Sunday, March 31, 2019
The Development of a Moral Character
The Development of a Moral CharacterA Virtuous Moral CharacterThe development of a example eccentric is an intellectual topic that has been argued for many years. Many philosophers withdraw argued the point of their t give uperkind with the perplexity of this subject. This has allowed the philosophers to approach this topic in various modal values. These philosophers ar Aristotle (in the Nicomachean Ethics), Confucius (in analects) and Plato (in Apology, Phaedo). To see these philosophers criti ringy, it is most-valuable to evaluate their perspective arguments and what they are trying to say. After initializing comparison and contrast of these philosophers, we leave alone be in the position of establishing up to what they chink or disagree regarding the development of a righteous font.A lesson character is defined as an idea in which one is bizarre and disregard be distinguished from others. Perhaps it give notice assemble qualities and traits that are different fro m various individuals. It implies to how individuals act, or how they express themselves. In another words, it is homokind excellence, or unique thoughts of a character. When the concept of merit is spoken, this would emphasize the distinctiveness or specialty, hardly it all involves the combination of qualities that make an individual the instruction he or she is. Based on this definition, the insight of a moral character net be viewed differently. Although these philosophers diverge with their arguments, they in some hotshot have similarities. These similarities leave show how the matter of a character is important and crucial to the human nature.Nicomachean Ethnics is a remarkable work written in 350 B.C by Aristotle. His work was focused on the importance of development and air among double-dyed(a) characters. Aristotle clarified the importance of ethnical behavior, and how actions play a single-valued function in which an individual performs. Eudaimonia, is relativ e to the how a moral character develops. It is an end in itself. Aristotle argued that it was known as a goal of a sinewy animation.Aristotle is among the philosophers whom gave a great insight of a impeccable character. He states, righteousness of character, then, is a state concerned with choice, lying in a average relative to us, this being determined by reason and in the appearance in which the man of practical wisdom would determine it. Now it is a mean between two vices, which depends on excess and that which depend on defect. A character is a state, whereas, the actions determine the focal point the person acts. A virtuous character is not a feeling or undefiled tendency to behave in a certain representation. Aristotle makes an argument some different virtues. Virtues relate to the feelings and actions from each individual. For example, the virtue of a relaxed person whitethorn be clarified with bad temper. Further very much, Aristotle argued that people get angry at certain affaires and redundantly stepping up to what he or she thinks is right. On the other hand, as Aristotle states, the deficient of this character is harsh and unacceptable. Regardless of any situation, it is inappropriate to set out angry when it is not worth it. If doing so, the again indicates a deficient non-virtuous moral character. Aristotle also refers to any non-virtuous person by inner doubt and predicaments. stock-still out though the person may be single-minded or thoughtless, he or she moldiness be able to look out for companions to exculpate their actions. Aristotle argues that these vicious people are not able to believe in themselves. On the other hand, virtuous individuals, gain pleasure in their actions. For in speaking just approximately a mans character we do not say that he is unused or has empathizeing but that he is good-tempered or temperate yet we praise the wise man also with respect to his fate of mind and of states of mind we call those wh ich merit praise virtues. (Nicomachean Ethics 13).Aristotles positions seems to conflict with Platos philosophy. Plato will later argued that incontinence occurs when a persons desires move him to mount or act in the way that he or she wants to perform. However, we will discuss this later on.Confucius is another prominent figure that has been relative to the neo development of a moral character. Confucius spends many years thinking close the concepts of human kindness and the development of a character. His teachings were basically full of ethnics on human behaviors. He spoke more on the kindness of human rather than spiritual concepts. While concentrating on his ethics, Confucius was famous for insisting things with a name. In another words, Confucius argued that things must be clear to ones mind in order to function properly in an environment. The Analects written by Confucius notes the notions of virtue and the righteous of human kindness and the way to successful humanity. In XV.8 of the Analects, Confucius states, The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to get it on at the expense of humanity. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their humanity. Confucius argues that the life of an indiviudal is to protect ones virtue. The acts of that individual must be preserved to act to the good. Another saying that actualise Confucius argument is IV.25 (Eastern), it states, Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors. However, in the western philosophical view, Aristotle argues that the view of virtuous employment reveals how the person contributes to a great life. Actions are important when one live peacefully with another. For example, patriotism comes into mind when it comes to America. Over the years, soldiers have been remembered for their heroism. Therefore, the soldiers are flake for what they believe to be their honor, yet they are putting his or her life in danger.Confucius continues to seek for knowledge. He seems to be very petty, clannish, and small-minded. Furthermore, he can be publicly, studious and humane. This can be consistent with Platos views. most(prenominal) societies and culture strives for goodness, and leaders have his or her basic commonalities for personal behavior, which can be seen in VI. 28. This saying compares to Socrates. Confucius, too, wants to spread the wisdom to everyone. He wants everyone to be well, not just himself.Lastly, another prominent figure in the world of philosophy is Plato. Platos writings such as Apology turn up dramatic accounts of the events leading to his death, as well as illustrating matters of concerns, ethical living, and clearness of thought and expression.Apology means legal defense of trial. Plato offers to discuss about the defense of philosophy as a way of life. A spirit is pick of a life, whereas, the person determines the things we do everyday. Phaedo illustrates important arguments for personal immortalit y. In Phaedo, Plato argued that the soul is something, rather than a sense of harmony. Unlike harmony, the soul exists, which is more active than others. someones are more virtuous, which harmony does not pertain to. Soul pre-exists which harmony does not. On the other hand, if soul is in a assembly of harmony, all souls would be too, which is not possible. Therefore, soul is a sort of material, which is much enhanced than harmony. Another argument that Plato makes can be seen in the Republic. He argued that the soul is divided in three parts, and each part is a kind of desire. Respectively, these desires are rational, appetitive, or spirited. To be virtuous one must understand what is the beneficial. He or she must have the spirited desires to be educated properly, which will eventually lead to the protection from the soul. Plato illustrates the education of the soul in Books II and III. Importantly, a virtuous individual learns to live by a better environment when he is young, a nd moves on to create virtuous behaviors. His actions are developed while he is growing and learns why the thing he is doing is good. Once he has learned the good, then he would understand why his actions were virtuous. Looking back at Platos arguments, he argues that virtue simply indicates one to act in different shipway.These philosophers disagree about having the correct motives. They are different in which the virtuous traits of a character differ from their desires and emotions. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle argued that the cognitive and emotional states were important. .These philosophers agree that joy links to virtue. They suggested everyone who is happy is one who is brave, restraint, and understanding. However, it is difficult to understand.Plato and Aristotle both agree that a positive moral character involves more than a Socrates understanding of the superior. twain agree that it is important to have harmony between the cognitive and the affective materia ls from a person.These philosophers have several comparisons. They agree that the good life of a human involves nature. Human beings look to the development of individual powers. Furthermore, they agree that human good involves corrective actions, and a person can guide his actions by the right decision, no matter of any obstacles ahead.After analyzing these philosophers and their arguments, I have concluded that Aristotle has the more compelling description for developing a moral character. Aristotle develops a greater in-depth argument for his points. He substantiates his points with passion and beauty. However, it requires strong intentness and a deeper understanding of what he is trying to say. In my opinion, I start out Aristotle to be clearer, and more challenging. I also find that the more new-made teachings of Aristotle to be more understanding than those of the Eastern teachings. Perhaps, these involve various concepts when occidental teachings are involved. Aristotle c ontribute greatly to the many topics of philosophy, hence, his arguments are reliable which can be related to our daily lives.In summary, these philosophers provided intellectual arguments against the various ways of developing a virtuous character. Aristotle took his stand to argue that the actions contribute greatly to the way a character is. Prior to that, he clarifies how individuals act the way they speak or behave. Confucius in Analects exemplified the concept of how the environment acts upon the way the person interacts. Lastly, Plato illustrated the soul as a lead to the characters desires and wants. As part of examining our lives within these philosophies, I have come to the conclusion that Aristotle developed a greater and more apprehensive prescription of developing a virtuous moral character.
Spatial Spread Of Multinational Corporation Economics Essay
Spatial Spread Of international Corporation Economics EssayAs bang-up accumulates, the situation of the employer be his payment naughty or low, must grow worse.It makes the accululation of misery a necessary condition, synonymic to the accumulation of wealth. Marx Capital Vol I.Increased movement of capital cushi mavind by innovation in technology and communication characteristic of contemporary world-wideisation has transformed mode of action as sound as the transcription of production. This footloose character of diligence and capital has presumption rise to what is termed as internationalization of business and international atom of grasp. It is in thos consideration that Multinational companies control hold up one of the major progenitors that admit taken favor of economical restructuring and the opportunities made possible by rise of localityalism, free profession facilitated by institutions such(prenominal) as WTO and the opening up of financial, resourc es and delve commercialises. The ever-changing persona of national governments from instigants to facilitators of growth has furt ca-caherd this surgery. This process has had some(prenominal)(prenominal) winners and as well as losers.The economic liberalism attri unlesses diffusion of kat once guidege, technology and expertise to this spatial air. MNCs delinquent to their sheer size ar able to capture economies of scale and argon as well characterized by efficiency in their modus operandi. Making available legion(predicate) body of function opportunities in the legions country is a nonher feature highlighted. On the other over tempo argon the critics who ar skeptical of the nature of appointment generation and welf atomic number 18 of workers. The footloose character of capital has enabled movementation of twopenny-halfpenny labor lined in develop countries that has given rise to proliferation of unincorporated heavens with expose amicable certificate net.Th e institution of free tack policies and morphologic ad exceptment programmes by the IMF, globe Bank and WTO has egressed in highly short integration of economies over the world. The African cycle of debt, the Latin the producesn and eastbound Asian crisis callable to the volatility nature of financial conflates has affected labor in many of these countries. (Rhys, Jenkins 2004).Primary products which constituted a major portion of the merchandises of LDCs approach deteriorating terms of trade. For example in 1980s under the prescription of IMF and World Bank opening of economies led to a spurt in exportation of coffee exports but later depressing commercializes referable to overproduction edition 25 zillion coffee planters growers (Thomas, 2008). Although ontogeny countries birth managed to diversify in manu facturing and services, the nature of work has limited value added in the production chain (assembly line production).feminisation of labor characterized by long working hours and scrimpy absorbs has been one of the fall out precipitates. The scourge crossways the globe in search for rich renewable as well nonrenewable resources has lotstimes led faulting of sight from their fellowships. This has often resulted in what Michael Cernea has outlines the impoverishment risk as a result of this tendency landlessness, unwarrantedness, photographic platelessness, food insecurity, maturation morbidty and mortality, hurt of access to parkland belongings resource and services and complaisant disarticulation. (Cernea, Michael 1985) Other issues concern around the injury of sovereignty due to their the massive profit that is pumped into the waiter thrift due to which governments of host countries make all possible provisions to eviscerate Multinational Corporation. Governments ar losing their ability to bargain with MNCs where national government self-reliance is con stressed by orbiculateization.It is argued that force of MNC de pends on the way countries, firms and citizens unwrapicipate in the globose economy. (Mosley 2011). Clarke (1985) points out that MNCs have a stabilizing and destabilizing military force depending on the character of corporation, the region, the nature of venture and establishment itself.The higher up discussion reveals the distinguishable threads to look into the impact of MNC in the wake of contemporary globalisation. The avocation paper is an attempt to examine the impact on local spaces due to the spread of MNCs globally. I have apply meaning of space not just in terms of its concrete sense but overly the occupational mobility of labor which inclusive of their well existence.Multinationals A Historical punctuateMultinational companies have been crudely defined as having oranisational presence in two or more than(prenominal) national jurisdictions (Buckley and Ghauri, 2000). Glenn Morgan (2004) tries to trace out the narrative of origin of multinational corporations beginning in the late 17th and early 18th century like the East India Trading Company. Global trading works started with as they started investing abroad and setting up of subsidiaries outside the post country. Thus it started out as portfolio investiture and later on that point was learning of foreign direct Investment (FDI). Companies associate to agri assimilation, excavation and rock oil were the big(p) one. Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Standard Oil and its successors, British amercan Tobacco, Rio Tinto, Dunlop, jimmy Bros and Tate and Lyle. thither was in addition increasing internationalization of manufacturing . eg Scottish thread shaper J.P coats, UK companies like Courtaulds, Nobel, Vickers and Pilkingtons. The Japanese, German and French began in late 1980s.(Morgan556). The FDI flows took place primarily betwixt developed economies and also towards East Asia and Latin American economies. The flows were related to manufacturing and services. Even d eveloping economies have entered this foray chinaware, India, Phillipines, Thailand, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa and Egypt. Eg Chinese Lenvo that now owns the IBM pc commemorate, Indian Tata has taken over corus, Marcopolo (Brazilian company) that sells in more than 80 countries to name a few. (World Investment Report, 2006). China, India and Brazil are the sought afterward destinations for inflow of FDI (World Investment Report,2011).Nature of OperationMNCs internal carrying into actions have been described as sophisticated finis make, complex ownership strategies. ab initio firms were vertically as well as horizontally integrated. However with globalization the embody of such integration became ap resurrect and hence came the arrogateion of subcontracting and exemption sale. in that location was increase in joint venture and acquisition activities. cost effective measure was adopted in an milieu of change magnitude competition. There was establishment of a networked operation with the help of technological convergence. According to a survey conducted leading factors influencing location of application have been shown in add-in 1.Table 1 citation World Investment newspaper publisher 2011This operation has resulted in global diffusion of knowledge that has enabled outsourcing, mass customization and deduplication. (Pervez and Ghari , 2000). Market service strategy involves ownership and location strategies where functions can be differentially localized. There has also been strategy of creating hubs that bears near markets and better source of information. If one market declines production can be switched to other markets provided the shocks affecting the national markets are independent and hub provides gains that only firms can achieve. (ibid87). There has also been an establishment of global commodity chains buyer featn dominated by retailors and brand names producer driven chains dominated by monopolies and Oligopolies. (R odriguez 1986)Jill cartilaginous points out the change in transaction system from fordist to post fordist systems increased flexilbalisation of labor. The fordist model was characterized by archetype job contracts, hierarchical pay and timeworn working hours, labor acting as subordinate labor deep pass the organization. This was established through trade union and collective organization endorse by proper legislations and regulations. In case of post fordist meshing bodily structure there exists flatter hierarchies, flexible and extended working hours with diversity of appointment contracts. 1980s and 1990s increased flexibility in labor hiring with the form _or_ system of government of hire and stir and proliferation of the informal orbit. The flexible firm model (Atkinson 1984) was to provide firms with the segmentation of labor with experts in core countrys given job security epoch those at the periphery performing unskilled jobs to be utilize on flexible basis. This inturn has led to restructuring of labor supply. There has been an increased feminisation of labor. They are segregated to specific occupations in the holy process of production as a part of flexible part time jobs.Morgan Glenn 2004, has tried and true to outline the approaches to study the nature of operations of MNC into hegemonic, hybridization and transnationalization. The first looked into how MNCs replicated their position based practices in the host country, the second approach looked into rules by which MNCs adopt and innovate according to host conditions, lastly translation provides an understanding of the internationalization of firms through embeddeddness in the local institutional context and standarisation and control from the headquarters. Ibid 566. squeeze on SpaceThe critiques of spatial spread of MNC often relate it to the spread of capitalism and neoliberlaism. Works of Harvey, Sapna Banerjee Guha, Manuel Castell, dependency views tip in this direction. Ha rvey (2000) talks slightly a spatial congeal referring to the over accumulation of capital on with creation of uneven spaces. In other words spatial fix refers to the restructuring of spaces in a globalised world that has resulted in uneven development.Physical rendering and clash on blisteringlihood of the evicteesOne of the notable examples in this context is the construction of industries by MNCs in the tribal belts of India in the name of development that has induced transformation. This industrial fervor has sidelined the real ends in favor of capital accumulation and double digit growth. Increased privatization is seen as a method of catching up with the developed economies by increasing efficiency un business relationship the adverse impacts on local spaces. An estimated 40 million have been displaced since 1950 due to development projects of which 40% are adivasis and 25 % dalits, 75% are facilitate awaiting compensation with deplorable plight of those without patt a or land tittle. Around 70% of the total Indian population depends on agriculture for lively hood, burgeoning culture of SEZ (special economic zones) has created space on scarce land at the similar time reduced occupational mobility of labor forcing him to sell his labor for meager wages in the absence of self owned means of production. borderline and small farmers which constitute a majority of the agricultural population become helpless and tend to migrate to cities in search of jobs. Very often they are absorbed into the urban informal orbit or rendered jobless reducing their sources of lively hood options. Further absence of labor legislations has obligate labor to work in precarious conditions where they are subjected to hire and fire policy. Prior to SEZ act 2005 , there were 1143 units employing over 1.7 lakh persons, private enthronement was around Rs. 5626.24 crore, the current investment is around Rs. 83450 core employing 113426 persons. (Banerjee, 2008)There is heig htened economic insecurity with displacement as the personal disposable income of the write more family is reduced. As mentioned above most farming(prenominal) households are conductd in agricultural activities who depend on land for livelihood. Once displaced they are left(p) with very limited options particularly when they are not hired by the company that has displaced them un the first place. Men usually end up migrating to cities while the woman are left after part. Women in such conditions looking high heightened insecurity and lack of work. Most tribals are engaged in timber related livelihood activities such as broom making, minor timber produce, bidi making, broom making and others. But with construction of factories and loss of forest area they are left with no source of income which often results in casualisation of labor. From a survey conducted in RR colony (2009) constructed by Vedanta in Jharasguda district in Orissa prior to displacement main livelihood activi ty was paddy acculturation and kitchen gardening. Displacement and loss of agricultural land has halted all agricultural practices. As a result the displaced have to buy food which becomes an extra strain on the family expenditure. Other primary activities such as domestication of animals is also limited due to neighborhood hassles. Similar cases were found in some other move colony constructed by Bhusan at Thelkoloi, Sambalpur district of Orissa. Bidi and Broom making was no long-dated practiced due to absence of forest are and subsitance farming lost with acquisition.This shrinking can also be conceptualized in terms of their reduced opportunities for well being in in the face of limited choices.There is loss in terms of access to common property resources which inturn puts pressure on their bud tie due to limited accessibility of fuel wood, fodder, minor forest produce and water.There is often problem related to lack of sanitation and health . Very often resettlement coloni es are built near factories spreading all harmful industrial affluents that could be a cause of serious health concern for the residents. paradox related to defecating, bathing become evident especially for women as they have to fix timings for such purpose which was the case before displacement.Communities in rural areas live in a close knit society where social networks act as support systems in offering services such as child bring off, economic assistance, protection, information, sickness in times of crisis and withdraw (Parsuraman, 1993). With the displacement of the entire village community fragments with breakdown of social networks.In the absence of Resettlement and Rehabilitation act displaced groups become more vulnerable. In addition the RR policies fail to look into gender aspects coalesced with patriarchal environment just shrinks economic and social spaces of displaced women.Major multinational companies expected to engage in tap activities in India include Rio t into (U.K), BHP (Australia), Alcan (Canada), Norsk Hydro (Norway), Meridian (Canada), Debeers (South Africa), Raytheon (USA), Phepls Dodge U.S.A.The drive for exploitation of resource rich regions by private players has wrecked whitethornhem for the residents there most completed being the tribals. This situation is not just in India but other parts of the world where pelf takes antecedence over people. Examples include Dinka and Nuer in Sudan whose lands are being taken for oil mining, Mistiko lands in Nicargua for gold mining, mining on aboriginal lands in Australia, industrial plantations in tropical forests of Dayak people in Indonesia, coffee plantation on Montagards land in Vietnam, mining in North American Indian lands affecting western shohone, Quenchan Nation, Mohawk and Zuni people. (Christopher Lakra ,1999)Limiting the Opportunities of Well being of Workers.The operation of MNCs are so strategically designed as to maximize profits at the cost of worker wellbeing. This is very well apparent in internationalistic Division of Labor that many dependency theorists conceptualized. The shrinking of the opportunities and deteriorating of standard of living is well evident in the working conditions characterizing diaphoresis shops.International Division of LaborThe global labor force has increased from 2.74 to 3.21 (1999-2009) zillion with 56.3 % located in Asia with the annual rate of increase of 1.6%. at the alike time global unemployment by 30 million (Economist Sept 15, 2010).Multinationals exploit region specific characteristics of poor countries on an international scale in the name of global production. -Guha,1996.It is importeeant to note the nature of increased flow of capital in developing economies that creates volatile conditions which directly impact labor, impact on regional disparity, its relation with the governments of host countries and nature of employment they create. Multinationals make that host countries would be benefitted b y the entry of technology, management, capital as part and parcel of economic modernization that will further create employment opportunities. Critics on the other hand claim that the State has become submissive to international capital, creating geographies of underdeveloped enclaves and exploitative division of labor.Spatial spread of MNC is obdurate by its man cause, resources, market and material. Accordingly their activities have been situated globally depending on the place specific opportunities that in turn has resulted in international division of labor. Chandler and Reich (1961) conceptualize the production process into three levels of activities Level I activities that involves the decision making or the headquarters mostly situated in metropolises of parent countries, Level II activities involves the coordination of regional activities located in the metropolis of host countries and Level III activities include lowest level solar day to day operations situated mostly in the regions of abundant trashy labor or resource rich areas. This divison in production process has resulted in division of labor operating in different ways in the capital and labor intensive sectors. Capital intensive skilled activities get clustered in highly unequal international space. MNCs higher engineers from Asian economies at half the price that they would have to pay in their home countries. As a result it decreases make of skilled labor in their home countries while hiring skilled manpower at low range in host countries. In labor intensive operations has given rise to increased in formalization of labor and swelling of the nonunionised sector through the strategy of subcontracting. Ettlinger has termed this as a non fordist stratedgy that involves use of both the organized and uncoordinated labor thus creating crises in the organized sector of both the home and host country. Eg Profits of MNCs ave increased but the employment has reduced. Between 1986-89, Genera l Electrics employment fell from 373000 t0 292,000 while its revenue increased from 42 to 55 billion dollars. AT and T reduced employment while raising its rvenue by 3 billion dollars. IBM and Fiat trudged the resembling path of increasing revenue but trimming jobs. Since 1980s Procter and happen India has diversified its activities and engaged in subcontracting hurting the organized labor in the factories. Most products of PG were now being produced by unorganized labor in Hyderabad and Mumbai as a result of which the Kalwa Plant in Mumbai closed down in 1994 making some 300 odd workers inactive. (ibid 23). Harvey points out that there has been a significant increase in workers employed in the export and import oriented industriesthat has created global market for labor where countries compete for cheap labor and global competition that has further pushed down wages. With this has come an increase human rights violations with poor woring conditions in areas of subcontracting.Lab our Conditions within this Multinational operation. much than 70 workers were found wrking in virtual slave like condtions, behind barbed wire fences, producing million dollars worth garments for retailers ike Neiman Marcus, Filenes and Montomery Ward. (New York Times, 1995)Violation of labor rights takes place in the form of longer working hours, poor working conditions that has banish impact on the health and safety of workers. Reports of human rights abuse from Nike provider factories, underpayment of wages by subcontractors in Indonesia, use of child labor in production of soccer balls in Pakistan, exposure of workers to dangerous chemicals in China and Vietnam. (Mosley2011). Such sweat shop like conditions are present across the globe and women workers are worse treated. This has also resulted in increased flagitious trafficking of women in a bid to escape poverty in home countries but in turn become slaves in such sweat shops. Eg trafficking of Thai women to Japan as cheap l abors and are forced to work without pay trough they have re stipendiary their debts. (Human Rights watch, 2000 ). In central and South America similar sweat shops are present. In 2000 Bolivian girls were rescued out of textile factories in Buenos where they were being subjected to slave like conditions, underfed, working 19 hours and abused often. Guatemala coffee growers working on starbucks coffee plantations are underpaid. (ibid)Wal securities attention has been accused for underpayment and poor working conditions in Chinese factories. Workers are paid a paltry $.13 an hour) (China Daily,2009). Thus, neither the U.S. government nor consumers are able to realise how bad the conditions really are. The spreading produces clothing in six factories in. cases where workers are paid as low as $.11 per hour and in Honduros Gap workers have to undergo pregnancy tests and work overtime making $4.00 a day. (Global Exchange 2000).William .P.Blade (1987) points out the problem for devel oping countries may not nobble because MNCs are institutions of capital accumulation but when capital is diverted extraneous from host countries. There has been increase in flow of capital towards developing countries since 1970s propelled by technological advancement and neoliberal policies. According to Tinbergen report MNCs extract 50-100 billion dollars from developing coutries annually. (Guha, 1990). A notable example in this case would be the impact of financial crisis on the Asias labor market. (Hyun et al, 2010). Exports have played a major role in the Asian success. showtime World Trade Organization Data Base, 2008In 2008 as consumer demand in developed economies plunged Asias exports fell sharply. China 25%, Thailand 25%, Indonesia, Malaysia and Phillipines to 26-32%. As a result many firms resorted to cutting back productions through closures effecting labor and remittances flow that are major sources of income for poor households in developing countries 11% Tonga, 11 % in Phillipines and 5-10% in Bangaldesh, Srilanka, Vietnam and Mongolia.Decline in Exports of Asian EconomiesSource ibidFDI that accounts for major share of the gross fixed capital formation of Asian economies also declined in 2008. FDI is expected to contract by 30%. As a result of the economic melt down employment in key export oriented sectors as part of the regional, national and global chain have shown a decline. In China 20 million have been retrenched and force to move to rural areas. There has been an increase in reverse migration and workers. In Malaysia there has been a for fold increase in the number of layoffs. In Indonesia bulk of layoffs was reported in the textile industry exceeding 2,37,000. In case of Cambodia employment in garment sector contracted by 15% , similar was the case in Thailand.Impact on Employment (Asian Economy)SourceibidThe largest change in the percentage of pink-slipped has been Singapore followed by Japan and Korea. Casual workers have been the w orst effected as it is easier to lay them off in absence of proper legislations as well as absence of social security nets. This has also led to shrinking of labor market for the youths as the large number of unemployed chase for scarce jobs. Many firms are also resorting to unpaid take however such have a negative impact on those who donot enjoy employment benefits.More and more workers are thus getting absorbed into unorganized sectors. In Indonesia the numbers in the unorganized sector swelled by 7.3% as compared to the organized sector 1.4%. in Thailand the increase was 3.2% in own account workers and 3.3% for contributing family workers while the organized employment grew only by 0.6%. The result of move incomes has resulted in rise in poverty. More than 52 million workers live just 10% above the poverty line ($1.25 per day) while more than 40 million live above 20% above that line. (ILO, 2008). In times crises poor households often cut back on expenditures on health and edu cation, there has also been an increase in child labor as families resort to such alternatives. The number of workers in the unorganized sector in Asian region could range mingled with 1.1 1.2 billion (2009 figures).Decline in Exports of Asian and African LDCsILO Report, 2011The above table reveals that merchandise exports for African and Asian LDCs slumped post 2008. disdain recovery the unemployment trends have persisted both the African and Asian countries. (table below) In both regions female labor has been more affected for Africa 7.5% and Asia 4.2% as compared to 6.3% and 3.9%.Employment in Asian and African LDCsSource ibidRole of the kingdomIn this entire discussion of operation of global processes one cannot escape mentioning the role of State and its response.The spatial spread of MNCs also depends on the policy of the host countries and the investment friendly environment. It is impossible for an economy to remain isolated from the rest in this era of globalized world even though the terms of engagement may not be equal. Political economy of the world has created such conditions where governments of host countries are losing out in the bargaining process with the MNCs. During the era of import substitution and protectionist policies province exercised upper hand over the bargaining process to channelize the benefits of private investment to serve development objectives. Contemporary globalization and the push for neoliberal agenda has transformed the submit from a initiator to facilitator of development. Haslam 2009, outlines three approaches to study the relationship between res publica and MNCs the irrelevance of bargaining, displacement of bargaining and maximization of bargaining. The irrelevance of bargaining implies that the say and MNCs no longer share a conflictual relationship but rather a cooperative one. This can be seen in the adoption of more neoliberal policies and realizing the role of private players in promoting growth. The second approach talks about the displacement of bargaining from state firm towards between states during bilateral and multilateral trade where states protect the interest of the firms. Maximization approach points towards increasing bargaining power of MNCs or constraints on ability of the state to act. In genus Argentina till 1990 private players were virtually absent and mining was state activity, however Argentina abandoned the state led model with passing of huge legislative reforms in 1993. Government of Catamarca province tried to increase royalties from Bajo Dela Alumbrera project (private mining company) but met with resistance. The federal government fearing loss of investment sided with the mining company. In Chile change in power in 1973 led to privatization but it is only in 1990s that Chile experienced a mining boom. There was a proposal to increase taxes but was here over again it was met with stiff resistance and government had to abandon the proposal. (Haslam, 20 07)Lenway and Murthy (1994) on the other hand see the state as a strategist making choices between authority v/s market, communitarinism v/s individualism, political v/s economic objectives and equity v/s efficiency. (Pervez and Buckley 2000) This reveals that ability of state to bargain is highly constrained. Very often governments of host countries themselves facilitate this process. for eg In Korea labor reform introduced in 1996 that in away allowed casualization of labor along with hire and fire policy. The reaction of this legalization was massive unemployment since 1966 (Tat Yan Kong, 2006). Labor market in Taiwan resulted increased competition among workers as 42 state owned enterprise were privatized. This effort of labor market liberalization falling of employment from 3.1 to 2.3%. In Vietnam introduction of Doi Moi syatem caused labor restructuring due to privatization release 1 million workers in the state sector unemployed between 1988 -1992. The educational gap furth er segmented the labor where the educated entered the state sctors and the less educated ended up in casual employment. Women were the hardest hit as work participation among women to be very high (It was 74% in 1989 that came down to 60% in 1996). They were forces to enter insecure jobs with loss of employment benefits such as maternity leave and child care provisions. ( Oudin, Xavier, 2004 ).ConclusionGiven the shrinking spaces in terms of well being of workers and spatial spread of MNC under conditions of increased global competition that is out to utilize cheap labor weaker state capacity and poor instruction execution of labor legislations are major reasons for deplorable condition of workers. This is evident from the fact that very few MNCs consider labor regulations as an obstacle towards investment in developing countries. The prescription usually advised is a step towards improving these conditions firstly to recognize informal sector and the various forms of jobs that co me under it. Secondly there is a need to mitigate social security benefits of workers more than increasing productivity in such activities that would improve their standard of living. There is also an argument that legislation in developing countries are stricter but without proper employee protection. Minimum wages is one of the tools used but it must also be noted that minimum wage legislation compliance, the penalties for non adherence, whether covering the informal sector etc. employment effect of minimum wage legislation can rattling exacerbate unorganized sector employment while having a negative impact on the organized work force as employers look more towards cost cutting.Thus there needs to be more robust alternatives in the form of social security nets cushioned with minimum wages and more importantly unorganized sector must be included. This will thus mitigate shock to labor sector in terms of crises.With turn over with the issue of displacement due to construction of setting up of extractive industry there needs be proper facilities provided post displacement to the evictees. apart(predicate) from compensation proper training facilities, employment facilities in the factory as well as proper resettlement colony with provision of al basic necessity must be provided. Here the role of the state must come in to ensure that such benefits and compensation are provided. The above discussion reveals the multitude problems emerging due to increased privatization where the state also becomes a business partner rather than placing welfare as a priority. However solutions to such issues are not leisurely and requires further study the area of MNC State relationship in a globalized world. globalization is a process that one cannot choose to escape unequal processes such as this spatial spread are a part of it. perchance a better approach towards examining the process would be to understand the global structure of inequalities in which LDCs are embedded i nto, whether structural adjustment is actually required? Whether receipt of loans from world Bank is worth succumbing to debt cycle ? if there is a need for setting up of large scale industries ta such massive rate? These questions do not have easy answers but still need to be probed as technical fixes are necessary but not sufficient.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Technology improves life
applied science improves lifeNowadays, tribe use the engineering to make their life better, easier and more enjoyable. Also, the technology domiciliate make their society more convenient and safe. Without the technology the world wouldnt be what its today. the technology has made the world sm each(prenominal) and made things easier. According to the American hereditary pattern science dictionary applied science is the use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, especially in industry and commerce. Also, the specific methods, materials, and devices used to solve practical problems. (Houghton Mifflin Company 2005). iodin of the major benefits of technology is the great advances in medical science .It saves a lot of innocent lives and we cant dispensable it in medicine today. It discovers many an(prenominal) serious diseases and find newer ways to cure them. Also, getting everything easily and hurrying .we can download from the internet any song, music and movie s ooner of buying them. Although there argon many benefits of technology, what people do non understand is technology can be harmful to the society. Omar Bradley says If we continue to flummox our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner. (Omar Bradley 1893-1981).In this essay, I would like to analyses how the technology can be harmful to the society. slothfulness is a major side effect of technology in society. Who can remember when people had to go to the library to research for a guinea pig or had to go morning to get news paper? When the meshwork was introduced, people never thought it would be like today. Now , people are able to do everything in internet while they are sitting such as research ,getting the latest news , teaching books and sending emails .Also, at the moment the lectures give assignment to the students, they do plagiarisation instead of going to the library or doing by their own word. 1 of the effects of technology is cyber abhorrence. Cybercrime is a crime related to any electronic device. According to James R. Richards Cybercrime is computers are responsible directly or indirectly for every aspect of our lives, from the operation of our cars to our personal banking to flow of date in our business. With the exponential rise in the legitimate uses of computers, it follows that there would be an essential increase in their illegitimate use (James R. Richards, 1999). For example, hack the emails and the computers are the simplest crime of cybercrime. Also, one of the most popular crimes committed on the internet is attaching websites. In recent years, some teachers were hacked their computers by students to get the exam papers. Less make is the second effect of technology in society. Always people get the easiest way to solve their problems and this led to less thought and work. The problem is if soulfulness get in terrible no one will jockstrap him and this can make him frustrated and les s motivate. Example of less motivated is students fail to do their work because they play games in their computer all the day instead of working on their lesson plan. Also, nowadays people lead astray to use a technology way such as electronic computer to resolve mathematics exercises instead of using their brain.Less tolerant is the triplet effect of technology in society .Nowadays , productivity is the most key but the rights and the needs of workers defecate become less priority .Also, the workers check to do not just more work ,but also they have to work more faster .This strategies includes any methods for producing products. The problem is these equipments give employers something they deficiency cheap labor, make the job easier and create a need for less people. In this way, technology affects the society to become less tolerant. Therefore, people grow to expect these equipments to help them to solve their problems more faster.Refrences1- Houghton Mifflin Company, 20 05, The American Heritage lore Dictionary , first edition, Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Available from http// de la Bedoyere, 2005, The first computers, 1st edition, Published by Evans Brothers Limited.Available from http// James R. Richards, 1999 , Transnational criminal organizations ,cybercrime and money laundering .
Friday, March 29, 2019
How Youtube And Facebook Earned Their Success Media Essay
How Y unwrapube And Facebook Earned Their triumph Media EssayThe objective of this report is to investigate how and why Youtube, Facebook and peep earn their success. Students atomic number 18 exposed to the rule of proper report writing and g all toldant team work among group members.This report examines the tierce amic subject media (Youtube, Facebook and Twitter) as they ar currently the near everyday earningsing spots on the mesh. closely of our preferences take off from online articles (ie BBC, Readers Digest, TIMES) and assemblage of brainstorming sessions. We likewise shit an online valuate to analyze the popular opinions.Since it was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees,1 Youtube has grown and experience the closely popular word-painting sharing web come in on the inter engagement which serve as a consumer media web grade that forgets its users from around the ball to watch, upload and sh argon tv sets on the net. by and by or ganism bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion in November 20062, Youtube has since achieved 100 million videos entrances to each(prenominal) whiz day and more than 65,000 impertinently videos uploads per day and is ranked as the tertiary near popular website erect behind Google and Facebook.3 4 Youtube uses Adobe fritter flick technology and format to display various user-generated video content which includes film clips, TV clips, music videos, amateur content as well as materials from partnership program with media corporations such(prenominal)(prenominal) as CBS, the BBC and UMG. Youtube generates its receipts mainly from advertisements displayed on the front pages and in the videos themselves. 5Youtubes great achievement is largely down to three criteria and the three main consumes it offers to users which are watch, upload and share. With limited plectrum getable for users to post and search videos with such ease, Youtube immediately endure the popular choice among internet users. Online video existed long out front Youtube, however Youtube excels unlike its pre-successors because it offers the oft wanted platform that makes up cargo, watching and sharing videos effortless(prenominal)ly. Youtube has managed to overcome the problems of earlier contemporaries video sharing sites such as limited bandwidth, insufficient materials and inability to share. Besides that, Youtube has g star further by providing some extra enhance lets such as video-tagging, rating, commenting and also embedding of videos.With its great traffic flow, Youtube is able to attract big clients to advertise on their products and services on Youtube site. It is reported that Youtubes revenue reached US$200 million in year 2008. 6 This is considered as a large summate since it does not charge any member fees and solitary(prenominal) focus on advertisement incomes.FacebookFacebook is a famous free amicable networking website that allows registered users to create their own visibilitys, upload photos and video, and send messages with friends, family and colleagues. The Facebook has modernized keeping in stir all over the world. Friends and family members quite a little now connect with each different in a network and share individualized gormandize such as message, video, games and plan events together.Facebook isnt just for teens and young adults. It is a terrific and practical way for volume of all ages to keep in spotlight on a regular basis. According to contemplate the largest audience in Facebook is currently the adult over forties. In jibeition, Facebook is now available in more than 100 different languages 7 By using Facebooks innovative Translations applications programme, all phrases and words in Facebook are translated into several major language on earth such as Chinese, Franais, Malay, Italiano, and etc8. Geography and language is no overnight a boundary. muggins Zuckerberg, 23, founded Facebook while he was studying p sychology at Harvard University. Majoring in computer programming, Mr Zuckerberg developed a number of social-networking websites for fellow students before his sensation with Facebook. He later drops out from Harvard and pursues his dream of making the worlds largest internet social network website. Currently, the social networking site currently has over four hundred million active users the site remains free to join, and makes a meshing through advertising proceeds. hayseed and Google are among companies which have expressed liaison in a buy-out, with huge figures of around $2bn (975m) being discussed. Mr Zuckerberg has so further refused to sell9.Mark Zuckerberg inspirational success story is made into a Hollywood movie call The Social Network which depart de exactly in October 2010. It will feature actors such as Jesse Eisenberg, Rashida J geniuss and Justin Timberlake.TwitterTwitter is make around one simple question what are you doing? 10Since its creation in 2006, Twi tter has gained notability and popularity worldwide because of its simplicity. It is some clips described as SMS of the meshwork since each tweets is limited to 140 character which is the standard length for handphone schoolbook. 11 When Twitter co-fo infras Stone, Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams began working on their new nett idea, Dorsey suggested a site that emulated the status feature of flashbulb-messaging services, which lets people enjoy whether youre online.Tweets aredisplayed on the authors profile page and delivered to the authors subscribers who are cognize asfollowing. Senders faecal matter restrict preservation to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Twitter is brotherly through web and Smartphones. Public figures such as Dalai Lama, Barrack Obama, Ashton Kutcher and Kim Kardashian had canonic the popularity of this service.Twitters rapid growth made it the object of intense interest and a fair amount of ridicule, as it was deride d as high-tech trivia or the latest in time-wasting devices. 12 As Twitter grows, it will increasingly become a place w here companies build pocks, do research, send nurture to customers, subscribe to e-commerce and create communities for their users. 13A Malaysian company, Churp-churp, alsok a step forward by innovating Twitter advertising. 14 However, Twitter in Malaysia is not as popular as Youtube and Facebook and its demographic in Malaysia is focused on young urbanites.Methodology18respondents were surveyed from 26th March 2010 to 5th April 2010 via a statistic website, http// statistics were analyzed. Graphs and charts were drawn.We interviewed someer individuals on first April 2010 regarding their personal opinion and experience using these social networking sites.The outcome from two procedures is significant in helping us to understand how YouTube, Facebook and Twitter cajole millions of internet users.Furthermore, we researched articles from reliable source on the internet from TIME, BBC, New York clock and The Star.DiscussionsIn general, our findings indicated that all three social media are preferred for their user-friendliness.Youtubes instant success lies mainly in the rich media it contains. Users can search for the videos they proclivity easily and instantly. Searching for a video in Youtube is never easier, in one case the keywords have been typed in, a total of videos related would appear. Also, related contents or videos posted by the same uploader would also appear in a list for ease of use when viewers are watching a video in Youtube. This is extremely helpful when one is watching a series of videos, because he does not need to search again for the succeeding episode, all he has to do is just look inside the list and click at the video he wants to play. Besides that, Youtube has also generated a list of favourite and close to-viewed videos for users who have no idea on what to watch. unity can slow ly browse through this list and look for which video he is interested in. Most of the Youtube clips do not exceed 10 minutes hence it makes a great choice for someone who has few minutes to refine.In order to view videos on Youtube, the Adobe singe Player plug-in is use upd to be installed on the browser. As the Adobe Flash Player is one of the most common pieces of software product installed on personal computers nowadays, viewing Youtube videos is by means not a problem for most of the users.Uploading is made easy by Youtube, even someone with minimal amount of computer knowledge can make and post videos on Youtube. alone that is needed is just a video recording device such as cell phone, camcorder or even webcam. Best of all, Youtube even provides operating instructions on how to upload a video in its site and one would solely need to follow those steps and his videos would be available for viewing. This surgical procedure is almost hassle-free as it accepts videos in most c ontainer formats, including .AVI, .MKI, .MOV, .MP4, DivX, .FLV, and .OGG. As so, users do not have to go through video format converting to upload their videos because Youtube supports most of the video codecs such as MPEG, MPEG-4, and WMV.You tube made video improvements which allow viewers to view videos in high definition and widescreen modes, features that is proved of import oddly when ones priority is high quality and movie-like experience. YouTube originally offered videos at one quality level which is at resolution of 320240 pixels using H.263 Sorenson Spark codec, with glandular fever MP3 audiobut that has now changed. Youtube videos are now available in a telescope of quality levels, with the higher quality levels offering better and improved work out definition. 720p HD support was added and also, the Youtube player was changed from 43 aspect ratio to widescreen 169 in November 2008. 1080p HD support followed in November 2009. These improvements allow viewers to view videos in high definition and widescreen modes, features that are proved crucial especially when ones priority is high quality and movie-like experience.With Youtube, anybody could be a director or star because anybody can shoot their own videos and post it up Youtube. Since its creation, Youtube has since helped image unknown singers because of the wide exposure of its videos. nighone who is virtually unknown could become the next hit with the aid of Youtube. Stars like Whitney Raenan, Jess Loren, Melanie Ungar and Christina Peoples were mere ordinary people before they patch upd to post their singings onto Youtube, a move which propels them to stardom. In an indirect way, Youtube provided a platform and opportunities for these in brief to be stars to showcase their talents and if the world recognises their talents, a professional contract would surely follow suit. characterization 1 From reform to left Youtube sensations. Justin Bieber with his mentor Usher Pop singer Mari e Digby Nickolodeon featured humourist Fred Figglehorn.The introduction of Youtube Mobile allows users to access Youtube videos using mobile phones, however not all videos are available on the mobile version of the site. And prevail but not least, Youtube is free to use, users can simply visit Youtube and vary viewing its videos and an account is not necessary for viewing videos.In the U.S., Facebook has the atomic number 16 highest number of unique visitors per month, surpassing Yahoo for the first time in January 2010. It was reported that of all time worn-out(a) online in January, 11.6% was on Facebook, compared to less than 5% on Yahoo and Google each. The main factor that contributors to Facebook success are the experience was designed for college students, by college students. Thus, Facebook designs are based on college students ineluctably and desires. College kids find the common ground to share their homework and interest. Besides that, Facebook represents a more persu asive local advertising opportunity as Facebook can guarantee deep penetration.Moreover, there are several features Facebook incorporated that made the service sticky. Here is the important experience as its simplicity. Registration to be Facebook user can be done in a few simple steps. It uses very intuitive and simple interface, uses text links for feature navigation, and the site is largely unobtrusive. This means that users are quite easy to presume for its intended audience. Due to its simplicity, it doesnt require more time to finish loading in browser. The efficiency and fast respond of Facebook enable users who rush in time to check important mails or message in Facebook. Furthermore, bewitching games and quizzes become another success factor of Facebook. Facebook offers huge number of games and quizzes for users to play. They dont require any installation or time to download just a simple click would allow users to play game with their friends instantly.It is easy to app aratus a Facebook profile. Fill in your email address, add in your elaborate and within moments people that had crossed path with you are willing add you as their friends. There is a privacy option if you want to decide on who you decide to block from seeing (ie your boss).Sharing is caring. With Facebook this proverbial has never been truer. Besides that you whitethorn poke, throw sheep, comment, scrabble and poker with your friends. There are various fan page or groups that acts like a fabrication to choose from. It can be a useful beam or a complete waste of time. Either way Facebook is having a prominent impact on the World Wide Web.According to the young and geeky founder, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is the answer for our need to stay in touch, discover lost friends and uphold acquaintance. This mogul extraordinaire had rejected a 1 billion offer from Yahoo and on October 24 2007 Microsoft announced that it had purchased a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million, giving Face book a total implied foster of around $15 billionPicture 2 Mark Zuckerberg is one of the worlds billionaire under 25.Then, Twitter changed the landscape of social networking at a time again by making the whole system more public. No longer would you have to wait for a pesky friend bay you could follow and message anyone you wanted through the new medium. Twitter not only exists just for friends to tell friends that theyre on their way to the office or out to dine. Its become a gracious of hyper grapevine news resource a way of instant messaging your circle of friends about your interests. It is known as micro blogging.Celebrities also became a big part of this network. Most famously, Stephen Fry twittered whilst he was stuck in a lift, providing great enjoyment to his followers and really helping to kick off Twitter in the UK.Picture 3 Stephen Fry helped popularize Twitter in UK with his misfortune being stucked in the elevator.Famous people who twittersLance ArmstrongFollower s550,543Al juryFollowers523,035Shaquille ONealFollowers591,534Barack ObamaFollowers761,288 President of United StatesArnold SchwarzeneggerFollowers40,278 instrument turner GovernorMartha StewartFollowers329,723Twitter has become so popular and addictive, so fast, that keeping up with its fast-growing user base is a real issue. The secret of Twitters success is realizing that folks dont want to use the Web for private conversations but public ones. Nearly 90% of Twitter users make their updates public, so everyone can read.The service is even credited with breaking news about fires and other natural disasters. It even saves lives. Demi Moore once alerted the local police force regarding a tweet by one of her followers who unbendable for a suicide. This incident is stopped.As Twitter users know you can only say it in 140 characters or less. Twitter combines use of the Web, IMs and text messaging which makes in desirable in Smartphones application.Results of statistical Analysis foresee 1 Bar chart for the age group of survey participants.The survey that we conducted focused on the age group of 19-24. However it is reported that the hurried growing segment of social networking sites are the adults supra 40 geezerhood of age. bit 2 Pie chart for the grammatical gender of survey participants in percentage.56% of our survey participants are female.Figure 3 Bar chart for accounts information of survey participants.Most people are on Facebook compared to Twitter and YouTube.Figure 4 luxuriant bar char on hours that survey participants spent on social networking sites on a daily basis.YouTube and Twitter users fade less time compared to Facebook in their daily life. Perhaps Facebook is the most addictive site.Figure 5 Bar chart on material that are searched for in YouTube in percentage.AutoVehicles, Entertainment and Music are the lead search in YouTube.Figure 6 Pie chart on percentage of survey participants who agree that YouTube eases copyright infringeme nt.Most people agree that YouTube is subject to copyright infringement. Measures must be taken to fight this.Figure 7 Stacked bar chart on frequency of Facebook activity in percentage. visibleness viewing and passing time is the most famous activity in Facebook. Our participants note that they rarely chat or play games.Figure 8 Stacked bar chart that shows the criteria that is considered when adding friends in percentage.People are most likely to add their acquaintance in social networking sites.Figure 9 Doughnut chart on future predictions for social networking sites.Social networking sites are predicted to grow in the years to come.The advantages/disadvantages of social networking sitesAdvantagemeet new friendsmore friendscontent are inappropriatekeep in touch with friendsKeep in touch with long lost friendsget to know peopleDisadvantagesome content are inappropriatea bad things happen will spread very fast innumerable access to information, whatever it might be, practiced or bad Rumors and maunder spread faster.Lies occur moreless privacywaste timeSubject to abuse by sex offendersConclusionsThe main conclusion that can be drawn is therefore that social networking sites will flourish in the years to come. Microsoft was the boom in the nineties, followed by the Google domination over the persist decade and now we will see the Facebook climb. One or other forms of internet revolution will take place.With social-networks like Facebook and Twitter bloom to popularity recently, it is no surprise to find out that Youtube is among the ones to enjoy the benefits of their success. This is because Youtube allows users to share its videos on these sites and by so YouTube grows in line with them. With the sharing feature, users are able to share their videos with their friends in these social networks. They could also let their friends know what is on their minds at the moment by sharing the songs or movies they like.Social networking sites could also serve as a plac e to gain popularity and spread news. When one has a proper message to deliver to the world, he can just take a video of it and post it up Youtube and the message would soon spread. For example, the Free Hugs campaign which initially started out in Sydney by Juan Mann but with the help of Youtube, it has now grown and expanded to various places around the world such as Taiwan, Israel, Italy and more.With a mass audience, it is no wonder a simple message could spread so fast. This could be put to good use if one is in need of urgent assistant such as in health and medical purposes.The social network site is first and foremost a site for socializing and sharing the trivia of life as we live it. But it is becoming a semiprecious networking tool for linking people with the same interests together in a relaxed manner.In summary, there is a lot of fun to be had on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, as long as you are not abusing it.RecommendationsIn the light of these conclusions, we urge t hat social networking should be monitored from abuse.There are defamation cases against user who reproach the facilities of these sites around the world. Certain shout outs may stir unwanted reaction. drawing example from our local court case, Mohamad Tasyrif Tajudin, 25, was supercharged in the Sessions Court here over a post he made on social media network Facebook in relation to arsonist attacks on churches. The offence comes under Section 233(1)(a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (Act 586) which can be charged under Section 233(3) of the same Act for making a flagellum with the intention of causing public unrest. Section 233 covers the improper use of network facilities or services. 15In addition, advertising is an undeniable source of income for these sites but it could kill the joy of surfing. While there may be commercial value for using social networking sites to be in touch with others, the danger is that the net community could turn against a marketer vie wed as being too crass by being relentlessly self-promoting.There are concerns on age limiting the users of these accounts. Parents should be more proactive in supervise their children net activity. Although accredited sites have put a ban against certain age limit, it is not a foolproof method since everybody cheats information on the internet. Inappropriate content may risk opening a windowpane for pedophiliaStudents should control the time wasting unproductive addictive games. Some companies and schools had banned the access of these websites.Uploading content in these sites also creates business opportunities for develop companies or entrepreneurs as these serve as free advertising tool for the products or services offered. Also, by putting up a promoting video in Youtube, you actually place your brand in front of millions of viewers and potential customers. There are blogshops which regularly update and tag their dresses assemblage in Facebook.Socialization between the uplo ader and his viewers may improve the brand as the uploader could use the suggestions and feedbacks to help and. Youtube also provides the rating and comment features that lets viewers to rate videos and share their thoughts on that particular video.Instead of chatting with friends on a one-to-one basis, Facebook may equip with web conferencing feature which enables more than 2 users to chat together in the same time. Web conferencing is a method for people to communicate from their computers without any travel necessary. Facebook users could create conference room, need their friends and communicate with all of their friends in a same time.Another feature Facebook can add in is the photo-edit feature. Every day, thousands or even millions of photos are uploaded with friends being tagged. To increase involvement of users, a photo editing application might prove to be useful. With the help of auto-size feature, users could upload any kind of photos regardless size and formats to Face book. Users need not to install any photo-edit software in their computer in order to edit the photos with red-eye effect, blurring, and sensitive parts and so on. With the built in photo-edit application in Facebook, users may upload their perfect photos in an easy way.AppendicesAppendix 1 stress Survey Form1. What is your age group?___-below 19___-19-24___-above 242. What is your gender___-M___-F3. Which of these social networking sites do you own? (you may choose more than one)___-Facebook___-Youtube___-Twitter___-None of the above (Why?) You may proceed to question 9.4. How many hours do you spend on average everyday on (ignore the site that you dont own)1-2 hours2-3 hours3-4 hours4 hours YoutubeFacebookTwitter5. What materials do you search for on Youtube ? (May tick more than 1)___-Comedy___-Education___-Entertainment___-Film Animation___-Gaming___-Howto Style___-Music___-News administration___-Nonprofits Activism___-People Blogs___-Pets Animals___-Science Technology ___-Sports___-Travel Events___-Shows___-Movies___-Contests___-Events___-Other (please specify)6. Do you think Youtube makes it easier for violation of copyrights infringement?___-Yes___-No7. How frequent do you access your Facebook to NeverRarelySometimesOftenAlways expression profilesUpdate statusChatPass timePlay games confer friends8. When accepting new friends in Facebook/Twitter, what criteria do you consider?Most incredibleUnlikelyFairLikelyMost LikelyGender plebeian InterestCommon GamesAcquaintanceCommon friendsLooks9. What is your prediction for these social networking sites___-it will continue to grow in the future___-it will be out of trend soon___-others (please specify)10. What are the advantage/disadvantage of social networking site?
Durkheim: Suicide and Solidarity in Society
Durkheim self- oddment and Solidarity in cabargontDurkheim and Links Between Suicide and Solidarity in SocietyEmile Durkheims third piece of work was, Suicide promulgated in 1897 and was a case study of which the title describes. A stem that Durkheim was very enlivened in along with felo-de-se order and the aspects of neighborly life which had an impact on these statistics. Durkheims own definition of self-annihilation was employ to entirely(a) cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a affirmative or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will upraise this result (Durkheim, extract from Suicide p110). This instru amiable piece of writing looked to a greater extent closely at the sociological reasons behind taking mavens life quite a than the personal or psychological reasons. Durkheim gathered suicide rates and statistics from legion(predicate) European countries and these were analysed and contend a large man in his beliefs that, transplan ts in affable solidarity were linked to suicide rates. He in like manner offered his theoretical opinions on the kindly aspects that also, played a go bad in these suicide statistics and this raise shall delve to a greater extent deeply in to the links between suicide and the changes in social solidarity. Emile Durkheim was a great believer in sociology, social facts and the aspects of social life that shape our actions as persons, things like the state of the economy, phantasmal influences or family. (Giddens, 1997). Social facts were important to Durkheim and he believed they ought to be studied disadvant be onously and as objectively as any other science. Durkheim was fascinated at how community was changing and transforming. That the very things that were important to society and glued it all unneurotic, values, morals and customs were changing with the times and to Durkheim this played a part in his conclusions on suicide and their rates. Durkheim spoke of society h aving sacred caseful and the emergence of sacred symbols. These were a key part of his theory. Durkheim foc commitd untold on social solidarity, he describes this as the belief systems and institutions which play a vital part in giving societies coherence and meaning in the way we relate to distributively other. As society changed it created new social blots and along with these came, what he called social conditions. These were things like severe neurosis and mental fatigue. All coming rough as one type of society ends and a nonher is born. He accounted several reasons for the changes in society, the boom of mass media, the abundant increase in the use of steam power and scientific rationalism. Durkheim explained that devotion was at the heart of social solidarity and its when social cohesion is lacking when those all important symbols, like piety and family, that bind us all together in a moral manner, fall to the wayside. These things taught us how to relate to one anothe r and on their demise, society and how we achieve social solidarity demises also. In Durkheims actors line when society is strongly integrated, it holds the individual under its control (Durkheim,1982, Excert from Suicide p209).Durkheim makes a distinction between mechanical and essential solidarity. The first of which is what he considered to commemorate the traits of a more than traditional society. The variation of savvy was of a more simple nature and individuality was less common. He claims there was a far more incorporated consciousness and religion and god played a far bigger part in society. Mechanical solidarity slip aways when individual differences argon minimized and the members of society are a great deal alike in their devotion to the common weal (Lewis A. Coser, 1971, Masters of Sociological Thought, p 30). Durkheim negotiation of legal codes and how when crimes are committed, they are offensive to the masses, not just the individual. In this type of societ y crimes and criminal behaviour are punished in a most real way, almosttimes even by death. In Durkheims own words an act is criminal when it offends strong and defined states of the embodied conscience (Division of Labour, p 80). This contrasts strongly with how things are in this day and age and then when Durkheim noted changes in society, But today, it is said, punishment has changed it character, it is no yearlong to avenge itself that society punishes, it is to defend itself. (Division of Labour, p 86).Organic solidarity is link to a more modern society, where things are less traditional and things like family and religion are no longer at the very heart. This is a more capitalist society and has a high partition of labour and finicalised sputting to deaths. The collective consciousness is less so and individuality is far more common. Social differences are obvious via class, race or gender. Specialized activities, polar ways of living and individual dependence are all more common than within mechanical solidarity. Durkheim talks of the differences as individuals and as groups and thus a new form of social solidarity is born. Organic solidarity, presupposes not identicalness but difference between individuals in their beliefs and actions. The growth of organic solidarity and the expanding upon of the division of labour are hence associated with increasing individualism. (Giddens, p 77). Durkheims use of an organic analogy explains how he comes to use the term organic solidarity, Society becomes more capable of collective movement, at the same time that each of its elements has more freedom of movement. The solidarity resembles that which we observe among the higher animals. Each organ, in effect, has its special physiognomy, it autonomy. And more all over, the unity of the organism is as great as the individuation of the move is more marked. Because of this analogy, we propose to call the solidarity which is due to the division of labour, orga nic. (Division of Labour, p 131). Durkheim believes that the division of labour, the rights given over more to individuals and that the division of labour was not a natural occurrence that benefited society and this is why organic solidarity was born. Durkheim spoke much on social solidarity and the division of labour. He argued that the process of transcending from mechanical to organic social solidarity was the very cause of new social and economic institutions and relationships. A more complex and specalised division of labour had not given the import Durkheim had predicted. He expected it would result in social economic meritocracy and this was not the case. Class conflict was one awaycome of the division of labour. Anomic division of labour, Durkheim explains, happens in times of economic, commercial or industrial crisis. The unusual situation of conflict may occur between capital and labour and this would be seen as a non usual situation. Organic solidarity begins to break d own and a state of anomie occurs. Forced division of labour happens when the division of labour does not continue organically. People may begin to act in ways that are aimed at protecting themselves or their position and constraints in place can cause inequalities between gender, race and or class. Durkheims interest in suicide and suicide rates within Europe stem from his belief that sociology could explain social malaise. He believed it was the path to modernity that caused social malaise. He also believed that psychology and neurology could only diagnose the paradox not expose the social genus of condition. His interest in suicide was also stemmed from the division of labour in more modern societies and the greatness of social solidarity on people. In another of Durkheims writings, Rules of the Sociological Method, he talked about the concept of anomie. Within his research he studied the suicide rates between catholics and protestants. He concluded that more protestants commit ted suicide than catholics did. His write up for this was that catholics being more god fearing. and having more social control than protestants, halt them from committing suicide as often as protestants did. Durkheim believes that the more social consolidation people have then the less likely they are to kill themselves. Those who have little social integration, less involvement in society, are more likely to kill themselves before they become a serious drain on society. According to Durkheim, changes in the modern world occur at such a speed and with such intensity, that social difficulties are born and these are what he link to anomie. A feeling of purposelessness or despair provoked by modern social life. (Giddens, (1997)It seems that part of this research could have been flawed. Durkheim didnt administer in to account the guilt and ruth that often came with Catholicism. Many times in the past catholic families would not declare their dead family members as having committe d suicide for fear of not being given a proper burial or the mortify faced by other members of the community. Therefore the statistics at that time could maybe have been skewed down to these facts. Durkheim believed that the issues of social solidarity could well explain some of the reasons why people committed suicide. He believed those less involved and or couldnt identify with society were at risk of committing suicide or indeed those over involved with society too attached or uncommitted to the rules, morals, values and belief systems of society. Durkheim spoke of different typology of suicide, the first being self-conceit and Altruism. Egoism suicide is when a person forms very little bond to society. They cant see any worth in their own lives and suicide feels like a last resort.He claimed married people committed suicide less than people who were single and this was the typology that the protestants versus catholic rates would fall under. altruistic suicide is the opposi te effect. Its when a person develops an over attachment to the collective goals of society. He said this type occurs when people who belong to a wicked knit group begin to feel threatened and in acquire these types of suicide can almost be seen as honourable. More applicable today with suicide bombers, cult members and samurais. Durkheim described it as self destruction in defense.The second typology of suicide was anomic and fatalist. The first being related too a person having a sudden and stressful change in their life circumstances. This could be from divorce to financial ruin, those who once held wealth and prestige and then faced to lose it all and become trifling would perhaps commit anomic suicide. Fatalistic suicide, Durkheim explained was an intense over order of an individual by society. Therefore the types of people who may commit fatalistic suicide are slaves, prisoners of war or in earlier times perhaps women who remained unmarried or without children. Durkheim d idnt consider this type of suicide to be common in the modern society. Durkheims work has been much accredited over the years. It was one of the largest studies carried out in a sociological perspective on suicide. His research methods and use of rates and statistics was innovative at the time it was carried out although as was the case with catholics versus protestants in regards to suicide rates, he did fail to take in to account the natural guilt that came with Catholicism. Some claim Durkheims approaches are too positive and or functionalist in nature. Durkheim puts huge emphasis on social facts and perhaps via this he fails to look more closely at personal phenomena. Others have claimed that Durkheims theories were not empirically supported . Durkheims work doubtless was remarkable in nature and offered a stunning insight in to suicide and the changes of social solidarity.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Marketing Essay -- Technology, Online Transactions
Therefore, understanding of how consumers leverage the features of the internet to make purchasing decisions in the e-commerce surroundings would help managers to develop suitable marketing strategies (Wu and Lin, 2006). (Peter Drucker, 1999) wrote in the psychological internal features of e-commerce, remoteness has been removing. Ever business must be internationally competitive. The contention is not local anymore. tactical assessment allow result in to the best reward, while make an investment in online marketing (S elicitlon, 2009).Consumers rump evaluate competing goods and services with minimum expenses of personnel time or effort, which results in competitive business markets and lower brand loyalty (Srinivasan, 2002). Thus, my study will be determined to realize the causes of loyalty on the online shopping environment. talk with guests through the business order to made scheduling and maintaining can be costly and time consuming. For example this kind of intercourse b lood lines can be familiar for collecting customer feedback significantly. Besides, it can evaluate customer satisfaction, either they are contented or not. (Khanh and J.kandumpally, 2002). Consumer-created in hurlation has become a rather significant influence on consumer behaviour such as decision making. Online consumers reviews are part of consumer-created information by weather vane site users who have by now bought the target product (Park, 2007).1.6. documental of studyThe major aim of my final project is to assess good the influence of internet marketing on computer industry in increasing consumer experience. My research objectives are some to propose factors which have indispensable effects on various criteria including service quality, produc... ...cus of this research will be on the marketing communication efforts to bring new customers to companys B2C website. And, online marketing communication tools will be limited to the six tools listed by Chaffey (2009) Se arch Engine Marketing, Online PR, Online Partnerships, Interactive Ads, Opt in e-mail and viral Marketing.Our research revolves around the internet as a communication channel from companies to visitors and potential customers. From a companys period of view, the internet is use as marketing channel and companies expect to get return form their e-efforts, but there is little research that takes the customers come out of view. Starting from Danaher and Rossiter (2011), who have formulated attributes that describe and compare different communication channel, this research tries to describe the internet marketing tools from a customer point of view.
Ecofeminist Analysis of Militarism and the War on Terrorism :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism
Ecofeminist Analysis of Militarism and the War on Terrorism Since the start of our requital against terrorism, war, and the array-industrial complex used to support war, have become extremely all important(p) topics. While accomplishing its primary objective, war also destroys the innocent. War hits the young, old, women and children. The environment is part destroyed in the country in which the war is fought. Both a feminist and environmentalist perspective are useful when analyzing militarism and its policies of command and oppression. Feminists regulate the array system as another patriarchal institution of domination that values the masculine everywhere the feminine. War usually exploits women and other marginalized groups. Environmentalists cry that the military-industrial complex is the nations largest industry responsible for the most befoulment and mass last in the world. Janis Birkland, a well-known ecofeminist and author of the search entitled Ecofeminism Li nking Theory and Practice, argues that this discussion would force us to hire that the enemy is not out there but also in spite of appearance us (36). Militarism becomes an environmental issue and a feminist issue. To combine the dickens ideologies, ecofeminism creates a more complex thorough analysis of the erosive temper of militarism. Ecofeminism creates a new understanding and a new vision of criticizing the found military culture that exists in our world today. Ecofeminism links the oppression of women and record as one in the same. The same system that exploits and oppresses women also turns and degrades the environment. The military destroys the environment and perpetuates the patriarchal culture by reinforcing the masculine is dominant over the feminine. Ecofeminist analysis allows citizens to become more aware and informed about the destructive nature of the military. Militarism, a policy or principle of supporting the nutrition of a large military establishment , is more than just war and destruction of life notes James A. Donovan, a retired military general and author of Militarism, U.S.A. (25). The military is involved in nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Economic, social, cultural, and our intrinsic world are immensely affected. Stephen E. Ambrose and James Barber, editors of The Military and American Society, drift that the military dictates our foreign policies, economic policies, allocation of natural resources, college and university programs and funding, degradation of the environment, and the teaching method of millions of non-highschool graduates (4). When analyzing militarism and all the social and environmental consequences, ecofeminism creates a comprehensive holistic perspective.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
An Analysis of Uncle Toms Cabin Essay -- Uncle Toms Cabin Essays
An analytic thinking of Uncle Toms Cabin The retain, Uncle Toms Cabin, is thought of as a fantastic, even fanatic, representation of southerly life, most memorable for its emotional oversimplification of the complexities of the striver system, says Gossett (4). Harriet Beecher Stowe describes her own experiences or ones that she has witnessed in the past through the text in her novel. She grew up in Cincinnati where she had a very close look at slavery. Located on the Ohio River across from the slave state of Kentucky, the city was filled with former slaves and slaveholders. In conversation with black women who worked as servants in her home, Stowe heard many stories of slave life that found their way into the book. Some of the novel was based on her infering of abolitionist books and pamphlets, the rest came straight from her own observations of black Cincinnatians with ad hominem experience of slavery. She uses the characters to represent popular ideas of her time, a time when slavery was the biggest publication that people were dealing with. Uncle Toms Cabin was an unexpected factor in the difference of opinion between the North and South. The book sold more than 300,000 copies during the first course of study of publication, taking thousands of people, even our nations leaders, by surprise. Mr. Shelby is a Kentucky plantation owner who is oblige by debt to sell two of his slaves to a trader named Haley. Uncle Tom, the manager of the plantation, understands why he must be sold. The other slave marked for cut-rate sale is Harry, a four-year-old. His mother, Mrs. Shelbys servant, ... ...ies to wage her own battle. Eva serenely fades into death, but her presence and her dreams go bad in her father and in the reader of the novel. It is doubtful if a book was ever written that attained such popularity in so pathetic a time as did Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin. The thrilling story was eagerly read by rich and poor, by the educated and uneducated, eliciting from one and all dear sympathy for the poor and abused negro of the south,(Donovan 74). It was, indeed, a veritable thunderclap to slaveholders, who felt that such a work should be dangerous to the public of slavery. They had a good cause to fear it too, for its timely appearance was doubtless the means of turning the tide of public feeling against the abominable gadfly of slavery(Cass 35).
Which two metals combined together give the higher voltage when reacting with acid :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
Which two alloys combined unitedly add the high voltage when reacting with stingingIntroductionIn this investigation we allow for find out which two admixtures combinedtogether give the high voltage when reacting with acid. The metalsused allow be Aluminium Zinc push Tin Lead Nickel CopperTo make a vaticination on what metals will be the ones that give thehighest voltage when combined together you regard to find out if theposition in which the metals are at in the reactivity series wouldmake a difference, and if it does, how? You also need to find out howthe metals react with acids.We know that the higher(prenominal) the metal is in the reactivity series, thestronger it will react with an acid.TheoryBatteries have chemicals inside to barge in energy. When two differentmetals that are connected by a telegraph are placed into an acid, apotential difference (voltage) is produced. This occurs because themetals react with the acid forming Hydrogen acid, a metal salt sourc e and an electric steering. The charge flows from the mostreactive metal to the least reactive metal.EquipmentThe equipment used will be Acids Metals Wires Voltmeters Beakers Measuring cylinders Stop watches SandpaperMethodCollect all the equipment and place it as it is shown on the diagramabove. Choose around 10 pairs of metals and place one pair in thebeaker, and connect them both with a wire. Put them in for a fewseconds, and voltage will be produced when the two metals react withthe acid forming hydrogen, a metal salt solution and an electriccharge. This charge will flow from the least reactive metal to themost reactive metal. Measure the voltage with the voltmeter and writeit down. Do this for both pair of metal you have chosen, and thenfind out which ones are the most reactive and which ones are theleast.PredictionI predict that the highest metal in the reactivity series and thelowest metal in the reactivity series from the metals we are usingwill produce the highest voltag e. I recollect this because voltage is alsocalled potential difference, so this shows that there is more violencewhen the difference between the metals is larger. This means that thevoltage in the metal which is tear down in the reactivity series must havea higher voltage to the metal that is most reactive to make myprediction correct. I think that the highest the difference = thehigher the voltage.I also predict that changing the acid will change the ending result. Ithink that the stronger the acid, the higher the voltage.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Faith, Belief and Healing Essay -- Research Essays Term Papers
Faith, Belief and HealingI became kindle in researching faith healing as a means of catch belief and the idea of the brain healing the body. I knew a half-size about Christian based faith healing the evangelical pr each(prenominal)ers on T.V. who smack the heads of the skeptical, and then they fall backwards, unconscious, and are healed, but I cute to learn more specific nurture about the general approach pattern of faith healing. What are the different forms faith healing takes? What are the underlying beliefs of the proponents of this form of belief and healing? How are these people portrayed and delivered over the Internet? Is there anything substantive to the notion of faith healing? What I found was a mix of strange ideas, which I simultaneously believed and scoffed at, depending upon their contexts and the information used to back their claims up. To begin with, I learned about a type of faith healing performed in the Philippines called psychic surgery. It is an ancient perpetrate that was used to relieve pain and promote healing. However, the context it finds itself in today is much more complex than that. To begin with, let me describe what capability occur in a session, because it does not embody exactly what the puddle implies, although many believe it to. There is a lot of laying of the hands, rapprochement of magnetic forces, and massaging with divinely sanctioned oils these are the pre-surgery activities that are performed speckle awaiting spiritual guidance. (1) At the meeting of imposter Andy Kaufman and a psychic surgeon, the actor was hoping to have his lung cancer removed. After the surgeon received divine intervention, he appeared to have pulled out the offending material in the midst of a lot of blood. (1) Howeve... ...ershadow the truth which is that belief cannot cure organic diseases existing independently from mind-control, however closely tied the mind and body are to each other. References1)The Facts About Faith Healing , ever heard of psychic surgery? realize this some pretty weird stuffhttp// Hygiene Nobody Knows, Understands, or Practices it. Why?, kind of fanatical support of Natural Hygienehttp// Elizabeth Shepherd, provoke piece on a fundamentalist Christian family who lost their girl due to their faith in God and desire to forego checkup intervention until it was too late http//
criminal justice Essay examples -- essays research papers
Denzel uppercase plays veteran L.A.P.D. Det. Sgt. Alonzo Harris. For thirteen years this highly decorated cop has been on the front lines in the war against narcotics. Hes pledged to protect and serve the citizens of Los Angeles, only if his optimism about police work has long since been chipped a elbow room by the humans of life on the streets. He and the tight-knit group of officers that report to him take hold crossed the line between legality and corruption. They find themselves breaking the laws theyre sibyllic to enforce. Alonzos ethics and his logic are in complete opposition to the " rule book" which most cops must heed. "It takes a thief to catch a thief," Hoyt is a young naive cop that is given twenty-four hours to train with Harris. beforehand the day is done, the young cop is asked to take drugs, accept drug coin as a payoff, invent evidence, and even commit murder. Before he knows it, hes in so deep that there seems to be no way out. As Alonzo te lls him "There is no justice, no law. It all boils down to what you croup and cannot prove." Alonzos abusiveness and carelessness become a problem and the Police principal(prenominal) orders him to see a Psychologist concerning his behavior. During the first visit, the police department provided a replicate of his personal information file, which reveals the typical schemata of a person with an antisocial disposition cark.He lacked a superego he has little remorse for his abusive, impulse-driven and dangerous behavior. He also saw himself as almost being superior and smarter than e genuinelyone else by planning the training day with Hoyt, he believed this made him superior. He hid puke his Los Angeles Police Department badge and broke the laws that he was supposed to enforce. Individuals with Anti-Social disorder think that when they are caught committing the crimetheir problem is getting caught not committing the crime. The conclusion for the future is to become a be tter criminal, rather than obeying the law. Throughout the image his thought processes would include some of the following 1. Rules are meant for others 2. Only fools follow all the rules 3. Rules are meant to be broken 4. Look out for 15. My pleasure comes first 6. If others are hurt, offended, or... ...nt/helper relationship this is known as transference. This allows the client to re-experience a variety of feelings that would otherwise be inaccessible. During my sessions with Alonzo his behavior toward me is very shifty, careful, guarded, apprehensive, and distrustful. This causes me to become uneasy, withdrawn from the client and blaming the client for the tension between us. reproduction transference is the reaction or a reflection of a retiring(a) or present relationship of the therapist toward the client that could interfere with objectivity. Because Alo nzo is so high-pressure and forward with his angry behavior, I find myself fearing him and avoiding conflict. Since I am a new therapist, I will need ongoing direction to monitor my reactions to the sessions.The Psychoanalytic approach is very simplistic and client-oriented, which is very central to Alonzos breakdown. I did not want to be too aggressive I want him to establish his own goals and path to different lifestyle. When Alonzo is satisfactory to accept that he could get even more from holding the LAPD badge by becoming a part of the system, rather than trying to endlessly fool the system, he (hopefully) begin to act more adaptively.
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