
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Lack of Water in Zambia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Lack of Water in Zambia - Essay ExampleFurther, most of the activities that man has undertaken accept pee to the extent that body of urine may form a part of the energy production through and through electricity. However, the wider concept remains on whether a majority of the world race has advance to reave urine rather than water for any otherwise designated purpose. On the contrary, economic analysts guide foreseen water becoming the near sought after commodity after oil due to scarcity especially in arid areas of the world. Essentially, an arid land region is one characterized by intense water shortages that tend to facilitate slow up development and nurturing of plant cover or animal life. Tentatively, they are mostly desert areas that surround the equator and commonly present in Africa. Subsequently, the purpose of this report will delve on the assessment of practical techniques for providing clean water to arid regions like Zambia. 2. Current situation in Zambia B y 2010, a shocking 61% of the Zambian population had privileged access to improved water supply sources while 48% of the said(prenominal) population had access to sanitary options. Further, the challenges in water supply and access tended to vary depending on whether the population was in an urban setting or whether in artless places (Mc Intyre, 2012 90). For instance, a UN survey indicated that at least 87% of the urban settler had access to water while only 48% of those residing in rural settings had access to the same. Additionally, access to water in the Zambian urban population indicates that 41% had running water or house connection while a significant 49% accessed water through water kiosks or vendors. Over time, the number of those accessing water through water kiosks has been on a steady addition trend while that of those enjoying house connections has been plummeting. However, the Zambian council for water and sanitation insist that the country has achieved water cook ery as a millennium development focus, but sanitation has proved elusive (Mutale, 2004). As many a(prenominal) would say, lack of clean drinking water presents a number of significant implications that are mostly fond especially for women and girls, a situation that is no different in Zambia. In turn, this raises the poverty levels within Zambia. 3. Consequences of water shortages in Zambia Annual precipitation levels in Zambia The graph above show the effect of percentage of fall apart attendance throughout the year due to water shortage Arguably, the declining rainfall in the Zambian body politic forms the basic reason as to why the country has continued to experience water scarcity. Two geological formation echo this sentiment, which are the System Ne bothrk for Famine Early Warning and the world bank where they insist that the trend is worrying. Moreover, Zambia is a nation that has no access to the sea hence rendering this state as a landlocked country in the South Africa n region. These two factors have facilitated the nation to have food insecurity as their government may not assure the over thirteen million Zambians with adequate food. According to water aid organization present in Zambia, for every three people, two have no access to clean water nor sanitation facilities. In turn, this has influenced the mortality rates for children within this country to be at an alarming ten thousand children annually. Ideally, the children tend to suffer from diarrhea and other sanitation related diseases like cholera, bilharzia among many others (Waters, 2008). These diseases tend to be water borne and treatable but access to quality health care facilitates an increase in the mortality rates. Sequentially, children and infants become prime victims of these

Monday, April 29, 2019

Personality disorder and depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Personality disorder and printing - Essay ExampleAbnormal psychologists and psychopathologists incorporate and believe the fact that these brachydactylic miens can be brought some by several factors, which can function individually or correlate with each other heredity, physique, cognitive abilities and socialization.For a more systematic and fact-based study on abnormal behavior, there are several theories which abnormal psychologists conform to in explaining the occurrence of such behaviors. Some theories flourished from well-renowned psychologists of all time while some steamy from years of study and observation.These theories, often referred to as perspectives, help in attempting to explain the causal factors of these abnormal behaviors. Furthermore, these theories non only help in identifying and explaining why such disorders happen but also assist in determining the method and treatment which should be done upon the patient. There are primarily five perspectives think to abnormal behavior but there are several sources which sites in more theories- all of which volition be explained individually in the course of this research paper.PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY. ... The unconscious is the prime mover of the psychodynamic theory which contends that these disorders rear from the unresolved contrasts inside a persons mind. Because of these inconsistencies, anxiety occurs within a person, which in turn leads to unconscious conflicts. In this certain perspective, the treatment method focuses on identifying that certain conflict inside a persons mind by means of management or therapy sessions. After it has been identified, the next focus would be on solving that certain conflict which entails pretty much effort from both the counselor and the client. BEHAVIORAL THEORY. In behavioral theory, the behaviorism schooling of thought in psychology is taken into consideration. Abnormal psychologists who embrace the behavioral perspective stand by the idea that psych ological disorders and abnormal behaviors arise from wrong conditioning earlier in the foundation old age of an individual. The person suffering from abnormal behaviors is believed to have learned the same abnormal behavior during his childhood or in cases when that certain behavior has been falsely introduced to his mind. Aside from faulty conditioning, futile learning and comprehension may also be considered on the part of the person suffering. The course of treatment as to this theory is through redesigning the abnormal behavior of a person. He or she can recover from these disordered behaviors through counseling and learning procedures which could help him or her eliminate those unwanted behaviors and learn new and more appropriate actions in exchange. One example of therapy would be what we usually call the behavior therapy which is done by non-reinforcing negative behavior

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Debt Financing and Bankruptcy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Debt Financing and Bankruptcy - Essay ExampleThis chapter is distinguished from other filed chapter as it is the only chapter that allows companies to finance and reorganize to prevent final liquidation. A company may refinance itself by getting loans thorough debt financing mode. This help to get the required money to finance the fooling operations of the company and also pay other costs like salaries, pension and medical cost. Restructuring involves ever-changing the mechanisms through which company operations are conducted. This involves reducing the number of employees and performance contracting to ensure capability in production and also reduce operation cost (Usatoday, 2012)The debt trouble that the company is experiencing is caused by the next factors. First, the annual sales of the company is about $2.5 billion ant this is not enough to furnish for the procession medical benefit and pension costs of its 19000 unionized employees who operates in over thirty states are .In admission the company has had trouble attracting customers who have migrated to more healthier whole grain foods that do not flummox them at risk of suffering from obesity and other cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore the cost of ingredients-sugar and flour has change magnitude significantly decreasing the total revenue accrued by the company. Hostess main competitors include Bimbo Bakeries, kraft Inc and Sara Lee. The company has a debt of over $860 million with Industry International Pension and Fund Bakery & Confectionary amalgamation as the main unsecured creditors (Guardian, 2012).The debt financing option that were available included getting loans from bank, taking goods (ingredients) on credit and then and then repaying the debt later after sale, creating more shares that are later sold to cater for the financial needs selling bonds and partnering with other well established companies that can inject in juvenile ideas

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Exploring a Work of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Exploring a Work of Art - Essay ExampleThe subject, color, style, and infrastructure successfully depict the of import tenets common during the Romantic Age. A formalist analysis of the work may lead to a better discretion of the work and the message being conveyed by the artistic productionist. In addition, some reoceanrch on what other state have to say about the work will help attain a complete analysis. tensione of the Author Caspar David Friedrich was a German painter born to a poor family in 1774 in Greifswald, Germany. disrespect poverty, the artist attended formal art study with artist Johann Gottfried Quistorp, who conducted art lessons mostly outdoors. This training and word-painting to outdoor life helped Friedrich to master the local color and environment thus helped the artist master the art of landscape. According to Vaughan (65), Friedrichs paintings, which generally reveal Romantic Age ideas, make him one of the most most-valuable artists during his time. Th e Monk by the Sea, an oil on canvass by Caspar David Friedrich in 1809. Analysis of Form A formalist analysis of the color, space, line and texture could lead to discovering the artists overall craftsmanship. Color can be considered the most important element in the painting because it is through color that the artist achieves meaning. Notably, contrast is use with the use of white against the ignominious cat valium background and the black suit of the monk. This contrast reflects the theme of astonishment but considering that the white takes a larger space than the dark colors, taken by the white color, the theme of good versus evil may be implied as trace may be associated with evil (Guerin 34). Minimalism, a characteristic of Romantic art, is applied with the minimal use of colors. done minimalism, the artist achieves focus and emotionality. Adding in several(prenominal) colors would have made the painting look less gloomy, hence distorting the message. Importantly, Friedric h used dark green instead of blue for the sea. This may be a little questionable considering the usual color of the sea. Nevertheless, the dark emerald green color implies the depth and mystery of the sea. It could also mean unusualness in the life of the monk. Depicting the sea with groovy darkness, Friedrich made it a point to limit this part to at least one-eighths of the canvass. This allows the other images, much(prenominal) as the sky, the land, and the monk to take form, while it allows the purpose of showing the location of the monk at the homogeneous time. Specifically, the center clouds where a rich combination of colors is applied, capture the motion of light breaking into the darkness and at the same time the darkness eating up the light. Such drama found in nature suggests some Romantic thoughts that could likewise draw out sentimentality from the audience. Space is also other important element. The whole image can be divided horizontally into three different parts, namely, the sky, the sea, and the land. The great expanse of the sky, which covers at least five-sixths of the canvass (Web Gallery of Art, n.d.), attracts attention considering the light it sheds on the whole image. Through devoting much space to the sky, the artist achieves artistic drama, which is very typical of the Romantic Movement. On the issue of emphasis, Friedrich attains emphasis with the proper use of space as he allows a larger part of the canvass to be plain. If he made the figure of the

Friday, April 26, 2019

Arts and Heritage Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arts and Heritage Marketing - Essay Example laid at the pulsating he contrivance of London, the Tate Britain happens to be an art gallery exhibiting some of the finest collections of British artifacts and paintings. The main gallery, which is a separate of the Tate gallery network in Britain, houses several channels that oversee the branding of contemporary art with music. kit and caboodle of some of the most notable poets, artists and musicians of the present generation, including William Blake, Sonia Boyce, Damien Hirst, Cornelia Parker, Mark Dion, Tracey Emin, Bruce Nauman, and Jeffrey Lewis, are showcased at the gallery. Antique English art and global contemporary art have been put on display in the Gallery with due(p) importance attached to their careful preservation (Tate Britain n. d.).The first segment of this report is going to provide a SWOT analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the Tate Britain, followed by a close scrutiny of the outside scopes of furthe r training and possible difficulties in functional integrity. The analysis will be made to key out a few target markets to which the products of the Gallery may be sold.The second part of the report will scroll the marketing action plan by incorporating the basic marketing strategies and relating them to the outcomes of the SWOT analysis. Recommendations for improvement will be made keeping in mind the budgetary constraints of marketing.The idea of value-based branding may be looked into for draft copy out a prospective marketing strategy for the Tate Gallery. As an art and heritage museum that has been serving the avocation of a very select group of art collectors and lovers for a long time, the Tate Gallery essentially has a unique selling proposition only in terms of the intrinsic values of its collections. The concept of cross-cultural branding comes in contention as well as this art house has in its repertory not just the indigenous British artifacts, but also many works of art from new(prenominal) cultures around Europe. In a

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication Essay - 11

lay on the lineous Material Management and Hazard Communication - Essay Exampleords namely DANGER and exemplar. DANGER identifies chemicals that present a greater and fast hazard to the worker whereas WARNING a chemical that represents a lesser degree of hazard. There after part be only one signal word on the label. For multiple hazards, only the more frightful signal word will appear on the label (Sullivan, 2009).In the case of acute toxicity, viva voce chemicals that are lethal or toxic when ingested require the DANGER signal word appear on their label of the container. On the other hand, those chemicals that are not harmful if ingested get the signal word WARNING. In addition, in the case of eye and skin irritation or corrosion, those chemicals that are classified as corrosive to the eye or skin are indicated DANGER on them. Whereas the same materials that only twit the skin or the eye are marked WARNING. (Ta, Mokhtar, Mohd Mokhtar, Ismail, & Abu Yazid, 2010)Hazard stateme nts also correlate with signal words. regularize hazard statements, such as Extremely Flammable Liquid or Fatal if swallowed appear on labels that use up the DANGER signal word. On the other hand, the labels bearing the WARNING word tend to have less alarming hazard statements such as combustible liquid or Harmful if Swallowed. This reflects some(a) of the many applications of the two words used as signal words (Dalvie, Rother, & London, 2014).Dalvie, M. A., Rother, H. A., & London, L. (2014). Chemical hazard parley comprehensibility in South Africa synthetic rubber implications for the adoption of the globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals. Safety Science, 61, 5158.Ta, G. C., Mokhtar, M. Bin, Mohd Mokhtar, H. A. Bin, Ismail, A. Bin, & Abu Yazid, M. F. B. H. (2010). Analysis of the comprehensibility of chemical hazard communication tools at the industrial workplace. Industrial Health, 48,

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Is it fair to suggest that the German state is a 'frozen landscape Essay

Is it fair to suggest that the German press out is a frozen landscape - Essay ExampleCriticising the trend of confining benefit put forward to the element of affectionate spending, he crusades that the kindly expenditures are epiphenomenal to the theoretical substance of benefit states (p.19). Thus, he denotes the inflexibility of continental welfare state system and refers to it as a frozen continental landscape deriving from the frozen Fordism existent in countries Germany, Italy and France and concludes that the situation favours a status quo in these countries (Palier and Martin, 2007, p.538). However, Scharpf and Schmidt (2000), as quoted in Palier and Martin (2007), challenges this notion and contends that social amends based welfare systems face the biggest difficulties among welfare states (p.538). Therefore, to accommodate the changes in economy, the welfare state system of Germany has evolved to get hold with the transition and it may not be fair anymore to call it a frozen landscape. Palier and Martin (2007) contend that the Bismarckian welfare system has initially been unable to cope with the problems due to the steadyness of their own tradition while the other welfare regimes have d unmatched so by adapting to the changes through the implementation of diverse structural reforms (p.358). However, they concede to the fact that with some reforms introduced after the year 2000, the Bismarckian system has been able to hold drastic changes within their system, which may account for the emergence out of the frozen landscape. In the modern mean solar day of complex economy, states cannot focus too much on social welfare, ignoring other aspects that deserve better attention. Quoting Therborn (1983), Esping-Anderson (1990) argues that if one considers the historical changes in the activities of the states, it appears that only when countries invest the majority of its resources for servicing the welfare needs of households they can be called we lfare states (p.20). But, it has transpires from historical evidence that countries usually spend a greater part of their funds on defence and administration than on social welfare and, therefore, no state can be called a welfare state (p.20). Therefore, it appears that Germanys continued existence as a Bismarckian welfare state has become impractical, forcing them to adapt to the changing environment. The country, over a period of time, has hence been evolving various strategies and changing their rigid stance on welfare orientation, incorporating various changes in their systems. Gosta Esping-Anderson again finds a possible failure of the welfare states to stand up to the edifice of social protection which remained frozen due to socio-economic pressures of the past and the system became unharmonious to the emerging economic conditions and needs (Esping-Anderson, 1996, p.2). Developing nations such as the US and UK have prospered in the 20th century by their focus on developing t echnology rather than investing on social welfare schemes. However, it becomes evident from the examples of these countries that when aspects such as technology is accorded adequate priority, the resultant growth in pains as well as other employment avenues will offer the citizens better jobs and living conditions and thereby improve the overall standard of living. This situation also seems to have

CSR- the impact of organizational goals and design Essay

CSR- the impact of organizational goals and design - Essay ExampleA newer image but still very similar to social responsibility is social responsiveness, which in simple damage means the ability of cooperation to relate its operations and policies to the social environment in ways that are inversely beneficial to the company and to the society (Fredrick, Davis and Post, 1988). Both definitions focus on corporations but these concepts should be expandedThe of import differences between social responsibility and social responsiveness is that the latter implies actions and the how of enterprise responses. It is not enough to be philanthropic and not think in terms of consumers and other relevant stakeholders. It is not enough to be law abiding and leave matter at that for a business rival round the time out can raise the stakes by introducing commodities and services, as well as conditions of production that are a great deal higher than those required by law. Consumers today are al ive to these changes and react to them in a look that tells on the bottom line of a firm. Therefore, the fact of bodily social responsibility has to be cautiously devised keeping in mind the specifics of the organization and the kinds of demands that can be made upon it as a corporate citizen by all its relevant stakeholders. At the same time, no company can afford to let its profits fall. In fact if that were to happen then it would be letting down its stockholders and employees, who are twain of its very important stakeholders. The question then is how to devise a system of CSR that is related to business so that both can be sustained in synergy.Defining corporate social responsibility (CSR) In an influential essay entitled social responsibility of business Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman argued that the espousal of social responsibilities by the corporate sector was not just bad for business, but was tantamount

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose Essay

The nice thing about standards is that thither are so many to choose from. - Andrew S. Tannenbaum - Essay ExampleComputer consumptionrs are required to use information processing systems in a way or manner respecting the needs of the other computer users and the society in general. There are practises in deliberation that are regarded illegal, immoral, and unprofessional person. Professional responsibility Experts in the field of figure become moral duties and responsibilities to their customers, their bosses, colleagues, as well as the society in general geared towards achieving or accomplishing their skilled and specialised obligations. In other words, all professionals in the field off calculation incur from time immemorial guided by a code of moral philosophy that guides them to make their own resolutions when example with moral issues. It is important to consider the fact that professional responsibility in computing is directed by moral values and standards, trustworth iness, morality, impartiality, independence as well as magnanimity (Bott, 2005). In definition, professional responsibilities hatful be defined as the supplementary or extra obligations that ought to be imitation by computing professionals or computer users in respect to their exceptional and distinctive understanding, talents, and abilities (Baase, 2012). According to Bott (2005), these ought to be also assumed in respect to their relationship and connections between them and other individuals in computing practise, and the faith and hope of the globe in general. Therefore, a computing professional is supposed to support, maintain, and defend the standards and principles within the society, diagnose, identify, and follow the set rules and guidelines of professional practise, and as well endorse and encourage individuals of the public in their endeavours. The role of code of ethics A code of ethics is defined as the standards or principles adopted by an institution aimed at comp onent employees and other stakeholders within that particular institution make a distinction between what is considered wrong and what is right. Codes of ethics in computing acts to help computer users to comprehend the decisions they make. It is of importance for professionals to ensure that computers are used mighty in order to maintain professionalism. The use of computers in many organisations or institutions is subject to a upshot of guidelines or procedures. These set guidelines and procedures of practise that ought to be followed discourage individuals using computers in their endeavours to avoid any issues that may invade or go against the certification agreements or accords. There are a lot of standards for computer users to choose from and sometimes it might be confusing. In schooling institutions for instance, learners using computer technology bewilder to comply with the set guidelines and standards. These are otherwise known as the code of ethics. Any member of the learning institution or any other person affiliated to the learning institution is bound by the code of ethics either legally or morally (Bynum and Rogerson, 2004). There have been cases in the knightly whereby some people have used another persons email account deceitfully. Institutions have put it down in their codes of ethics that such behaviours are illegal and anyone found guilty of employing fancied and deceitful identity can be sentenced to serve time in jail or repair a fine. It is not enough to talk about the factors that helps maintain professional practise in computing today without mentioning the negative effects of computers on children. Computers within the reach of children should be

Monday, April 22, 2019

Level of evidence abd grading recomendation Research Paper

Level of endorse abd grading recomendation - Research Paper ExampleThe actor utilizes multidisciplinary theoretical pieces of belles-lettres and research and conceptual pieces from literature on social work to support the development of this kind of model. The author first notes the relevant current trends to the interdisciplinary use for the purposes of pointing out its innateity.The denomination describes a model that is do up of two parts. The first part of the model has five categories that form interdisciplinary collaborative traffic between social workers and other professionals. These include flexibility, professional activities that have been newly created, ownership of goals that is collective, interdependence and do reflection. The second part recommends the use of such influences on collaboration as structural characteristics, professional role, biography of collaboration, and personal characteristics.The book provides the readers with a critical and a comprehens ive review of the health communication subject and the different types of evidence that have been collected concerning communication that is effective. In addition to this, the book sets out what has been researched about the micro- structure of encounters in health care and interactions.The book offers the concerned professionals essential new agendas for research practice and training in health care, based on lessons acquired from linguistics, using a broad range of evidence to identify patterns that can lead to improved practices in healthcare. The book recommends brief, effective and ordinary activity in communication in addition to consultations that are formal.The effects of errors in health care have essential implications. The article utilizes peer- reviewed reviews and discussions of a broad range of literature and issues regarding quality of health care and safety of patients. The article provides some insight in to the many aspects that determine the

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Self Esteem of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties within a Essay

Self Esteem of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties within a Secondary School - Essay ExampleThe examination explores theoretical and practical ideas about self respectfulness among dyslexic learners and makes conclusions based on data gathered through students self- opinion and standardized beginning and end assessment tests. The investigation demonstrates that there is a correlation between the Wave 3 Literacy Intervention Programme and the plus in self-esteem of special learners with dyslexia. After a 10-week programme, volume of the students obtained an average ratio of 3.1 which is the desired end for the project. The value of Wave 3 Literacy Intervention is thereby established, while looking forward to revisions by focal point of enriching the intervention programme, especially for special learners who have undergone the programme several times. Introduction Ive learned that people allow forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you do them feel. Maya Angelou. This quote, for me, sums up the important position teachers have and the potential influence they have on their students. I may non be a Socrates, Confucius or Jesus, but I do feel I am a great teacher when I can touch hearts and will, in addition to give knowledge and skills to prepare a generation of learners for constructive contemporary living. In this present research activity, I become privileged to teach special learners suffering dyslexia. Soon enough, I face the reality that dyslexics play the school an unpredictable battleground in which they are unskilled to exist ( Scott 2004, p. 55). More particularly, Scott notes that for the vast majority of dyslexic children and adults, school has been a place of psychological and often physical torture. Dyslexia is described as a learning disability in children which hinders their ability to conduct, write, spell and sometimes speak. Manifested to be either mild or severe in children, neurologists perceive that it is never too late to improve their language skills (Medicine Net 2012, p.1). Many, although not all, of my specific learning difficulty students come to me burdened with self esteem issues, feeling that they have already failed too many times and fearful that they are about to fail again. While empathy fills me with their suffering, I do not see this condition to be insurmountable, given my awareness of modern approaches to student learning and maturation. At school, failure in literacy has huge knock-on effects for the whole academic curriculum and with all subjects. Failing to read and write is a very public failure (Scott, 2004). Any student with limited proficiency in English including specific disabilities related to literacy runs the risk of being left behind by his or her peers. This picture investigation into the effectiveness of Wave 3 interventions and their potential in raising the self esteem of students is borne not only out of my univers ity studies but a genuine interest in dyslexic students, their need to be heard and how I can best serve them through my practice. It is obvious to me that a students self esteem has a direct impact on their learning. Educators define learning as a long term change in mental representations or associations as a result of come across (Omrod 2000, p. 10). As a school teacher I can provide that learning

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Web Software Testing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Web Softw be Testing - Research Paper eventMoreover, all the applicable tests argon performed according to approved test procedures on approved test cases. However, the software package testing process can be assisted with software tools that can be used in order to make the software testing process automated (Mustafa, Al-Qutaish, & Muhairat, 2009 Pressman, 2001).Web based software applications are one of the most evolving type of software systems now a days. In addition, these web applications have been built to support wide range of activities much(prenominal) as business related transactions such as product sale, transactions and delivery, scientific processes such as information transfer and sharing, and medical related activities such as expert system-based diagnoses. Because of the significance of these activities in everyday life, faulty web applications may have oppose impact on businesses, economies, scientific evolution. For these reasons, a web application must be com pletely well-tried to guarantee that the web application is reliable and complies with its original requirements (Qian, Miao, & Zeng, 2007 Mao, 2009).The properties of web applications include distributive nature, hypermedia, and multi-platform, dynamic, the possibility to retort software components at run time (web services) and interaction with a large number of users. Additionally, web applications are different from the traditional software in the sense that their operating environments are always diverse, heterogeneous and independent. In this scenario, web applications should be tailored to such heterogeneous and diverse client environments, to satisfy the different requirements of the users. However, the briny focus of web applications remains usually on the information publication, searching, and indexing as compared to the traditional software. This makes their functionalities comparatively weaker but requires faster up-dating speeds in their contents and

Friday, April 19, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4

International Business - Essay ExampleLastly this paper will end with some recommendations to Governments and Companies on the effects that one of the seven forces of globalisation will have on the personality of international business.The force of globalization that this paper will focus on will be engine room. It is the case that the term technology is difficult to define. It remains an important theme for all scientific study furthermore all of these advances lead to improvements in the business community and subsequent globalization. However there appears to be no real consensus on it meaning. According to Marx (1997) it is the case that the term has become associated with business, engineering, advancement but subsequently has also become associated with exclusionary forces directed towards women, laborers, and non-western people. For the purpose of this paper, technology will be defined according to dictionary.com (2010) in which it will refer to the branch of knowledge d edicated towards the development and implementation of technical means towards industrial arts, engineering, science and applied science. In this regard one can consider technology an important gene of globalization. According to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC, 2000) technology remains one of the most important drivers of globalization through such factors as greater efficiency through e-commerce, the internet (Which provides instantaneous delivery of information). This proves to be a serious factor for globalization insofar as the free flow of information has do many markets more competitive. Secondly a major technical innovation that has brought about serious globalization factors is the spread and development of computers themselves which have helped make improvements in production and distribution capacities help drive rectify major costs and as such increase efficiencies. Building on this point major technological advances in the telecoms sector makes communicati on much easier

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Response to The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht Essay

Response to The Tigers Wife by Tea Obreht - Essay ExampleUpon learning their situation, she remembered her recently deceased person gramps and had a brief look of her life when there is war in her hometown, the Balkan City. Natalia recalled that like either other little girl, she also loved and grew up listening to her grandfathers stories. She remembered the two stories of her grandfather with memorable mythical characters the tigers wife and the deathless man. The tigers wife is the baloney of a lonely deaf and mute woman, who lived in an isolated mountain village. She was married to an abusive butcher, where in she always suffered beating. The woman was named by the villagers the tigers wife because of their malicious thinking. The womans core and too much kindness to the tiger that escaped in the zoo during the war, had been maliciously mistaken by the villagers for something indecent. They thought the woman married the tiger. This rumor had led the villagers to plan for the killings of the tiger. However, as Natalia narrated, they were saved and protected by her grandfather. The story of the deathless man was based from the story of Natalias grandfather, who was a Christian married to a Muslim from Sarobor.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ingvar Kamprad - the Founder of IKEA Company PowerPoint Presentation

Ingvar Kamprad - the Founder of IKEA Company - PowerPoint Presentation ExampleIKEA is focused on producing well(p) quality furniture at a lower price. This, he believes will transform the lives of many and answer them live a better life other than selling expensive furniture which was to be bought by the rich people only.1. Product and price by the help of a price matrix, the product managers atomic number 18 able to determine any possible holes in the lineup of the products. They then come up with a final figure to be the price of the product made. This will ensure that the company does not go on a loss and retain the required amount. Prices are in three ranges which embroil juicy for the Scandinavian or sleek, medium for modern and low for the neo-traditional. The products made keep on changing depending on the demands of the customers and are tested for their quality.2. Finding procedures IKEA buys their resources from about 1800 in 55 countries (Magonelly 2002). The producti on package is searched by officers who postulate to offer their suggestions. After a thorough scrutiny is when the settlements are reached. The products are distributed to all the stores in the branches. They cause sure that a low price is maintained so long as they are of gritty quality.4. Transport transport takes place when transporting the goods from the factory to the stores where they shall be sold. On selling the items, the company provides packing facilities which include carton boxes. In order for the furniture to be transported efficiently, IKEA transports items in joint parts to reduce quadruplet taken.5. Selling the furniture is finally sold to the consumers at the stores. These stores are large enough and have playing facilities for the children when their parents are buying the items. This gives the parents an ample time to buy the items they need.The organization of the IKEA is designed such that it meets the basic and average activities of the day to day life.

Economics - Economic Policy - Discuss and critically evaluate the Essay - 1

economics - Economic Policy - Discuss and critically evaluate the render and stimulation packages by the UK Government since the lettuce of the credit crunch in 2007 - Essay ExampleIt is in this backdrop, we analyze the factors leading to the crisis and the efficacy of the rescue and stimulation packages introduced by the UK government to improve the situation. According to the Banking Guide it has been an episode of financial instability that was, arguably, the around serious since the 1930s. It states The risks of negative candor (where mortgages are greater than the value of the property) became a reality and mortgage defaults get record highs. Banks have lost the trust which is a pre-requisite to the efficient functioning of credit markets. The table as given in Appendix I shows the fall in the worlds major equity markets since June 2007, and the cumulative change from 30-6-2007 to 10-10-2008 in the case of FTSE All-share Index of the UK is negative by 40.9%.The habit of bo rrowing by the individuals and corporate bodies ingrained predominantly in the US culture at a staggering direct which over the period of time made the financial structure in the country vulnerable. As a lightedmatch to atrain of gunpowder, the subprime crisis acted as a trigger for the collapse of the leading banks. The cases of separate no-count debt in the banking system could be a normal phenomenon. However, when it has become impossible to quantify the bad debts in the nation as a whole, the system became victim to the crisis. This unprecedented phenomenon has arrested the flow of capital and liquidity, vestigial to the banking system. It is a vicious circle and the banking system has been clogged up completely due to growing suspicion among the market players. The bank finance locked up in subprime mortgages and housing development projects has paralyzed the system as a whole. The bailout plan was formulated under the Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, who had been the Ch airman and Chief Executive policeman of Goldman Sachs earlier.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Constitutional Law Essay Example for Free

positive Law EssayConstitutional Law May be deemed elusive and wise when the constitutions in shape are either dead, hogwash and unrealistic. Critically analyze the above advancement using relevant encase law and statutory provisions. In looking at the above statement, I will attempt to dress constitution, Constitution Law and perfectism and try to look into how the governments of the world especially Africa and the West, more specifically Kenya and the United states of the States have tried to uphold constitutionalism and on the other hand how lack of it has brought the disregard of the constitutions by in most cases, the ruling elites and hence the statement Constitutional Law May be deemed elusive and immaterial when the constitutions in Consideration are either dead, hogwash and unrealistic. A constitution is a preen of laws either written or unwritten that govern the relationship between the different organs of a government that is the Executive, Judiciary and the L egislature and the relationship between the government and the governed in a given state or country. This is the supreme law of any given state. Constitutional Law is that branch of law that governs and guides constitutional interpretation and carrying into action as well as sets down the relationship between different entities of a state namely the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. It is essentially a body of law derived from a countrys written constitution that lays down and guides the duties and powers of the government, and the duties and rights of its citizens and residents. All States can be said to have some form of norm that governs the relationship between the arms of the government and a government and its people, however the problem comes in in implementation of the said norms.

Monday, April 15, 2019

A Review of Abraham Verghes’ My Own Country Essay Example for Free

A Review of Abraham Verghes My Own Country EssayIntroduction Nursing transcends cultures and geographical boundaries. With the emergence of a cud of medical exam insures in the military man, nurses and level doctors have a lot of stories to share with each other concerning the delegacy they treat patients. Some of these stories are common while some are more than peculiar than others. When those from the medical profession write about their experiences, those who read their movement are bound to be immersed in their world and in their worldview. Dr. Ambraham Verghese wrote about the emergence of support in Johnson City, Tennes entrance during the time the HIV virus has not stock-still become as prevalent as it is now. Dr. Verghese chronicles his journey together with his patients and the way he struggled in fit his medical profession and his soulfulnessal bearing. As Dr. Verghese came in contact with the persons with AIDS, he had to confront his own stereotypes an d see his patients for who they really are and not for the labels and the stigma directed against them by society. The families of the persons with AIDS likewise struggled in accept their identity as homosexuals. Verghese then spent time with these persons with AIDS, talked with them, listened to their stories, and went to their families so he can know them more deeply. By doing so, Verghese succeeded in presenting the humane side of persons with AIDS. The stories he told were filled with emotions and the experiences of people who have AIDS. He likewise looked at the health flush system in the United States and the kind of health do by attend to delivered to persons with AIDS. Apparently, in that location are incidences when patients are victimized, privacy problems are impinged on and confidentiality between doctors and patients are compromised. On coronate of this, a lot of people in the society still have their own prejudices, preconceptions and biases concerning AIDS.Verg hese, Identity and AIDS My Own Country A Doctors Story is not only about the life of Verghese and his medical go for. It was a book about his awakening to the vocation of being a doctor. His book is a courageous look at a topic considered to be taboo by the rest of the society. It is revolutionist because during the 1980s, AIDS was slowly coming to the consciousness of the American society. Although he focused on Johnson City in Tennessee, his story dealt with the human condition and how love and fear can make changes in the lives of people. The autobiographical work of Dr. Verghese talked about the importance of identity. The doctor, himself wrestled with questions about his identity and various influences. He is of Indian decent although with an Ethiopian birth. To jumble things more, he was excessively a Christian. He speaks of being an outsider because of his ethnicity and the way he was labeled as an outsider. He in any case thought that he was only needed as a doctor and when there are no longer medical conditions he needs to treat, then the community will no longer need him. Against the backdrop of race and his practice of profession, he managed to identify with the persons suffering with AIDS. He also explored how society gives identity to a disease and by association, such identity is imposed to the persons who are discompose with such disease. To show this further, Dr. Verghese explained how society equated AIDS with homosexuality and sin. When morality comes in, the society looks at the labels and stereotypes instead of sounding at the real identity of the individuals concerned. Because of this, Verghese managed to identify with the persons with AIDS and gathered their trust enough for him to help them retrace their identity and explore his own identity.Death, Illness and Narratives One of the lost art of medicine that Verghese rediscovered is listening and give tongue to stories and narratives. He wrote that with stories, the dignity of a n individual can be reaffirmed. Through stories, too, such dignity could also be denied to a person. Through the book he has written, he showed the way that the narratives of his patients got intertwined with his. Along the process, he becomes changed and even relates the narratives from the family members of those persons with AIDS. The reality of death is very much present in the awareness of the persons living with AIDS. Family members are also aware with the possibility of death. Yet, at first they cannot see beyond the stigma of AIDS. With narratives and stories, however, they get to be do aware of the real personality of the individual with AIDS and recall their love and care for them as family member. Verghese, through his direct interaction with his patients and even with their families postulateed as much how families react to impend death. The price of his method acting of give-and-take, or rather his going out of his way beyond mere delivery of health care is the way in which he became an outsider from his colleagues from the medical profession. As the persons with AIDS deal with their own lifestyles and impending death, Verghese continues learning from the way they muster courage and inspiration to live.Personal Response The approach of Verghese in transaction with his patients with AIDS is amazing. He went beyond the stigma of the society and the accepted way of doing things in his profession conscionable to understand his patients and along the way, he managed to understand himself more deeply. What really touched me is the way that he communicate to persons with AIDS and listened to their stories. The benefit was not only for the patients. Verghese, himself benefited greatly from such an experience. If I were in his situation, I office have stuck to the tried and accepted way of dealing with AIDS patients without going the extra mile for them. The pattern of Dr. Verghese is worthy emulating. What he did transcended culture, social norm s and stereotypes and eventually empowered the persons with AIDS. He was very brave in move the questions he was asking himself. More than just providing them with health care services, he connected with them as a friend would. That is one thing that I could certainly use in my own medical career. Patients should not be seen as just one disease to be treated after another. Rather, the dynamics of human relationships and narratives should be utilized to the full.Implications to Advanced Nursing Practice Narratives and stories are important means of connecting with a person and developing relationships with them. With the example shown by Dr. Verghese, narrative should be a part of the delivery of health care so that they will not only be treated for their medical condition but their treatment could be hastened with the sharing of stories and listening to the concerns of the patients. This may entail additional work for doctors but it is also worth pursuing because of its good effect s to the patients and to the doctors and nurses. Nurses tend to interact with patients more. As such, they need to learn how to interact efficaciously with their patients and share stories and narratives. It does not have to be very deliberate or contrived. Rather, it should be as graphic as possible so as to encourage better interaction. Nurses who provide care to patients in the hospital has to engage the assistance of family members too because they can greatly help in the treatment of the medical condition of the patients. Furthermore, as the family members and the patient interact more, they can be drawn closer together. Some nurses already practice this kind of meaningful interaction with patients. Yet as the need for nurses to engage in narratives and stories, they have to learn how to do this.ReferenceVerghese, A. (1994). My Own Country A Doctors Story. New York Simon and Schuster.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

IGCSE English Essay on Global Essay Example for Free

IGCSE English Essay on Global EssayI recently read your show about worldwide warming stating that humans strike not contri saveed to its existence. I call back that it is important to debate both sides of this argument thoroughly before drawing a conclusion. Although you cleverly wrote an essay based on a couple of hand-picked situations, there is still another side of the issue which is yet to be told. I believe that orbicular warming is a problem which has arisen due to the c areless actions of humanity. Does denying world-wide warmings existence mean that humans can continue with their wasteful ways? After all of the arguments, debating, and disagreements, is global warming real?Its existence is undeniable. The real question is, are human-beings the cause of global warming? conceive having to separate your garbage into 3 different boxes rather than 1. This simple task would undoubtedly require a bit more effort on our behalf, and to be frank, no sensation likes to d o extra work. We break down to believe that global warming is caused by us knowing that we would have to make changes in our lifestyles that could potentially require more effort. Was it in elementary school that we learned about the water cycle, about how one thing affects the next?Similarly, global warming is but a chain of events in which humans are heavily involved. People cannot simply burn immense quantities of fossil fuels in hopes that there leave be no after-effects. In fact, the repercussions of all of this industrialization can be facen through the form of air contamination which consists of carbon dioxide (CO2). Factories burn fossil fuels and simultaneously release pollutants in the air hence, synthetic CO2 is formed. Since the pre-industrial era, man-made CO2 has accessiond by a third with a consequential change in global temperatures.By creating this man-made CO2, the carbon cycle has been disrupted and the excess CO2 is becoming cumulative. As a result, the nat ural carbon exchange is unable to absorb this additional carbon dioxide. We are unable to see the truth even when it is right before us. Only a crazy person would think that global temperatures are the same as they were 100 years ago. Statistics show that the average global temperatures in the eighties were approximately 14 degrees Celsius. Global temperatures within the past decade have been climbing as mellow as 15 degrees Celsius.Throughout the years, the rate of warming has increased, and to most peoples horror, has occurred within the twain of a few decades. Scientists have not been fretting over a minor global temperature change, but the fact that temperatures have increased during such a short period of time. The famous Medieval Warming closure occurred from 700 AD to 1250. The drastic temperature increases occurred within approximately 4 centuries. Comparatively, global temperatures have risen by over 1 degree Fahrenheit within a single century. Surely you can see the n aughtiness of the situation within these simple statistics.The world is changing. Humans continue to alter the planets self-regulating systems, and these actions will be reflected by the lack of resources in the future. Some have dedicated their entire lives to the convey of global warming in order to prove that it is very much existant, and not the myth which it is perceived to be. The main cause behind all of these changes is carbon emissions. Carbon emissions have been high enough to increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to current levels of approximately 390 move per million.This is an increase of 75 parts per million from 1960 when it was estimated at 315 parts per million. We are exhausting the Earths atmosphere and tampering with what was supposed(p) to remain untouched. In your essay about global warming, you stated that temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980 and by the 1990s temperatures appeared to have change by reversal. However, it can be observed from global climate charts that the temperatures between 1940 and 1980 were, as a matter of fact, fluctuating. On the other hand, temperatures from 1980 to present day have only increased and have shown absolutely no signs of cooling.In other words, the global temperatures in 1940 to 1980 were not declining, but were slightly rising and falling. Some may believe that global warming is yet another one of the worlds phases. If so, are they ready to exclaim our planet until it finally exceeds exhaustion? Like everything else in the world, the Earth has its decides. By continually releasing crowing amounts of CO2 into the planets atmosphere, we are not only having an impact on global temperatures, but on nature as a whole. Temperatures will increase and glaciers will melt. The vast forms of wildlife in the golosh will inevitably suffer due to this.Natural resources will eventually run out and when this happens, we will turn to nature for assistance. At that point, mankind w ill come to realize that nature does not have anything left to give us. The majority of the proof points to man-made CO2 being the reason for global warming. I believe that if mankind does not reduce the emission of CO2, the world will finally reach its limit and humanity will be left in a fragile situation with minimal resources. I thank you for listening to my outlook of the situation and look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Social Science Theory of Feminism Essay Example for Free

The well-disposed Science Theory of Feminism EssayThe social science theory of wo manpowers liberation movement is one of the total theories that stinkpot help us see to it the social switch off of large number trafficking. Feminism is a aggregation of movements which tap towards equality between men and women in all aspects of life. There ar three strands of womens lib which are consisted of, Liberal feminism, Marxist feminism and rotatory feminism.Marxist feminism is comprised from the idea that capitalism is the motif of womens oppression, and thence feminist move towards dismantling capitalism in order to liberate women. Radical feminism digestes on the theory that patriarchy is a system of power which shapes society into a heterogeneous of relationships, based on the hypothesis that male power oppresses women (Turner, 2006).Finally, Liberal feminism emphasises equality between men and women through regimenal and legal reform, which is the most relevant st rand of feminism in helping us intelligence the social issue of people trafficking, as there are many debates about the semipolitical and moral plans in supporting our understanding of such an issue, and also our go up towards it. Further more, feminism plays a very(prenominal) important part in understanding and resolving power human trafficking as feminists bring this social issue on the transnational agenda.The definition of human trafficking evoke be best described in the unify Nations protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children article three, The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by performer of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulner tycoon, or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having cut back over another person, for the conclu de of exploitation. (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, pp. 28 29).One of the important differences between human trafficking and human import is mainly the fact of exploitation, people cosmos trafficked usually rescue had no free will in their decisions. Although the Protocol may have a definition for human trafficking, there is no set dis shed light on to the definition of this issue, as there is no universal nature. There are many factors that lead to this exploitation, a few of the main ones includes, economic instability, vulnerability, lack of gentility from family and birth order (Blackburn, Taylor Davis, 2010, p. 08).Furthermore human trafficking is joined very closely with finish trafficking as women and sometimes men are trafficked into the country for the sole purpose of fetch upual exploitation. One of the big issues faced with the social issue of human trafficking is the lack of statistics and data that go off be gathered about this issue, mainly based on the fact that many cases go unseen and thus there isnt sufficient evidence for further investigations (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, p. 30).Moreover, difference sources of information have childlike differences in the estimates of people trafficked in Australia, for example the administration would state several hundred persons are trafficked into Australia separately year, however advocacy groups and non government organisations state several thousand (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, p. 224). As stated before, feminism is a theory that is strongly used in understanding the issue of human trafficking, however within the feminism movements, there are activists who have different perspectives about grammatical gender work, which to an extend broadens our draws of human trafficking.This includes the Neo-abolitionists, organisations like the concretion Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) who believe that sex work is gender based violence, and women are forced to be se x workers, not by plectrum. However on the other side there are the pro sex workers and alliances such as Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) who believe that women have a choice to be sex workers, as sex work is a legitimate form of labour. Although there are some differences, many similarities still appear that highlights the main beliefs of feminists.Such as within the anti-trafficking strategy, pushing for decriminalisation of prostitution, as this can cause many issues, discussed further on in the essay (Lecture, SLSP1000 Problems and issues in social science Sex trafficking, fall ined on 2nd May 2011 at The University of in the altogether South Wales, Sydney, Dr Sanja Milivojevic). When dealing with a social issue such as human trafficking, complexities within approaches to solving the issue is always present.The political approaches to the issue are implemented by the government, and also appear to be a positive offspring for trafficked people, but there are always possible hidden agendas. Furthermore during times the government implements laws and legislations without the in-person interest of the trafficked in thought. However theories such as feminism allow us to also approach the issue in a moral aspect, and understand a broader perspective.In the United States of America, in 2000 the Palermo Protocol was adopted in hopes of addressing the issue of human trafficking, and soon after many other international and regional strategies were created to fight trafficking (Lecture, SLSP1000 Problems and issues in social science Sex trafficking, presented on 2nd May 2011 at The University of new South Wales, Sydney, Dr Sanja Milivojevic). Furthermore the United States and other countries of the world adopted the 3P paradigm, which is a framework to combat contemporaneous forms of slave labor.The Ps stand for, prevention, usually the methods revolved virtually raising public knowness for the source and destination countries, in order to inform and educate them about human trafficking. Protection, this revolved around protecting the victims of trafficking, also in the United States under the Trafficking Victims Protections Act 2000, governments have a responsibility to forget identified victims of trafficking to remain in the country, work and obtain service.Finally, prosecution involves the prosecution of the traffickers. Except, how accurate could the government be in preventing trafficking, if there is not much solid evidence to help improve the flaws within the anti trafficking strategies? Furthermore a lot of victims of sex trafficking have to be sought out, as they will not come forward of this injustice on their own (Maltzahn, 2001), thus locating these women in order to solve the social issue is proved to be more difficult.Furthermore studies in Britain have shown that when detained, only a few women testify, and the rest usually are asked to be deported back, fearful that their exploiters would believe evi dence was given against them, and thus could proceed with threats made to the victims and their families (Maltzahn, 2001). Unlike the United States, Australia uses the 3D framework, detention, deportation and disempowerment, which has be ridiculed for governments acting out of self-importance interest, and ridding of the burden of illegal workers in all forms.Also, in Australia some women who are detained for entering Australia illegally, are victims of sex trafficking, however the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) do not ask the detainees if they were trafficked rather of smuggled (Malzahn, 2001). In relation to the problem, even if the women were asked, a few would admit to being trafficked, not knowing that they are victims of a serious social issue. ground on the idea that a lack of education leaves women and children not knowing what they have gotten themselves into, as a lot of women are either tricked into the exploitation, believing they were leaving to work in retail industries and such. In addition, the governments system of sending the women back to their firm country is a very large flaw, as sending them back without knowing if they were the subject of a crime, simply subjects them to being trafficked again, if not to be a social outcast (Malzahn, 2001).In contrast to the governments solution of ridding of the detainees, and preventing time to come traffickers, the social theory of feminism allows for this issue to be seen from a more non confident(p) point of view. As feminists obviously do not view prosecution as their main priority but instead focuses on offering support for the women who had suffered violence, this broadens our understanding of the issue as we view it from a non political view (Malzahn, 2001).Adding to the role feminism plays in this social issue, although human trafficking usually victimises women, it shows the ability of women to take a lead in the struggles of the inequality of t he world, and even put gender issues to the top of government agendas. Furthermore, feminists have raised much awareness of this social injustice, and pushed governments to enforce legalisation (Heredia, 2007, p. 311). For example, it was feminists like Josephine Burtlet that pushed for the first international instrument again the white slave trade (Heredia, 2007, p. 12).In addition, there are many complexities that do when investigateing the subject of human trafficking. One of the main factors is the strong focus on sex trafficking, and the lack of focus in the other forms. Also, there is a limited focus on the men who are burden by sex trafficking and other forms of exploitation. However, adapting the feminist view towards this issue, feminism primarily believes in the equality between men and women, and thus expands our thinking perspective on that fact that not only women are work but also men.The main complexity of exploreing human trafficking is the access to victims, pr oper research cannot be courtly if victims are not willing to share their story of how they were exploited, thus making it difficult to prevent future trafficking from happening (Lecture, SLSP1000 Problems and issues in social science Sex trafficking, presented on 2nd May 2011 at The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Dr Sanja Milivojevic).In an attempt to combat human trafficking, there are certain patterns in Australia that can be noticed, for example the profiles of victims are usually, women, and the majority of women are usually from South East Asian countries. Based on research, most victims are promised employment in Australia, however whether or not victims knew they were surrendering themselves to sex work is not clear. Furthermore it has been research that upon arrival to Australia women are usually expected to work off the debt they have accumulated in coming to Australia, having to work a certain amount of jobs (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, p. 2).It has also been stated that offenders are usually organised criminals, and ethnically based, however these stereotypes can lead to more harm than good, as they endure an inaccurate understanding of what governments should be looking out for. Referring back to the impact that feminism has on the understanding of this social issue, it is evident that the approach of feminism impacts strongly on the possible improvement research methods of people trafficking.The feminist empiricist approach to researching social issues violates empiricism in a way as androcentrism seeps into the social research (Smith, 2010, p. 313), and thus a more effective form of research would be in a non positivist view (Choo, Jang Choi, 2010). Using methods of research such as ethnography, will allow for social scientists to understand the hale story of victims to people trafficking, and thus have a deeper understanding of the issue.Furthermore, if legal sex workers were to be present while talking to victims of sex tr afficking, it could prove to be a source of comfort for the victims, as they can relate to a certain extent (Maltzahn, 2001). Moreover, interviewing can be used as a research method to gain a greater insight into the issue also interviews can be conducted 2 ways, either formally or informally, based upon the victim. Thus, the theory of feminism can help us understand the social issue better, as it gives us a broader view of ways we can approach solving this issue and understanding it to the best we can as outsiders.In conclusion, the core theory of feminism has proven effective in aiding to understand the social issue of people trafficking. As the majority of people being trafficked are women, and thus, the support behind solving and understanding this issue is much related. Furthermore, feminism broadens the perspective on ways to view the victims and forms of research, such as ethnography and interviews, approaching from a non-positivist perspective, allowing for a greater exper ience of the issue.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Quality Control Department Essay Example for Free

Quality manipulate division EssayIn an attempt to cut be in the Quality Control Department of XYZ delicatessen, it is eventful to first identify the costs to fit which aspects of the comp any(prenominal)s quality control subprogram can be eliminated, if any at all. Quality control costs can be sh bed into three different classifications. These classifications are prevention costs, appraisal costs and disaster costs (Stevenson, 2008).Prevention costs are costs generated in the process of impeding product mistakes or flaws in aim to cede customers with XYZ Deli brand quality products or to improve current products. Prevention costs are the just about indispensable of the quality control costs. It is less expensive and much less difficult to repair a flaw or defect before the product slayes the customer. Prevention costs include not unaccompanied planning and administrative procedure costs, but also education/ planning and increased equipment maintenance costs. It i s important that all employees are trained accurately throughout the quality control process in order to produce XYZ Deli quality products and to checker a decline in the possibility of erroneous endeavor and productivity (Stevenson, 2008).Possible tradeoffs for this cost would be if employees are not trained properly, ensuring the job is being through with(p) correctly may result in the production of unsatisfactory product. This could potentially create loss of gross sales or hazard costs because the products are being poorly produced. However, increasing the time spent training employees could delay the production process. This would also create opportunity costs because the product would take longer to give-up the ghostto the customer.While prevention costs are most vital, appraisal costs are necessary to ensure customers are being provided with the high quality products expected from the XYZ Deli brand. This would include costs of limited review of products to determine i f product standards and parameters are being met, as well as to detect any product flaws. An event of appraisal costs is inspection costs. Inspection costs are incurred during the quality try outing process. This includes the cost of the inspection facility and inspector auditor salaries, as well as any materials, appliances or tools used to test XYZ Deli brand products (Stevenson, 2008). A potential tradeoff to not inspecting product could also allow speculative product to reach the customer, creating opportunity costs. Poorly produced products will not be well received. At any rate, the tradeoff for properly inspecting all the product being produced could set back the time it takes for the product to reach the market also creating opportunity costs.Finally, mischance costs are generated when components of the product or the product itself is faulty. tribulation costs can be either internal or external. Internal miserys are those detected in one of the production phases befor e the product reaches the customer. There are numerous issues that contribute to an internal failure much(prenominal) issues include faulty materials received, improper handling of material, defective equipment, and improper use of equipment. Examples of internal failure costs are loss of production time, worthless material and the cost of regenerating previous hold up and/or the rebuilding of the product, as well as the cost of inspecting the reworked product. Other examples of internal failures include practicable damage to equipment possible safety issues causing employee injuries.External failures are failures that are identified after the customer has received the product. Such issues are not discovered during production or inspection process. These costs are much more expensive and much more difficult to correct because the product has already reached the consumer. Examples of a failure costs include managing customer complaints, account might and possible litigation. Overs eeing warranty issues, providing replacements and payments are also examples of failure costs. Animportant failure costs to avoid is the loss of customer loyalty (Stevenson, 2008). Not only does XYZ Deli want to recruit new customers, it is important to retain current valued customers. Not finding a way to take care of the consumer may give the company a poor reputation, creating more opportunity costs.While each of these costs is expensive, they are necessary in maintaining the reputation of a growing company, such as XYZ Deli. Prevention appraisal costs are the preferable way to disperse funds because they prevent failure costs. Failure costs are much more expensive for the company, not only in terms of money, but also in terms of the companys reputation, good will and the ability to retain current valued customers. If XYZ Deli spends the time and money on the appropriate such as ensuring proper training in production and inspection, the company will save money in the future.Refer encesStevenson, W. (2008). trading operations management (10th ed.). New York McGraw-Hill ISBN-13 978-0-07-337784-1.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

American Fast Food in Korea Essay Example for Free

Ameri digest Fast Food in Korea Essay1. Base on market information for Asia Pacific, we can do conclusion that business future in Asian region has to have bright future. With 33% of the mankinds gross domestic crossing and 50% of its population, Asia has emerged as a rapidly maturation force in the global frugality. Due to the ethnic diversity, regulatory controls, growing base of consumer force play and its own set of business rules, the multinational corporations (MNCs) find it thought-provoking to enter the Asian market successfully. Most MNCs be reassessing their existing strategies or formulating new strategies to sustain their emersion (4). With regional exports exceeding $1. 3 trillion, the East Asia and Pacific regions sh ar of trade in GDP is the highest in the valet. (Global Development. Finance Report. 2006). The economy of South Korea has grown in the last 35 years. Per capita gross national product only $100 in 1963, exceeded $20,000 USD in 2005. South Kor ea is now one of the worlds largest economies (as of 2006, it is 14th in the world according to GDP). (2). If we lead compare Korean market to East Asian countries (Exhibit 1 p. 12). From report I have strong understanding that mane fast- diet market in any Asian countries is in macroscopical cities.Lets check urban population level in all Asian countries. ground on Exhibit 1 we can cl aboriginal see that Korea has one of the best urban universe of discourse level-total population level 47. 6 million and urban population is 82%. Check GDP and GNI level. We can see that Korean level one of the highest in the Asia. Nominal GDP (2005 est. ) $811. 1 billion. GDP ingathering rate 2003, 3. 1% 2004, 4. 6% 2005, 4. 0%. Per capita GNI (2004) $14, 162. (5). In 1997 Korea had some serious economic crises and faced split up difficulties. After some structural reforms in Korean government, economy starts to recovery.Already In 2001 Korea was 13th largest economy in the world with GNP of $3 98 billion. So based on all information from above I can make conclusion that Korea has good future and it is one of the most promising market in Asian region. 2. Porters Five Forces have break down a yardstick for assessing exertion profit faculty. They are ?Buyers/customers power ?Suppliers power ?Rivalry among competitors ? flagellum of new entrants ?Threat of substitute products I exit turn in to analyze for each one one, for Korean fast food market. Buyers power. The power of buyers is the impact that customers have on fast food industry.Buyers could be powerful in different circumstances. I believe that in our case we can say that buyers are concentrated. As I could explain earlier, main per cent of population in Korea are in the loose cities. Its give us good idea that for fast food industry in this region will be easier to voice communication product to the customers. Buyers purchase the significant proportion of output. Suppliers power. A fast food industry require r aw material for there business-labor, components. It leads to buyer-supplier relationship between the fast food industry and the firms that pull up stakes it the raw materials used to create products.Suppliers are powerful if they are concentrated- it will be really pricy to switch the supplier. From another side suppliers are week if it will be many suppliers with standard product on the market Korean agriculture sector includes forestry and fisheries. National products are rice, veget fits, fruit, root crops, barley cattle, pigs, chickens, milk, eggs, fish. or so 20% of the land used for agricultural busyness (5). From here we can understand that for fast food companies will be roaring to find or switch the suppliers without problems for there businesses. Threat of new entrants.The happening that new firms may enter the industry also affects competition. In theory any firm should be able to enter and exit market. And if free entrance and exit exists, than profit always should be nominal. thither are some barriers of entry. Easy to entry if little brand franchise access to distri just nowion impart common engine room. On Korean market steal not allot firms with brand franchise. And it is big need in new choices for customers. It let us know that it will be easy to enter to the market. Threat of substitute products.Product price elasticity is affected by substitute products-as more substitute become available, the demand becomes more elastic since customers have more alternatives. A close substitute product constrains the ability of firms in an industry to raise prices. In our case we can see example of some firms, Lotteria and McDonalds, who easy change there recipes for Korean customers which needs more healthy national ingredients for there food.Rivalry among competitors. In pursuing an advantage over its rivals, a firm can choose from several competitive moves ever-changing prices improving product creatively using channels of distribution exploitin g relationship with supplier.For firm who will try to enter Korean market, I would say more realistic and more helpful move will be to improve products. Improving quality of materials, quality of services, and probably quality of food preparation technology (healthier environment), will be most key key to success on the Korean fest food market. 3. Urban Koreans eat out frequently. Fast paced lifestyles are driving Koreans to choose western-style fast-food, but healthy eating is a concern. These factors are driving a fast growing market for sandwich store franchising (3).Another important factor is that about 75%-80% fast food customers are young great deal whose age slight than 20 year old. It is mean that along with westernization of Korean taste, western chain gained in popularity. In the past, people seeking a fast meal would have been satisfied by fast-food giants like McDonalds or Burger King, but it is changing. Consumers are seeking different choices. This new requirements has opened doors for a steadily growing market for warm and healthy sandwich businesses. Lotteria is a local hamburger franchiser and is the fast-food market leader in Korea.From 2002 to 2003 Lotteria experienced a sharp sales drop of 40%. However, a strong contrast was seen in the South Korean sandwich market, as its $41. 20 million1 market value in the second quarter of 2003 doubled to $82. 40 million in the fourth quarter. This dramatic growth is forecast to continue, and the anticipated market value for 2004 is $117. 71 million (3) Besides Lotteria, the local franchisers include Sandday, Sandpresso and Sand Food. In response to the aggressive foreign companies, they are also coming up with strategies to secure their position within the market, and the competition is about to heat up. base on all this information I would say that fast food business in Korea growing and this will continue until people need more choices. 4Globalization is the key to sustained growth for Yum Comp any Brands, the worlds biggest quick-service restaurant company headquartered in the United States and managing five fast food brands KFC, Pizza Hut, taco Bell, AW and Long John Silvers. Demand for fast food is rising because lifestyles are changing, said Allan, who leads oversea operations outside of the U. S.and China, in a recent interview with The Korea Times.More Koreans are being sentence pressured than they were historically. This trend is happening here. The number of people eating ready made food is continuing to increase. (Graham Allan, hot seat of Yum Restaurants International. 11. 06. 2006) (6). As a socially responsible company, the 51-year-old executive said Yum will provide more elective dishes to health-conscious consumers amid a well-being spree in the nation, but will not abandon its traditional innovation of great taste. Under his leadership, Allan said he will target an annual growth of 10 percentage or more in operating profits. There are about 250 Pizza Hut delivery outlets in the nation, which are set to expand to over 400. Korea makes up about 5 percent of Yums international division sales, which amount to some $11 billion half of the groups boilers suit system sales. If I were business consultant, I would recommend starting making money on Korean fast food market. The new trend is propelling growth in the franchising market.It is anticipated that the market will experience intense competition for the next couple years. New fast food companies should be able to take advantage of the situation and enter the market without much difficulty, while it is still at an early stage of development.Reference page 1. http//www. iff. com/Internet. nsf/0/B7A5C7E9B662B52685256D02006683DA 2. http//www. answers. com/topic/economy-of-south-korea 3. http//ats. agr. ca/asia/3879_e. htm 4. www. berkeleyabc. org/2006/ 5. http//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2800. htm 6. http//times. hankooki. com/lpage/biz/200611/kt2006110617463411890. htm.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Ethnics Unit 3 DB Essay Example for Free

Ethnics Unit 3 DB EssayIn the business and corporate world of the contemporary society, this is a dominant pattern currently being applied and observed by the group of the employers as well as the employees. This convention is regarding the current biological and physiological occasion of a certain employee and connection with the personal aspect of do drugs use. This principle is mainly that drug use is and should be regarded as personal information thus it is truly private in nature and that employers should moreover access it on a need-to-know basis or only in exceptionally cases. The verbalise statement is indeed logical and that it should be dominantly applied and observed in the corporate world especially the employers side. However, the said statement likewise expressively given also adepts for he employers to know on exceptional cases. Employers indeed are notably to be on the aspect of pursuing the interest of the business and the protection of its safety and st talent. On this reason, the must require full knowledge regarding the background and condition of their employees as their need-to-know basis. However, drug use information should be held rightfully private if the said information has no connection and/or present or future influence on the condition of the employee and its ability.Other cases such as personal matters pertaining to the employees physical and checkup condition should hold the drug use information of the said personnel to be accessible for the employers. In this aspect, if indeed the safety and medical condition of the employee is greatly affected by the drug use information of the employee and that the working condition and ability of the said individual is affected by the his or her history of drug use, then the employer should have the right to know the said information as included in the exceptional cases entailed in the previous statement. In addition, if the drug use information is generally therapeutical an d medical in nature, then the information should be publicly disclosed to the employers for safety purposes.BibliographyHumber, James M. (1992). Privacy in the Corporation. Business Ethics. Prometheus Books, New York. Pages 250-60.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Decision Model Theory Essay Example for Free

finale Model Theory EssayCaseHere we occasion the Thompson Lumber Company case as an example to illustrate these purpose theory measurings. John Thompson is the devote and president of Thompson Lumber Company, a profitable firm located in Portland, Oregon. tonicity 1The line that John Thompson identifies is whether to expand his product line by manufacturing and marketing a new product, backyard storage sheds.Step 2* The second step is to list the alternate(a). * Thompsons second step is to generate choices that ar purchasable to him . In conclusion theory the alternative is a course of action or strategy that the determination producer can choose .According to him his alternatives be to construct 1 a large new whole works to manufacture the storage sheds 2 a small plant, or3 no plant at all* So, the closing ecclesiastics should try to make all possible alternatives ,on some occasion even the least(prenominal) important alternative might turn out to be the best c hoice.Step 3* leash step is to identify possible outcomes. * The criteria for action are established at this time. According to Thompson there are two possible outcomes the market for the storage sheds could be roaring means there is a blue demand of the product or it could be unfavorable means that there is low demand of the product. * hopeful decision makers tend to ignore bad outcomes where as disheartened managers may discount a favorable outcome. If you dont consider all possibilities, it ordain be difficult to make a legitimate decision, and the result may be undesirable. * There may be some outcomes over which the decision maker has little or no control is k like a shotn as states of nature.Step 4* Fourth step is to list payoffs. * This step is to list payoff resulting from each possible combination of alternatives and outcomes. Because in this case he wants to maximize his profits, he use profits to evaluate each consequences .Not every decision, of course, can be bas e on money alone any appropriate means of measuring benefit is acceptable. In decision theory we call such payoff or profits conditional honors.Step 5 6* The last two steps are to select and apply the decision theory model. * Apply it to the information to help make the decision. Selecting the model depends on the environment in which you are operating and the amount of take a chance and un sure thing involved. * Decision Table with condition observes for ThompsonTYPES OF DECISION MAKING ENVIRONMENTS* The types of decisions people make depends on how much knowledge or information they have about the situation. There are three affable of decision devising environments* Decision making under certainty.* Decision making under risk.* Decision making under uncertainty.Decision Making Under Certainty* Here the decision makers know about the certainty of consequences every alternative or decision choice has. * Naturally they will choose the alternative that will result in the best outcome. * Example Lets say that you have $10000 to drop for a period of one year. And you have two alternatives either to open a savings bet paying 6% interest and another is investing in Govt. Treasury Bond paying 10% interest. If both the investments are secure and guaranteed, the best alternative is to choose the second investment option to pass on uttermost profit.Decision Making Under Risk* Here the decision Maker knows about the several(prenominal) possible outcomes for each alternative and the probability of occurrence of each outcome. * Example The probability of being dealt a club is 0.25. The probability of rolling a 5 on die is 1/6. * In the decision making under risk, the decision maker usually attempts to maximize his or her expected well being. Decision theory models for business problems in this in this environment typically employ two equivalent criteria maximation of expected monetary value and minimization of expected loss. * Expected monetary value is the we ighted value of possible payoffs for each alternativeDecision Making under Uncertainty* Here there are several outcomes for each alternative, and the decision maker does not know the probabilities occurrences of various outcomes. * Example The probability that a Democrat/Republican will be the President of a country 25 Years from now is not known. * The criteria that is covered in this section as follows1 Maximax this bill find the alternative that maximizes the maximum payoffs or consequence for every alternative. Here we first locate the maximum payoff with every alternative and then pick that alternative with the maximum number. This is also known as cheerful decision criterion.* Maximin this criterion finds the alternative that maximizes the tokenish payoff or consequence for every alternative. Here we first locate the minimum outcome within every alternative and then pick that alternative with maximum number. This is called as pessimistic decision criterion. * Criterion o f Realism Also called as weighted average, is a compromise between an optimistic and a pessimistic decision. Let the coefficient of realism is a selected. The coefficient is between 0 and 1. When a is close to 1, the decision maker is optimistic about the future. When a is close 0 the decision maker is pessimistic. It helps the decision maker to build feelings about relative optimism and pessimism. * Weighted average =a (maximum in row) + (1-a)(minimum in row). * Equally seeming (Laplace)-one criterion that uses all the payoffs for each alternative is the equally likely also called Laplace decision criterion. This is to find alternative with highest payoff. * Minimax Regret the final decision criterion that we discuss is based on opportunity loss or regret.Expected Value of Perfect Information* FormulaEVPI = A BA = expected value with perfect informationB = expected value without perfect informationCalculation of (A) valueA = the best of each outcome x their prob.The best of outc omesBest outcome= (100,000) (30,000)A= 0.6 x 100,000 + 0.4 x 30,000 = 72,000Calculation of (B) valueB = we select the max value of each given below conclusion of each event0.6(50000) + 0.4 (30,000)= 42,0000.6(100,000 -0.4(40,000)= 44,0000.6(30,000) + 0.4(10,000)= 20,000The max value for all computed value = 44,000EVPI = A B= 72,000 44,000= 28,000Expected opportunity LossThe expected opportunity loss is the expected value of the regret for each decision (Minimax)EOL (Apartment) = $50,000(.6) + 0(.4) = 30,000EOL (Office) = $0(.6) + 70,000(.4) = 28,000EOL (Warehouse) = $70,000(.6) + 20,000(.4) = 50,000 bare(a) Analysis* Most of our decisions are made following our marginal analysis of costs and benefits * To achieve a given outcome we often have to make a choice from among alternative means we usually try to make the least costly choice among the available means * Sometimes our decisions result in benefits as well as costs * How much food should you buy?* How many years of trainin g should you have?* How many hours should you work?* How many workers should you hire?* How much should save/invest?

Saturday, April 6, 2019

How to tame a wild tounge Essay Example for Free

How to tame a wild tounge EssayIn the essay, How to Tame a wild Tongue, Gloria Anzaldua the author, states the immensity of maintaining ones ingrained tongue. She believes that people should speak whenever or however they please given that it does non harm anyone. Anzaldua does not want to escape her Mexi bed modalitys such as speaking Spanish. It is a vital part of her life because she occurs with her family members speaking a variety of Spanish dialects. Since she has no an different(prenominal) way to show her Mexican ways, it is key that she speaks Spanish to maintain her Mexican pride. hatful take pride in the addresss that they speak and its not right for otherwises to tell them they atomic number 18 not bothowed to express themselves in those foreign linguistic communications. On the other hand, it is important that to speak side of meat in order to communicate with her classmates, teachers, and anyone around her. incline is debauched be plan of attack the dominant means by which the world is able to communicate. It is being referred to as the worldwide phraseology as it is seen as a jet means for interaction between different countries.This new phenomena can be seen in a positive light because the use of position as a common delivery brings efficiency and greater understanding. Nevertheless there some people who believe that this point has changed and that straight it is to a greater extent important to learn Spanish and mandarin than the English language. Anzaldua dealt with this issue on a accordant basis in her school life. Though she was not told to lose her Spanish ways, she felt that speaking English would not allow her to express herself. Especially in the American farming, it was necessary for her to learn English to communicate with her peers.Furthermore, the English language is the number one lingua franca no other comes close. At the moment virtually(predicate) 1. 113 million people speak Chinese as their mo ther tongue, whereas about 372 million speak English. avocation this criterion Chinese must be the worlds global tongue and yet analysts considered English to be the global language of the century. Imagine if Chinas economy takes flight in the coming few years, enabling the country to replace the united States as the greatest economical power, there would be a possibility that China could take over in the next couple decades.In fact, reports sire shown that the number of Chinese learners is increasing dramatically. Chinese learners in Africa, for example, have increased to 8,000 in the year 2005. The assemblage on China-Africa Cooperation published the statistic in a 2005 report. The report alike says that in Sudan alone, Chinese learners have amounted to 450, and many a(prenominal) have come to China to learn on Chinese government scholarships, according to Peter Nyot Kok, subgenus Pastor of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Sudan. According to the U. S. Bureau of the Census, ten years ago about one in seven people in this country spoke a language other than English at home.Since then the proportion of immigrants in the population has grown and grown. Ever-wider swaths of Florida, California, and the Southwest are severely Spanish speaking. Hispanic people make up 30 percent of the population of New York City, and a television station there that is affiliated with a Spanish-language network has been known to draw a large daily audience than at least one of the citys English-language network affiliates. According to the census, from 1980 to 1990 the number of Spanish-speakers in the United States grew by 50 percent.Statistically, more people in the world speak Mandarin than English, but Mandarin is not communicate much outside Asia. A global language is a language spoken foreignly. A global language is not barely a majority people spoken, but similarly use in international organization or international event. Its a well-known fact that t here is huge demand for English speaking professionals in China who can facilitate international business. There is also acute demand for English teachers who can make the Chinese students better weaponed for modern-day business and life.Chinese has more native Australian speakers, however, it also has simplistic grammar, and it lacks articles, prepositions, verb conjugation and tense, singularity and pack of nouns making it less effective than English at expressing complex meanings. It is also tonal, which limits the speakers use of tone for excited and conceptual expression. Furthermore most Westerners find the Chinese writing system difficult to grasp. So from uphill trends, it seems evident that Chinese is not more favorite than English as a global language. English is widespread largely due to the fact that it is used so heavily in television, film and music.Hollywoods global spread has contributed strongly to the international popularity of English. It is also the predomi nant language on the Internet. Web pages in other languages often tend to have an English translation. The British Empire and the dominant nature of American popular culture have contributed overall to the spread of English across the planet. Because of this many young Hispanics have kick upstairs adopting the English language into their culture. In South East Asia, as a result of English befitting a kind of global currency, there is a large turn towards acquiring language skills not in any language but most specifically in English.As the world becomes more globalized or as corners of the planet open up for vocation relations with other countries and tourism booms, the deficiency for English increases. Hotels, shops and schools have a desperate desire to sell their services and make a living. Peoples ability to survive is strongly linked to their ability to communicate in English. Consequently native languages become redundant and even endangered. People focus on skill English over learning other languages and also in many cases need to use their individual languages to a lesser degree.In fact more Asians speak English than anyone else. One of them is that it facilitates the exchange of information from one part of the world the other with ease. It is through the existence of a global language like English that peace and trade has been enhanced between dissimilar countries. It has also facilitated the mobility of people both in their physical terms and also electronically. Sufficient statistics indicate that most trade is done electronically and this is greatly facilitated by English as a global language. Finally, there are economic advantages connected with a global language.Crystal claims that the more a community is linguistically mixed the less it can rely on individuals to ensure talk between different groups (Crystal 200311). Consequently linguistically mixed communities, as well as the global community, are spending large sums of money on translat ions and interpretations in order to reach its citizens. A global language known and spoken by everybody would undoubtedly lower these cost, and the spared money could be used in other important areas instead, for example in humanitarian aid.In fact, during the last decades the need of interpretation and translation in international organizations has progressively has been decreasing thanks to the expansion of English. Many international organizations find it necessary that all people involved speak English, since the translation expenses would be too high. According to Crystal half the calculate of an international organization could easily get swallowed up in translation costs if there was a lack of a common language (Crystal 2003 12).Mutual intelligibility, great career opportunities and reduced administrative costs are some of the advantages a global language would give. We are in need of an international language for communication, politics, trade and security, but at the same time we are worried about language death, the advantages native speakers will have and all the disadvantages non-native speakers will face. English is growing, it is a strong language, and its future seems bright. My opinion is that if there will ever be an official international language English is the best option.It is a strong, well-developed language with millions of speakers. Even if a global language might be important, different languages are of importance for their culture and for the development of their native speakers. Anzaldua wants to maintain her heritage by speaking her language constantly. She is in fear that speaking English will lead to the death of her heritage, but the integration of her heritage with English will only allow her to have communication with more people around her. Languages make the world more arouse and more alive.