Saturday, December 28, 2019
Women s Rights During The Civil War - 1065 Words
Women s Rights In the Civil War Time Period Before the war, women had very little rights. A married woman could not control property that was hers before marriage, keep control of her wages, acquire property while married, she could not transfer or sell property, she couldn’t even bring a lawsuit. A husband could do anything he wished to with a woman’s material. He could sell them, break them, and his wife couldn t sell or give away the exact same things. It was immensely unfair to women. But, they would not stay quiet for long. The sexism had to stop! Women in the civil war era. What image comes into your mind? A nurse? What about a nobel spy, or a leader to many? Even an abolitionist, a soldier, or maybe even a civil rights activist. Many women wanted to speak out for their beliefs, but remained quiet, for they feared it would not have a good outcome. But, some didn’t stay quiet. Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of those women who was not scared to speak for her, and many others, beliefs. Harri et was a passionate abolitionist, and her book ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ made her an international celebrity. She is even considered one of the causes of the Civil War. Her book personalizes the political and economic arguments about slavery. President Abraham Lincoln greeted her in 1812 and proclaimed, â€Å"So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that started the great war.†Harriet Tubman was a hero. She was a runaway slave who became a conductor in theShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights During The Civil War1557 Words  | 7 Pages the American Civil War came at a key time to change the women’s rights landscape. The period leading up to the Civil War, however, did not see a society ready to change, and thus, little work was done towards the women’s rights movement. According to Women’s Civil War History author Mary Elizabeth Massey, women’s rights activists before the Civil War were small in numbers, but opinionated (qtd in Hall 1-2). Dogmatic women’s rights activists were stuck in a world that deemed women as inferior, whichRead MoreWomen s Rights During The Civil War1628 Words  | 7 PagesWomen Getting the Right to Vote â€Å"While the word suffrage, derived from the Latin â€Å"Suffragium,†simply refers to the right to vote, the modern connotation specifically calls to mind the women’s suffrage movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Part of the larger social movement of Women’s Rights and the fight for equality within patriarchal societies , the Women’s Suffrage Movement in the United States spans a seventy-two year period†(Dolton 31)The campaign for women’s suffrage beganRead MoreWomen s Civil Rights During World War II1209 Words  | 5 PagesAfter years of Civil Rights Movements and Pay Equity Acts, as of 2014, women still only make 79 cents to a man s every dollar. Although the wage gap has shrunk since the 1970’s, progress has recently stalled and chances of it vanishing on its own is unlikely. The gains that American women have made towards labor market experience and skills is tremendous. In fact, women account for 47% of lab or workforce and 49.3% of American jobs. But despite of women’s strides, a gender pay gap still exists. ExpertsRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Civil War1521 Words  | 7 Pages101 19 April 2017 Civil War The American Civil War, that took place from 1861 to 1865, marked one of the most important changes in American history, it was fought between the Union and the Confederate States of America. A total of even southern states that left the Union to form their own country in order to protect the institution of slavery. The Civil War transformed the country’s economy, politics, women, African Americans, along with major breakthroughs in technology. The war increased northernRead MoreWomen s Role During The Civil War1301 Words  | 6 Pagesdegradation of Women the very foundations of life are poisoned at their source†(Rose 1). Lucretia Mott was only one of many women in which had to go through this tough time known as the Civil War ( Editors 2). Women during this time threw away their old ways of being a housewife and everyone helped contribute in the war somehow, whether if they were young or old they helped ( Staff 1). Though not often mentioned, women played a huge role in the Civil War. The Women stood up toRead MoreWomen In The Civil War1674 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Women Who Fought In the Civil War Submitted By: Tierahnee Balfour History 2010 Enhanced Mrs. Teresa Prober 19 October 2012 It is an accepted convention that the Civil War was a man’s fight, but to the women in that time period, it was not. Many women sacrificed their lives to fight for their family and for their country. The Civil War is symbolic in American history because it shaped society, as we know it today, â€Å"Free of slavery†. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
On August 6, 1945 The United States Revolutionized Warfare
On August 6, 1945 the United States revolutionized warfare by dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. President Truman jotted down in his diary, â€Å"We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark†(Sadao 103). There has been much controversy regarding this brutal attack on the Japanese, which according to the American Historian, John A. Garraty, it is known to be â€Å"the most controversial decision of the entire war†(Walker 324). Many have confused their memory of World War history, and are unsure what is a myth and what is a fact (Sherwin 1091). The United States was justified by dropping the atomic bomb on†¦show more content†¦The atomic bomb was uniquely crafted and extremely different than any other bomb, which meant there was a great amount of pressure from scientists and others to use the bomb (Suzuki 88). With that in mind, Truman needed to explain why two billion dollars had been invested in material and skill for this project, also known as the â€Å"Manhattan Project†(Sadao 108). In a 1958 television interview Edward R. Murrow questioned Truman if he had any regrets and Truman responded by stating, â€Å"to have a weapon to win the war and not use it would be ‘foolish’†(Sadao 102; Sherwin 1085). This war was the perfect incentive to use these new weapons created by the tactics of urban bombing (Sherwin 1085). Following its creation, the atomic bomb was used to end the war quickly because the Japanese resolutely refused to surrender (Suzuki 88). In August 1983 the well-known Japanologist and former ambassador to Japan Edwin O. Reischauer created a furor in Japan by writing in the Boston Globe that but for the bomb the Japanese would have â€Å"fought on to extinction.†This means that the bomb not only saved millions of lives but also preserved Japan â€Å"as a nation†(Sadao 100). The Japanese had already suffered greatly from air bombardments and naval blockades as well as their armed forces were deprived, but the Japanese were still far from surrender (Morton 342). It was necessary for the U.S. to drop the atomic bombs, because evenShow MoreRelatedB-29: The Airplane that Changed the World1366 Words  | 6 Pagescore few of these many inventions can be said to change air warfare, and few of those are as game-changing as the B-29 Superfortress by Boeing. The B-29 was the p lane that dropped the atomic bombs in World War Two (â€Å"bomber†). The plane by Boeing was used most in World War Two as a strategic long-range bomber. This invention revolutionized the concept of war, and war is a factor in all life on planet earth. The B-29 bomber changed warfare by sparking the innovation of aircraft technology, saving livesRead MoreThe Bombing Of Japan During The World War II1572 Words  | 7 Pages World War II was a war that lasted about 6 years. 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It was used to define the mass murder of 6 million European Jews. The Jews were killed along with some other persecuted groups such as homosexuals and gypsies. Now, the term Holocaust is used to define the mass murder of the Jews and this paperRead More The Atomic Bomb Changed the World Forever Essay2523 Words  | 11 Pagespublic functionality of the world today. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki revolutionized warfare by killing large masses of civilian population with a single strike. The bombs’ effects from the blast, extreme heat, and radiation left an estimated 140,000 people dead. The bombs created a temporary resolution that lead to another conflict. The Cold War was a political standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States that again created a new worldwide nuclear threat. The destructive potentialRead MoreNuclear Warfare During World War II2382 Words  | 10 Pagesemerging nuclear superpowers of the world. When the Soviets tested their first nuclear weapon, â€Å"RDS-1,†in 1948, the United States lost its nuclear monopoly. Now having a nuclear capable rival, the United States needed a place to continue to develop and experiment with its nuclear weaponry. This place was none other than the Marshall Islands. In just 12 short years, the United States testes 67 nuclear devices on the Marshall Islands; particularly on the atolls of Bikini and Enewetak. The testing onRead MoreEnvironmental Effects of War7089 Words  | 29 Pagesof this behaviour pattern is a certain state of organized conflict that is engaged in between two or more separate social entities. Such a conflict is always an attempt at altering either the psychological hierarchy or the material hierarchy of domination or equality between two or more groups. In all cases, at least one participant (group) in the conflict perceives the need to either psychologically or materially dominate the other participant. A war state of open, armed, often prolonged conflictRead MoreChemical Warfare in World War I Essay5438 Words  | 22 PagesJuliana Amenta 2/18/13 Mr. Zastrow Chemical Warfare During World War 1 The first World War has been reported to be one of the most brutal wars in the history of time for many reasons. One of those reasons was strategic usage of chemical warfare. Chemical gas was used on both sides of the line, which turned out to be fatal for many. World War I was mostly fought in the trenches, where soldiers lived in deep, v-shaped holes or underground bunkers. Both sides would occupy these trenches in orderRead MoreA Form Of Geometric Art Invented By The Famous Dutch Artist2670 Words  | 11 Pagesmissions were successful due to the satellites positioned by the military (Misa, pg. 251). Highly advanced technological companies such as IBM, Boeing, Lockheed, MIT, Raytheon, etc. too were being funded by the military (Misa, pg. 251). This ongoing state of economic affair during the industrial era was termed as Pentagon capitalism by an industrial engineer named Seymour Melman (Misa, pg. 251). According to him, it was a really gloomy time because the capitalism went fro m being ‘profit maximizing’
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Impact of Effective Communication on Business-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Various aspects of effective business communication and its impact on the business functioning with ease and effectiveness. Answer: Introduction The report is prepared to discuss the various aspects of effective business communication and its impact on the business functioning with ease and effectiveness. The two business organisations considered here as the case study are Woolworths and Aldi in Australia. There are different types of communication followed by these two organisations and so the best communication method and the least effective communication practice will be illustrated here in details. It will also evaluate how the communication type proved to be effective for one organisation while it may not be the right approach for another company. Providing a detailed analysis of the positives and negatives of the two most important communication techniques and its impacts is one of the main reasons of developing this report as well (Guffey Loewy, 2012). Discussions Basic principles of effective communication within organisations To enable the perfect communication within the business organisations, it is important to identify the various principles of effective communication including the clarity of messages, adequacy, attention, timing, integrity, its strategic use, interest and acceptance, balance between uniformity and adaptability and selection of proper communication channel too (Robles, 2012). Clarity To make sure that the communication process is noteworthy, it is important to understand the purpose of communication at first. The business communication could be successful as well as experience clarity when the receiver could understand the messages and information that would be transmitted. The sender must send the messages and information in such a manner so that the receiver could understand it and the communication process should also be clear, simple and possess easy language. Adequacy The main purpose of communication process is to manage optimum flow of information, which can not only benefit the two companies, i.e., Woolworths and Aldi, but can also allow the organisations to establish trust and sense of loyalty among the customers through interaction with them (Dainton Zelley, 2017). The messages must be adequate so that it could ensure proper flow and create convenience while being transferred from the sender to the receiver. Attention through understandable and meaningful message The delivered messages and information should be possessing right information and provide a clear meaning through its content, so that it could create attention among the receiver and ensure that they know the purpose of obtaining the information. Thus, the attention of the receiver and his ability to read to understand the message should be vital for establishing good communication. Both the supermarket chains have promoted their products by creating good messages and information and posted those on social media platforms so that customers can gain clear knowledge about the kinds of products that they want to purchase (Chen, Chiang Storey, 2012). Timing Time is an essential factor that contributes to the successful management of business communication. The effectiveness of a message depends upon the time taken to deliver and receive the message. It is also important that the business organisations take time to compile proper information and data consisting of diversified and complex contents and then make sure to deliver the right message on time to influence the consumers buying behaviours. Integrity and strategic use The individuals associated with the centres of communication should be focused on as well. It is often seen that the top-level managers forget to communicate messages to the middle level or line managers and rather try to communicate with the employees directly. Though it is an effective way to keep the staffs motivated within the workplace, still the line managers can feel ignored and not being able to gain the respect and position that they currently hold within the organisation (Conrad Poole, 2012). Thus, communication could be successful only when it happens from top to bottom with every stage passed through. When the information and messages during communication process are not enough, then strategically using the information obtained could be beneficial for making these organisations create sustainable place in the market. Two-way communication is needed for the companies to ensure that the messages are delivered properly and the business requirements are met (Sigmar et al., 2012). Description of the businesses Woolworths and Aldi both are major retail companies situated in Australia that deliver good quality products and services all over Australia and in other places worldwide too. Both these two companies focus on communication to promote a good culture, better teamwork and coordination within the organisation as well as understand the needs and requirements of clients to keep them satisfied. Woolworths is one of major supermarket and grocery store chain in Australia that holds 80 percent of the Australian market with an estimated revenue of more than 42.13 billion AUD. Aldi is a common brand that manages two of the leading discount supermarket chains with more than 10000 stores worldwide. It has a combined turnover of more than 50 billion and holds over 104,000 employees (Conrad Newberry, 2012). Comparing the nature of communications The business organisation Woolworths follows the verbal communication mostly to exchange messages and information face to face and discuss about the important business aspects. It is also seen that enabling verbal communication facilitates the information sharing and exchange efficiency as well as allowed the top level managers to consult with the employees while making decisions. The verbal communication styles followed by the company include meetings, presentations and lectures and conversations done through telephone usage or video conversations too. Meetings allowed the top-level managers of Woolworths to meet the middle level managers and the staffs to obtain their opinions and feedbacks regarding the business function and identify the areas which need improvements (Levin Nolan, 2014). The brainstorming sessions are managed as well to enable changes and furthermore evaluate the current market conditions based on which, the products can be delivered and new products shall be int roduced. The company authorities manage the meetings every month where every participant can get a chance to speak without monopolising the agenda. The company interacts with the managers and gain their feedbacks regarding the products delivered by the company through telephonic conversations. In case of any queries the customers services department provide relevant solutions to the customers and maintained a positive relationship with them, which further helped in influencing their buying behaviours (Oradee, 2012). Verbal communication styles also allowed the company managers to interact with the employees and understand their needs for development, based on which, necessary training sessions were provided to them. This could lift their morale, enhance their skills, knowledge, and keep them motivated an encouraged to perform with dedication and commitment (Agnola Cofaru, 2014). On the other hand, Aldi proposed the role playing activities as major forms of communication. The company is more focused on teamwork and so to handle different critical situations with ease. Here a particular scenario is formed where individuals play different roles and this is how their works and approaches are evaluated regarding how they respond to the different approaches and situations, furthermore remain counterproductive. This would also help in understanding what people think and how they might feel in such situations. It is an effective communication approach to develop experience, skills and self-confidence among the individuals and allow them to handle critical situations through preparation made by acting in similar kind of situation. With situations, evolving from time to time, mistakes and errors would be overcome and this would strengthen the brainstorming sessions, furthermore promote effective coordination and teamwork (Setiawan, Abadi Rahman, 2013). Types of communication Woolworths considered the verbal communication effective because it allowed the company to maintain good relationships with its customers by interacting them online and at the same time enable proper communication between the staffs within the workplace. Meetings were held and video conferences with the use of internet further helped the employees working within the organisation to communicate with each other and discuss about the business related tasks (Dias, 2016). The top-level managers communicated accurate messages and information to the line managers through meetings, which were later communicated to the staffs through telephonic or online conversations and chat messages (, 2018). This form of communication is less time consuming and both the sender and receiver can be engaged easily, which has further maintained the clarity and consistency of messages that are delivered (, 2018). Another verbal communication style that might not be the most effective for Woolworths could be the workshops. Here instructions are provided to the teams to develop their skills and experiences and even the leaders can provide proper information about a certain business scenarios to the staffs. Woolworths was experiencing lack of communication and so the leaders were not much active to deliver messages and information to the employees directly. This could have hindered the proper accomplishment of researches undertaken to focus on the business issues and furthermore might have created difficulties to solve problems and negotiate solutions as well (Guffey Loewy, 2012). Due to lack of proper instructions gained by the staffs, the company failed to respond to queries by the customers on online platforms, which could have even deteriorated the brand reputation. The role-playing communication was though considered as effective by Aldi because the staffs were allowed to take part in real world situations and made sure that their skills and knowledge level improve. One of the major purpose of such communication is to keep the staffs informed, engaged and motivated all throughout to perform with effectiveness. The supermarket chain has emphasised on this internal communication style. The employees and staffs took part in role playing sessions based on real business scenarios about how to target the major audience group (, 2018). This was done through discussions, which shed limelight on various areas including editorial focus, social media assets, web creativity and even promotions through televisions and advertisements for engaging more customers with the brand with ease and effectiveness. As the staffs became informed about knowledgeable about the ways of targeting different market segments, they focused on enhancing the marketing awareness through introduction of digital billboards and other social media promotional campaigns to ensure that the messages and information about the new products introduced can be delivered to the customers (Robles, 2012). Aldi possesses a good organisational structure and culture, because of which, meetings and face-to-face conversations are not much of use, because most of the staffs were quite friendly and communicated among each other properly. Training programs were arranged as well for enhancing the self competency and communication skills, because of which, they had been quite skilled and knowledgeable to handle critical situations with ease (Chen, Chiang Storey, 2012). Impact of communication The verbal communication styles adopted at Woolworths have created a huge positive impact on the organisations through cost savings, time saving as well as obtaining immediate feedbacks and responses from the clients regarding any queries and delivering appropriate solutions too. Consumers complained about inappropriate customers services previously, due to which, oral communication could be managed by managing telephonic conversations and even communicating with them in social media platforms for assisting them to overcome any issues faced. The employees also could communicate with each other quite easily and this promoted favourable relationships between the two parties with ease and efficiency too (Conrad Poole, 2012). This also allowed the managers to communicate with the employees face to face, which further kept them motivated an encouraged to perform better. The verbal communication at Woolworths has affected the business sometimes due to lack of secrecy, which resulted in no legal validation and created misunderstandings among people within the workplace. At Aldi, role-playing was adopted as useful form of communication because it developed higher level of engagement with the issues and knowledge and improved the skills of staffs too. The role playing activities also helped in proper assessment and flow of information , which further created more opportunities to adapt to real world business scenarios and ensure successful growth and growth of own self and organisation too. It is has allowed the staffs of Aldi to understand the requirements of customers by getting opportunities to practice in a safer environment where any mistakes will not lead to real world consequences (, 2018). Not everyone has the ability to judge how the roles should be played, because of which the communication process could deteriorate. It can take lot of time to make decisions and even get difficult to adapt to the situation quickly. Conclusion From the report, it could be analysed and interpreted that the two companies in Australia followed different communication styles, which possessed both positives and few drawbacks too. Though Woolworths followed the verbal communication to remain connected with the customers and even promoted teamwork within the workplace, there were few areas that still needed improvements. The customers services lacked certain improvements, because of which, the communication with the customers was not up to the mark. Aldi followed the role-playing in training strategy to understand each others skills and facilitate the communication process. However, it was sometimes difficult to predict the real world scenarios, which even created difficulties to understand the preferences of the customers due to inaccurate flow and exchange of information and messages. It is recommended to improve the core areas and maintain the principles properly for both these two companies and ensure that close relationships are managed with both the clients and within the workplace. References Agnola, L., Cofaru, I. I. (2014). Electronic Infrastructure Aimed At Improving Comunication And Education For Business And Academia. InBalkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education(Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 171-174). De Gruyter Open. (2018). Retrieved 13 February 2018, from Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact.MIS quarterly, 1165-1188. Conrad, C., Poole, M. S. (2012).Strategic organizational communication: In a global economy. John Wiley Sons. Conrad, D., Newberry, R. (2012). Identification and instruction of important business communication skills for graduate business education.Journal of Education for Business,87(2), 112-120. Dainton, M., Zelley, E. D. (2017).Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Sage publications. Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D. (2012).Essentials of business communication. Cengage Learning. Iheanacho, N. N. (2016). From Culture to Intercultural Comunication.Intercultural Communication and Public Policy, 1. Levin, J., Nolan, J. F. (2014).Principles of classroom management: A professional decision-making model. Pearson. One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Oradee, T. (2012). Developing speaking skills using three communicative activities (discussion, problem-solving, and role-playing).International Journal of Social Science and Humanity,2(6), 533. Robles, M. M. (2012). Executive perceptions of the top 10 soft skills needed in todays workplace.Business Communication Quarterly,75(4), 453-465. Setiawan, A., Abadi, I., Rahman, S. A. (2013). Implementation of Digital Signage for Digital Comunication Media.ISICO 2013,2013. Sigmar, L. S., Hynes, G. E., Hill, K. L. (2012). Strategies for teaching social and emotional intelligence in business communication.Business Communication Quarterly,75(3), 301-317. (2018). Retrieved 13 February 2018, from
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Judaism Essays (494 words) - Jewish Holy Days, Hanukkah,
Judaism Judiasm Judaism is all over the world. You can find Jewish people in many countries. They speak different languages and may be of any color. Anybody whose mother is a Jew is considered to be Jewish. Jewish history began over four thousand years ago in the Middle east. This religion is the oldest type of monotheism. The founder, Abraham, lived near Ur. He heard a message from god to move his people to Canaan, which was the Promised Land. People that moved there became known as the Hebrews. Jews have both a Hebrew name and an ordinary name. The Hebrew name is used in the Synagogue and religious documents. The Synagogue is house of prayer, study, and a community center. The Hebrew word for Synagogue is Beth Ha Knesset meaning house of meeting or assembly. The central feature of the Synagogue is the Ark, which houses the scrolls of the Torah. A baby boy is given his name when his eight days old. When boys turn thirteen, they are considered to be adults, and become responsible for the irreligious duties. There are three daily prayer sessions evening, morning, and afternoon. Whenever possible the prayers should be saidat public services but praying at home or somewhere else is just as good. One tradition says that everyone should say a hundred blessings each day and some prayers must be said three times a day while others must be said twice. Jewish people believe in Sabbath, Sabbath is a day for rest for them. Sabbath begins shortly after sunset on friday evening and ends late on Saturday night. They do not drive on Fridays or Saturdays because of the Sabbath. Many Jewish holidays commemorate events invested with historical and religious meaning. Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after its desecration by foreign forces. The celebration also reaffirms the continuing struggle to live by commandments and lead Jewish lives. For eight days, Hanukkah candles shine in the window to brighten the night. Family and friends come to help light candles in the Hanukkah(menorah), to eat latkes (pancakes), sufganiyot (doughnuts) and play games ofdreidal. Presents are exchanged, songs are sung, and the story is told of brave, stubborn Judah Maccabee. Jewish people only eat kosher foods. Only those animal which both chew the cud and are clove footed such as cows and sheep can beaten. Pigs, rabbits and horses are forbidden. Fish must have both fins and scales such as salmon, tout and haddock. Those, which do not such as shellfish and eels, must not be eaten. Special regulations govern the method by which an animal or bird is slaughtered for consumption.. Any defects which would lead the animal or birds natural death with in a year because its to be considered not kosher. Some eyes of defects would be lesions or tumors in its internal organs. Other examples would be broken or shattered bones and even missing limbs. Bibliography jews- a look at history Religion Essays
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