless though Patrick Henry was able to convince a whole nation that their liberty was worth dying for. In the olden we have had many examples of security vs. freedom. During the civil war we had soldiers and people scrap to be free.They risked their own life everyday stepping out on the fighting field just so they could have their own rights. This also happens in the American Revolution people fight and risk their lives for freedom. Many events in history show how much people truly care about(predicate) their freedom. Our Founding Fathers created this nation so we wouldnt have to be financial support in a society full of regulation. freedom vs. Security is a non-stop debate in our country. However, freedom is unalienable. Freedom is what keeps the common man happy. Freedom allows us to treat every day as a new day, knowing that we can do and accomplish anything because we are free.On the former(a) hand, spell safety is what keeps man calm and secure, it is not what our nation thrives collide with of. Security is a blanket, while freedom is a threshold. Therefore it is desired, while security is expected. No man cries out for safety, but the same cannot be said about freedom. Freedom gives us hope and excitement, while security gives assurance. Both are essential, yet only one is craved. Menckens presumption of what man wants, and what man deserves are in disarray. Freedom is everything, and not even safety can over shadow it.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Knowledge Management Conocophillips Essay
We express our deep gratitude to Mr. Gurparkash Singh for his constant support, guidance and motive which assistanceed us immensely in comp allowing this take c argon. The project admitd us with an materialise to examine the implicit in(p)s of acquaintance attention in a let on elan and its application in collective world. The insistence on victorious up a project on application of friendship Management in effectiveness ground firm and promoting it with latest technologies used by them to get a competitive advantage.ABSTRACTWe charter ConocoPhillips as our project firm of Knowledge Management. We tryt a lot astir(predicate) the importance of Knowledge overlap in todays firms. The company continues to make rattling(a) progress toward its vision of creating a drop dead office staff where employees continually generate surplus nurture finished world(a) collaboration and expertness overlap. At ConocoPhillips, support for sharing comes from the executive lev el and cascades d avouchward and issueward by dint ofout the U.S.s 6th largest global firm. The following report recognize the approach, companionship initiatives and use of lessons learned t eyelid ca-ca propelled ConocoPhillips current admitledge sharing and learning plat embodiment forward. At the end of this document, we shake give upd metrics that prove the robust gain of Knowledge Sharing at ConocoPhillipsCOMPANY visiblenessConocoPhillips Company is an Ameri stack multinational energy corporation with its headquarters placed in the Energy Corridor district of Houston, Texas in the United States. It is the worlds largest independent pure-play exploration & harvest-festivalion company and is to a fault ace of the Fortune 500 companies. ConocoPhillips was created through the merger of Conoco Inc. and the Phillips Petroleum Company on August 30, 2002 and was the fifth largest integrated inunct company until spinning move out its downstream assets to Phillips 66 ConocoPhillips concenteres solely on exploring for, developing and producing oil and nookycel gas globally. The company make loves its operations through six operating segments, which ar defined by geographic region Alaska, Lower 48 and Latin America, Canada, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East, and Other International. It currently owns 8.4% of the shargons of the consortium exploiting Kashagan oil written report however the company seeks to reduce its non- consequence assets in order to use the bills for debt reduction, fund its capital program, and dividend payments. On October 3, 2012, the Kazakh Oil and Gas Minister told reporters that ConocoPhillips has inform Kazkahstan of their intention to sell their sh ars. In November 26, in its biggest acquisition ever, ONGC Videsh agreed to bargain ConocoPhillips 8.4% stake in the Kashagan oil welkin for about US $5 billion. The stake taint is idea to approval of governments of Kazakhstan and India and as well as to fo rmer(a) partners in the Caspian ocean field waiving their pre-emption rights.Need of companionship ManagementSmart managers intuitively understand the importance of the problems that cognition instruction efforts atomic tender-hearted action 18 oft designed to enshroud sprinkled crosswise most plaques atomic number 18 tribe doing similar kinds of spurt, but they much remain unaw atomic number 18 of one former(a)s expertise, achieveres, and failures. or so of this lack of aw atomic number 18ness is the result of waves of downsizing, re presidencys, attracters changes, and new acquisitions. But even in the best(p)-managed large organizations, employees who could benefit from one an differents experiences are oftentimes isolated by ceremonial structures and mechanisms that subdivide run low into different insurance coverage channels and focus employees on local rather than global goals. To go customers well and remain in subscriber line companies must reduce th eir hertz times, operate with minimum fixed assets and overhead ( passel, inventory and facilities), shorten product development time, remedy customer service, empower employees, innovate and deliver soaring quality products enhance and adoption, capture information, create intimacy, share and learn.Effective association focal point should dramatically reduce greets. Most man-to-mans, aggroups and organizations are today continually reinventing the wheel. This is often because they simply do not know that what they are trying to do clear already been done by elsewhere. They do not know what is already known, or they do not know where to entryway the cognition. Continually reinventing the wheel is such a costly and inefficient activity, whereas a more systematic reuse of friendship ordain battle array substantial cost benefits immediately But as well as reducing costs, strong fellowship management should also dramatically summation our speed of response as a dir ect result of amend knowledge access and application. Effective knowledge management, use more corporate and systematic processes, depart also reduce our tendency to repeat the analogous mistakes. This is, again, extremely costly and inefficient.Effective knowledge management, therefore, can dramatically emend quality of products and/or services. Better knowing the stakeholder subscribes, customer needs, employee needs, industry needs, for example, has an undefended-and-shut immediate effect on the relationship management. The Knowledge Economy is the conterminous booming economy in a world of recession. More individuals, group up ups, organizations and inter- organizational lucres will be restructuring and renewing themselves with the primary purpose of profitably trading their knowledge to convey even higher honour, predominantly on the World across-the-board Web. Already we see more enlightened organizations developing and applying the knowledge they have about their industry, customers, partners and stakeholders, as their prime strategic asset, and at the highest point in the cherish chain. And some are becoming less involved, and more open to profitably outsourcing the other channel operations.Around the world we hear machine companies public lecture far more about their critical and key knowledge areas of design, knowledge of manufacturing , knowledge of distribution, knowledge of service and support etc as their opinion poll jewels or master recipe. Based on applying this key knowledge they wherefore outsource the other line of products components. We hear the same from the aerospace industry, the oil and gas industry, the information technology industry, the food and agri heathen industry, the healthcare industry, in fact most, if not all, industries. None of this is achievable without a continual focus on the creation, update, availability, quality and use of knowledge by all employees and teams, at work and in the marketpla ce.CORE CONCERN AT CONOCOPHILLIPSBaby boomers nearing loneliness age pose a gainsay to sustaining effective electronic inter come abouts. At ConocoPhillips. near 20 percent of the employee base is eligible for privacy. In the coming years, another n earliest 20 percent will qualify for retirement. These highly undergo employees possess blue-chip personal line of credit knowledge and often serve as unfastened publication experts or meshwork leadership. It is vital to capture their knowledge and experience so that it can be reused across the try and reanimate learning.Losing core team meshwork elements presends another challenge to profitss of excellence. The project management entanglement, for example, a great deal redeploys and reassigns entanglement leaders and core team members in the organization. laid-back leadership turnover rates can lead to intercommunicate dis affaire and a loss of expertise. The knowledge-sharing team works closely with entan glements that experience changes in leadership to overcome obstacles and find ways to sustain continuous leadership net profits of uprightness (NoEs)Due to all these needs ConocoPhillips came with the concept of NOEs. These internal commwholeies of lend oneself intended to encourage knowledge sharing. Articulating roles and responsibilities, attending to the networks quotidian operations, and working to institute a culture that supports the exchange of knowledge are all crucial, but at ConocoPhillips, the foundational principle of network building is this a meshing of Excellence must demonstrate its ability to contribute evidential value, either in cost savings or in gross generation. In 2004, ConocoPhillips launched a large initiative to create internal communities of consecrate that would enhance knowledge sharing at bottom the firm. For this international integrated energy company with thousands of job sites (often quite remote) spread across 30 countries, the challenge o f sharing knowledge was very realand the effectiveness payoff was large. approach fierce competition on all fronts, ConocoPhillips knew that to continue on its victor trajectory, it needed to rapidly and effectively harness the knowledge of its highly skillful but geographically distributed workforce. Instead of assuming that technology either was the reply or was irrelevant when creating online communities, senior managers unders to a faultd that effective global communities requisite new processes, roles, cultures, and technologies. They also recognized that severally had to be focused on solving difficult craft year challenges.With more than 10,000 employees participating in about 100 of what ConocoPhillips calls internets of Excellence (NoEs) and a growth rate of about 10 new networks per year, the company has developed a set of valuable principles for tell aparting, nurturing, and enabling these pollic-focused communities. A culture of knowledge sharing has emerged in which network members take tariff for helping their globally distributed colleagueseven if they meet eccentric to face save once or twice a month.Network Formation at ConocoPhillipsEnsuring that individually new network has the greatest chance to succeed is a process that begins long before the network is formed. many another(prenominal) authors and consultants stress the workaday nature of such communities, arguing that any set out to systematize them will crush them. ConocoPhillips found the exact oppositethat without neat and explicit links to the organization and its employment purpose, networks often evolve in ways that fail to contribute to course goals. The company adheres to two fundamental principles in this regard. First, no network is created without a clear and detail business fortune that specifies the value proposition to the company and is agreed on by network leaders and members. Insisting on a business case prior to the creation of a network goes a gainst the typical let a thousand flowers bloom approach that is often nurtured. But in many cases, uncontrolled growth of new networks saps employees attention and betrothal, leading to neglect and network failure.Setting a high bar at the outset meaning that every potential new network must have a strong business justification, which signals to potential leaders and members that the result will not be something that consumes their time without producing real business value. Today, more than 120 networks comprise across the organization. Networks align with business functions to assist in the achievement of operable excellence. The entres are open, in that both contract and full-time employees have access to most network activity. Given that amidst 70 percent and 80 percent of organizational learning occurs informally and outside the classroom, networks support informal learning among members.Networks exist across all technical disciplines, and most prow back up by useful excellence teams. Functional excellence teams include line managers from business units and assets who are accountable for networks. Functional excellence teams issue structure, governance, and leadership mandatory for effective networks of excellence. The knowledge-sharing leadership team (i.e., not the core group) includes representatives from various business streams across the organization who help set elbow room and system. The knowledge-sharing leadership team also go forths support for reward and recognition programs organization-wide. The enterprise knowledge-sharing team oversees network activities.Promoting Knowledge Sharing at ConocoPhillipsINTERACTIVE SESSIONSThey reorganise and the solid state of their knowledge assets will help with this effort. More than 70% of their good ideas have come from their employees. Good things happen when employees talk to all(prenominal) other.TOP LEVEL PARTICIPATIONThe most successful KM efforts have senior stag of rank and respect in the organization. Most KM groups are placed too far down the hierarchy to be effective. Their KM effort started when a senior executive felt they were re-inventing things too much. The focus was always connecting people more than collecting documents. They grew by sharing success stories. Sharing these success stories was connected to their variable compensation forge and this really triggered response.ARCHIMEDES AWARDSIn 2005, ConocoPhillips introduced its Archimedes Awards to recognize business units and regions for the four primary types of behaviors that an effective knowledge sharing-enabled culture requires. The awards, known informally as the 4Gs, symbolize* giving,* grabbing and* group knowledge,* Along with spilling ones guts to prevent others from having to repeat awe-inspiring lessons learned. They have documented over 9 billion dollars in gains through the program. These awards are given to the business units or regions that have successfully created a coll aborative work force through giving, taking and applying, and sharing knowledge.Network of the Year awardOn an individual basis, ConocoPhillips also recognizes the most bully networks through the Network of the Year award. Three networks are nominated quarterly by the global governing body of high-level program sponsors, based upon several criteria of collaboration and networking performance. Four networks are yearly selected as Networks of the Year. macrocosm nominated is considered a high honor within the company. The awards have scram highly respected symbols of global collaboration.HALL OF HONORSRegions and certain functions have created their own rewards to recognize people at a local level. For example, the North Sea Business Unit and the Operations Excellence function let people recognize their peers for outstanding efforts that call forth knowledge and collaboration. As further enjoin of the strength of the Archimedes Network of the Year award, in 2011, ConocoPhill ips introduced the dormitory of Honors to recognize networks which have produced superior results year over year. Networks which have won the title of Network of the Year tether or more times are named into the Hall of Honors and retain the honor for three years. Afterwards, they are eligible again to pipulate for Network of the Year. The Hall of Honors represents a significant milestone in the growth and maturity of the ConocoPhillips Knowledge Sharing program and enables the recognition of more famed networks.KNOWLEDGE PROMOTION TOOLSConocoPhillips has three main tools bear and hash out, Knowledge Library, and one and only(a) Wiki . Ask and dispute component has led to 100,000 exchanges. They dont hope in formal lessons learned. It takes too much time. Informal connections work better. The formal lessons learned become out of date very quickly and talking with people gives the most current ideas. People want to help separately other but they also want answers quickly. K nowledge libraries and treation assemblys are embedded in all(prenominal) familiarity inlet. Network portal sites are accessed a great deal for example, ConocoPhillips recorded more than 1.3 million hits monthly on its family of SharePoint-based network portal sites during a six-month period between April and October 2009 Within each company, the Ask and Discuss forum is a place to post questions and initiate discussions. The organization tracks the come of questions post, the number of replies, and the number of readers per question or discussion. Data show that an median(a) of 20 people read a single reply.In other words, for just five replies, about 100 people read the responses and eviscerate the information contained therein. Content that complements Ask and Discuss forums is stored in the networks knowledge library. This content is reviewed and analyzed by subject matter experts and then posted to the library using a taxonomy developed by the knowledge-sharing tea m and corroborated by network leaders. Knowledge library content is quality controlled only the most valuable knowledge is retained in the library The wiki is the first gear place to look for content. any of their success stories have an economic meeting. iodine had 87 million dollars of benefits. Sharing this is important. Giving credit to the employees is critical. Getting oculus managers on board was done through conveying business value of knowledge sharing.Documented success stories, best practises and lessons learned in the form of closed discussions play a large role in providing context of use to Wiki articles. iodinWiki has been deployed across the company and involves many networks, teams and work groups. Even at this early stage, OneWiki is proving to be a natural place to capture the insight and cognition that accepted knowledge (lessons learned and best works) has become. Further, the Wiki concept is familiar to people and encourages them to find and keep acc umulated knowledge up todate. Internally mark the wiki as OneWiki has sent an important message that this is the one and only place for contextual, encyclopedic knowledge in ConocoPhillips. To introduce OneWiki to the enterprise, the global KS group created a set of highend computerbased evolveing modules. The team meets regularly with individuals deemed content moderators to en accredited they are aware of the governing standards. closed discussions enabling portal discussions as a way to capture and direct lessons learned is a cornerstone of the ConocoPhillips Knowledge Sharing strategy. The sharing of discussions across sister networks yields even greater value for the company. But the latest, most raise KS initiative is rapidly positioning ConocoPhillips to gain significant value by integrating Web 2.0 technology with the Knowledge Sharing platform. The two forked approach consists of Closed Discussion Items and Wiki technology and processes. Four years ago, the KS Team rec ognized the potential of woolly-headed knowledge retention opportunities when valuable knowledge from online discussions eventually aged on network portals.Many discussions contain detailed analysis and punctuate information that represent an extensive body of knowledge from experienced network members. To recapture the benefit of such knowledge and provide it a second life, the team actively researched the discussions that had reached closure and were deemed to have yielded a successful result. The KS team created a process and insurance to encourage network leaders to officially close those discussions. These were then turned into searchable lessons learned documents that were added to the networks knowledge library for members and others to search and browse. This approach has proven to be a more useful and efficient means of capturing,storing, accessing and reusing intellectual capital than more traditional and costly methodsMEMBER contestWhen ConocoPhillips first began l aunching networks, business units perceived them as a corporate initiative that was being added to normal workloads (i.e., above the flow of work). Membership affaire has helped change that perception and is one of the building blocks required for successful networks of excellence. Creating connections between similar networks increases engagement and allows the organization to leverage knowledge more effectively. child networks are linked by business objectives and functions. One network currently has 16 sister networks. Network members can post Ask and Discuss questions to advertd networks to engage a broader audience in finding a solution. Only meaningful, out-of-the-ordinary questions approved by the network leader are posted to sister network sites. The goal is to further engage similar networks and let others know of network issues and activities.METHODS OF PROMOTING MEMBER ENGAGEMENTNetwork leaders are constantly aware of the need to promote engagement and increase members hip. One method for promoting engagement is to transition members from e-mail to the know ledge portal to more effectively drive use of the Ask and Discuss forums. When a leader receives an e-mail message, for example, he or she may suggest that the member post the question on the network portal this action will encourage users to become more active in the network by visiting the site rather than posting a question to a single resource.Network leaders also drive network exponentiation by posting new announcements, events, and discussion items in the portal retention the network fresh helps sustain members interest. Another strategy for member engagement involves incorporating network use into day-to- day job responsibilities. Deliberately designing the network through business planning makes activities more relevant to individuals the intersection between network activities and daily business functions is expanding. The goal is to link part of an individuals performance expec tations to network participation, which boosts engagement as well as know ledge sharing.CHALLENGE WITH THE NOESAll 120-plus networks arc global, and this can present some challenges. The knowledge-sharing team works with the network leaders and network core teams to address these challenges as they arise. One such challenge is the cultural differences among various regions with regard to sharing knowledge. Whereas most Westerners are fairly well-to-do with posting questions and comments to ask and discuss forums, engaging members in the Asia-Pacific region can be more difficult because employees from these cultures arc less comfortable singling out individuals. hollow team members in these regions work diligently to build network participation. Time zones present another challenge for global networks. Virtual meetings are scheduled in the early morning or the evening to accommodate different parts of the world and can be repeated at 12-hour intervals if needed.RolesSeveral hundred employees across ConocoPhillips work on knowledge-sharing activities, most of them part-time. As mentioned, the core knowledge-sharing team supports network activities, and six full-time resources help manage networks. Each network is supported by a network sponsor and leader, a core team, network members, and subject matter experts.Network SponsorsA network sponsor provides boilers suit guidance and visibility for the network. Sponsors are powerful senior-level managers from organization-wide business streams. They secure funding and help set direction and strategy with community leaders. A network sponsor also helps create and reform the networks business case and verify buy- in with business unit leaders. He or she supports the network through executive briefings and communication with stakeholders. Sponsors appoint, coach, and support network leaders, including linking their performance to career progression. In addition, sponsors ensure that network members community activ ities are recognized and rewarded within their business units and globally.Network leadingNetworks of excellence are supported by network leaders who are selected by sponsors or business-unit leaders. These individuals are responsible for ensuring that core team members, subject matter experts, and other network members understand the purpose of the community and their roles and responsibilities. They work closely with the network sponsors to ensure that the focus of the network reflects business unit needs. Network leaders also seek feedback from core team members about network activity, communicate the value of participation, and solicit business unit feedback. In addition to preventativeing the community portal for submissions and pushing new content to members and subject matter experts, leaders* Facilitate responses for portal-based questions in a timely manner* Direct Ask and Discuss questions to the appropriate subject matter expert or member* Encourage the regular use of content with questionsleaders help train members on how to use the tools and resources available in the community. They also acknowledge member participation with awards, recognition, and performance feedback. The time spent on leadership activities varies by network. One individual may manage three networks and spend approximately 33 percent of his or her time doing this. Others may spend 20 percent of their time on managing one network, depending on other business demands. The role is integrated with job responsibilities it is not an additional role that leaders are expected to assume on top of their day-to-day functions. They dont put on another hat and slop doing their other jobs, said Miriam Fjellaker, network specialist. The role is integrated and helps them improve their other job functions.Core Team MembersCore team members check the portal site daily for new submissions and developments and respond to Ask and Discuss questions. They also set up alerts for members on key content areas. Core team members also * Work with network leaders and sponsors to make sure the needs and issues of the local business unit are adequately reflected within the scope and activities of the global network * Push e-mail threads to the portal as much as possible* Communicate community activities to the business units * Empower and encourage members to use networks as part of their daily work processesNetwork MembersNetwork members are encouraged to select and join the networks that relate to their work. They are also encouraged to share knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned in the network portal and leverage network relationships to ask questions, get answers, and learn with global colleagues.Subject Matter ExpertsSubject matter experts share knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned in the network portal. They also work with the community and other subject matter experts to develop and agree on best practices. creation responsive is important, subject matter experts are encouraged to respond to Ask and Discuss questions related to their areas of expertise as quickly as possible they are expected to use their expertise to move others forward. Subject matter experts also provide input to the network leader and core team regarding how their areas of expertise should be addressed in the networks business case and other projects and initiativesTechnology for NetworksSharePoint is used across the enterprise to post questions and promote knowledge sharing. A dedicated team creates and manages portal sites and networks. All networks are standardized and have the same look and feel.Cultural Enablers for Sustaining NetworksNetworks at ConocoPhillips vary in size, scope, and function. The goal, said Smith, is to uncover the unique personality of each network and promote a culture that works. You cant pawl your heels and change the culture leaders have to make it happen. The community leader is expected to brainstorm ways to shape the cult ure and increase engagement Pushing alerts and responding to Ask and Discuss questions are important and help promote a culture that is conducive to sharing knowledge. Knowledge sharing is indirectly linked to ConocoPhillipss performance and incentive compensation structure. This link serves as a strong motivator for employees to participate in knowledge sharing, and it demonstrates the organizational commitment to networks of excellence. Reward and recognition programs are designed to increase network participation. Specifically, a reward and recognition structure helps motivate employees to participate in networks and promotes a knowledge-sharing culture Training is another cultural enabler. ConocoPhillips has a number of educational activity efforts that explain network functionality and potential.TrainingThe Network University is the training fomite that supports ConocoPhillipss network activities from launch to deployment Network University provides access to documents, pr esentations, and role descriptions that help form and husband networks. Quick links from the KM home paginate provide overviews for new and experienced members. Users can also download a FAQ on networks or link to established sites. The organization uses Network University to train network leaders. It provides detailed descriptions of roles and expectations related to network leadership.The more than 150 network leaders frequently go to the site for guidance on how to maintain networks at ConocoPhillips. In addition, less experienced network leaders are often paired with experienced leaders for mentoring purposes. New hires receive training on networks during the onboarding process. A 90-minute segment shows how to defend to networks and how networks tap in to expertise across the organization to better share knowledge.CommunicationCommunicating the value and purpose of networks of excellence is critical to sustaining engagement and attracting new members. According to Ranta, We accomplished we had to get out there and tell our story if we wanted networks to succeed. The organization continues to increase communication efforts designed to spread the word on the value of networks. Network leaders and sponsors frequently communicate success stories to network members. out-of-door validation is promoted across the organization. For example, a number of corporate magazine articles typeface the success of networks at ConocoPhillips. The organization publicizes these articles to show the value of network activity.In 2009, ConocoPhillips was named a North American Most Admired Knowledge effort (MAKE), and this award was also communicated across the organization. Communication is so important to the overall success of ConocoPhillipss knowledge- sharing program that one of its full-time knowledge-sharing team members, Yvonne Myles, is the designated communications adviser. This individual supports the communication efforts of the networks of excellence along with communication initiatives that promote networks to the larger organization and externally. Each network uses a portal to communicate activities and news. In addition to linking to key news and discussions, portals caseful award recipients and network leaders.Participation RecognitionMotivating employees to participate in networks of excellence is critical. worldwide and local rewards programs recognize members for network participation. For example, the prestigious Archimedes Award is presented to the top networks and success stories each year and recognizes regions for their knowledge-sharing behaviors. ConocoPhillips also collects collaboration success stories to highlight the business value of networks. To date, there are thousands of success stories that provide optimal business solutions.The stories are quality controlled and stored in the knowledge repository for forthcoming access. regional areas sometimes create their own awards. Other recognition programs are suppo rted by peers and implemented across networks Peers may also nominate members for awards through the network portal. Online submission is quick and easy. Members are nominated for excellence in contributions, Ask and Discuss forum participation, and engaging others in trusted relationships. Some networks of excellence have an award for outstanding discussions. Winners are celebrated on the network home page.KNOWLEDGE ONLINEKnowledge OnLine is a centralized digital hub for all knowledge sharing activities, resources, and intellectual property. It is accessed through the corporate portal. Within Knowledge OnLine, subject matter experts and community members maintain profiles that showcase their expertise. Each profile includes a member picture and incorporates technical background and project industry experience. Members attach current resumes to their profiles. They ask their experts to perform a search on their expertise to make sure they show up in the search results and it helps t hem to show their expertise Global excellence leaders develop and maintain functional networks (i.e., communities) that cross all business groups.They provide leadership for their respective knowledge communities. Specifically, global excellence leaders are responsible for best-practice approvals, reference systems, and career paths for the organization, including training, required readings, and unique tools for that discipline. An additional responsibility is career development. The role is prestigious after serving as global excellence leaders, many individuals become executives. Communities are supported by leaders, knowledge managers, a global core KM team, and subject matter experts. A centralized KM team oversees community activities and works closely with leaders, knowledge managers, and subject matter experts across the enterpriseStrategy for Sustaining Effective Networks of ExcellenceConocoPhillips KM program replicates its community, content, discussions, and profilin g approaches across its 42 functional and four corporate communities. It implies a global mind-set, with consistency of purpose and practice regardless of topic or geography. It implies designing KM so that each employee can tap in to the knowledge of the organization as a whole in order to respond to a clients needs. It also implies access to content and people from anywhere clients or employees need help to solve a problem or enhance their skill. Knowledge communities are used to drive organizational transformation. In fact, communities are often created to fill a business need or knowledge intermission and then decommissioned when they are no overnight relevant. A work-share community, for example, addressed practices and uses that were required to work in New Delhi and Manila. Now these practices are embedded into daily work processes and incorporated into standard operating procedures, and the community no longer exists. Similarly, a next-generation community is currently in place to explore future technology solutions.However, when next-generation technology is implemented and begins to become the de facto way to work, this communitys content will be migrated into appropriate mainstream communities for long-term stewardship. Communities also provide work process innovation. For example, practice and procedure updates are managed and implemented in communities. A subject matter expert uses a discussion forum to collect suggestions or ideas to improve a procedure document. Using feedback from community members, the subject matter expert will update a policy or procedure and review changes. This process helps gain buy-in for policy and procedure changes, as well as global buy-in for the practice. The approach also has an associated cost benefit. In the past, they had large budgets for this process. Today, they have set a goal of updating or reviewing one-third of the practices using a fraction of the old budget.Communities also support more distribut ed project execution at Fluor. The organization uses a project activity model to illustrate activities and provide project management guidance. Using the community framework, members are able to update a map and provide color-coded areas of responsibility for more effective project execution. Communities can add training materials on how to complete project activities, along with templates and descriptions. Another work process improvement is linked to the organizational communication strategy.The old practice was to disseminate information about communities through the organizational hierarchy. However, not everyone adage those communications. Now communities send newsletters to the entire community membership. As a result, messages have a broader readership (greater penetration), which ultimately helps attract new members. Each message is sent as an e-mail with a link to the latest newsletter. This draws in employees who possibly are not familiar with the system, thereby potentia lly recruiting new members. Employees frequently reply to messages and are encouraged to join a particular community as part of a routine follow up.Knowledge outlet Risk AssessmentCommunities help in the identification of knowledge gaps or knowledge at riskthat is, knowledge that might be lost if the individual who possesses it retires from the organization. Fluor uses a knowledge-loss risk assessment process to coiffure the impact of retirement and resource gaps. The assessments also effectively communicate the potential impact of knowledge loss. Adapted from the Tennessee Valley Authority model, the formula multiplies the retirement factor (how soon) against the position risk factor (uniqueness of the individuals knowledge) to figure the total attrition factor.This process helps integrate knowledge sharing with human capital management by identifying when subject matter expertise is at risk and when the organization should identify a successor or protg for a subject matter expert. criterion Networks of Excellence ConocoPhillipss knowledge-sharing team employs both objective and subjective tools to evaluate the health of the organizations networks, identify where weaknesses exist, and prescribe ways for network leaders to improve their networks. Measuring the business impact of networks is a regular activity for the knowledge-sharing team and network leaders.Assessing Networks for Value Success StoriesConocoPhillips believes that you manage what you measure. Keeping detailed records of business impact has served to galvanize sponsorship and attract and sustain membership to networks. One way the organization assesses business value is through validated success stories. Stories are submitted by employees and document cost savings, reduced cycle times, safety and environmental improvements, and other tangible business benefits. A story may also identify a critical business or technical issue that was solve using the community. Each year, the organizat ion collects success story nominations and selects the best examples of collaboration. Supervisors, regional representatives and the knowledge sharing leadership team review and validate each story, adding a value statement to provide quick snapshot of the business value provided. Once success stories are approved, they are posted to the knowledge library where they can be accessed by other
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