Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Research Letter for Dummies
Research Letter for Dummies Whatever They Told You About Research Letter Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why You're taking a look at the curse of Malthus. Despite the fact that it might look like a radical proposal, there are people keen to make that sacrifice for the interest of Earth. The future will favor people who can see ahead of time and take the suitable action now. I would be quite thankful if we're given this chance to help the society. What You Should Do About Research Letter Starting in the Next Eight Minutes The end result of those and other practices are already having a tremendous effect on the environment. The proposal clearly defines variables to be compared and provides insight regarding the types of statistical tests which are going to be utilized to value the importance of the data. A growth in natural methane emissions may make it even more challenging to get to the goals determined by the Paris agreement, but they ought to not be a cause for indifference. I t is very important to be aware that the ammonia concentration within this study did not exceed 25 ppm, the level at which problems start to get detected in birds, as a result of classic management. The Ultimate Research Letter Trick If you're writing several letters for the very same candidates, check your last copies to guarantee the letter references correspond to the fellowship. Furthermore, it is necessary to proofread your letter carefully. Postponing letters are extremely crucial in any enterprise. A very simple letter of intent includes the info about a proposed contract and you'll acquire absolutely free letter of intent template today to assist you in formatting an LOI easily. The Benefits of Research Letter Using colour in figures can boost the effective presentation of results, and there are not any restrictions on using colour in the internet version of your article. In case you have any questions before that moment, please feel free to get in touch with me. W hich one is suitable for you depends, in a lot of ways, on your background and the remainder of your application. If you're using mobile phone, you might also utilize menu drawer from browser. The Benefits of Research Letter Our results might be more representative of nearly all panhandlers who earn lesser amounts. You ought to develop a thorough understanding between multiple parties involved in an industry research initiative. The ability of the majority of investors to profit from differing sectors is crucial to really turning into a seasoned investor. Three participants refused to offer information regarding their earnings or spending. A Startling Fact about Research Letter Uncovered The closing paragraph ought to be no more than a couple of statements. Submitting a letter of intent is a significant step to permit the owner is aware of what they can anticipate from you should everything verify during due diligence. 1 format which you might consider in the lack of such guidelines follows. In your letter, explain the way the student exemplifies the particular criteria of the fellowship accessible. The outcomes of my study is forecast to help you zero in on aspects which should reinforced or modified to provide far better service to the community your institution a part of. Our rigorous quality and testing standards are intended to generate consistent clinical advantages. Knowing your merchandise and the way in which they perform helps you to understand what things to carry and in what quantities. Focus group participants provided valuable feedback about what to include in a letter, along with key concerns, the suitable tone for the letter, and the total amount of information to include. Worldwide prevention and control collaboration is necessary. Participants were not permitted to solicit donations during the 20-minute interview and couldn't bargain for greater quantities of reimbursement. Find out more about the faculty in your intended department to estimate their orientation and expertise. List the bodily and non-physical risks of participating in the analysis above. If you're writing a letter for over 1 applicant for the exact same fellowships, take note that committees will look to find out which student is apparently favored. Assess the student concerning other students that are in the area or who have applied for this specific fellowship. It is, in summary, not the naturalist's task to offer an index of transferability, it's their responsibility to supply the data base which makes transferability judgements possible on the portion of prospective appliers. Describe precisely what subjects can anticipate. If it seems to be a superior match, they will request a complete proposal. My objective is definitely to put the business initially and if this usually means putting in extra hours or working on weekends I'm always on board. Instead, it may be a fantastic notion to emphasize your most impressive ach ievements. It will permit the prospective donor to assess whether there is an excellent match between your project and their interests. The ammonia concentration during the developing period was estimated for every one of the treatments. We're stopping the AIM-HIGH trial since there isn't much to no possibility that the trial could ever demonstrate an advantage of protracted release niacin in patients very similar to you. There's no doubt it would have a mammoth effort to manage the prescription drug crisis. Though you might not be able to totally guard your heart from cancer therapy, there are other lifestyle-based cardiovascular disease risks you'll be able to control.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of Pb(S, Se)Thin Films.
Studies on chemically deposited Pb(S,Se) thin films J. D. Chaudhari *, R.D. Chaudhari * *, Dr. R. H. Bari + Department of Physics, G. D. M. Arts, K. R. N. Commerce M. D. Science College, Jamner.Pin – 424 206 Abstract : Thin films of Pb(S,Se) [lead sulfoselenide] have been prepared on glass substrate at 50 °C by simple chemical bath deposition technique. The starting materials used for deposition were lead acetate, tri-sodium citrate, sodium sulphite and elemental selenium. Ammonium hydroxide solution was used to adjust pH of the bath. In order to obtain good quality thin films, time, deposition temperature and pH of the solution were optimized and they are found to be 1 hour, 50 °C and 10 respectively.†¦show more content†¦Tri-sodium citrate was used as complexing agent. Ammonium hydroxide solution was used to adjust pH of the reaction mixture. All the chemicals used were of AR grade. Good quality films obtained for optimized time, temperature of deposition and pH of solution of 1hour, 50o C and 10 respectivel y. The process involved the reaction of pb2+, S2- Se2- ions in deionised water solution. Elemental selenium (99.95%) was dissolved in an aqueous solution of sodium sulphite (pH 9) at 90o C to form a partial unstable Na2SeSO3 compound by reflux method. In order to obtain the films lead acetate was mixed with trisodium citrate. To this solution, mixture of thiourea and sodium selenosulphite was added. The grown film was washed several times with deionized water. The synthesized film was annealed in air at 350o C for 15 minutes. Structural characterization of the film was carried out with X-ray diffractometer system using CuKÃŽ ± radiation with wavelength 1.5418 Ao. The optical absorption study of the films was carried out using Hitachi U-2000 spectrophotometer. The electrical study of the films was carried out using four probe set up (model no.DFP-02) scientific equipment, Roorke. 3. Result: 3.1 Structural analysis Fig 1. XRD pattern of the sample Figure1 shows the diffractogram of the sample scanned in the range of 20-80o. The XRD pattern reveals that Pb(S,Se) film is polycrystalline in nature. The planesShow MoreRelatedSynthesis and Characterization of Pb(S, Se)Thin Films.1051 Words  | 5 PagesStudies on chemically deposited Pb(S,Se) thin films J. D. Chaudhari *, R.D. Chaudhari * *, Dr. R. H. Bari + Department of Physics, G. D. M. Arts, K. R. N. Commerce M. D. Science College, Jamner.Pin – 424 206 Abstract : Thin films of Pb(S,Se) [lead sulfoselenide] have been prepared on glass substrate at 50 °C by simple chemical bath deposition technique. The starting materials used for deposition were lead acetate, tri-sodium citrate, sodium sulphite and elemental selenium. Ammonium
Friday, May 15, 2020
Lack of Exercise Among College Students Essay - 691 Words
Lack of Exercise among College Students For most people it is common knowledge that maintaining an active lifestyle and exercising on a daily basis is essential to a healthy life, research shows that approximately fifty percent of all college students see a decrease in regular exercise following high school graduation (Kilapatrick 2005). The decline of regular exercise displays a problem in more then a few colleges; the correlation of increased sedentary lifestyle and decreased physical activity is a national issue throughout all colleges and universities. Scientific data shows a decline in the level of physical activity in students from high school to college. Approximately only 38 percent of college students regularly participate in†¦show more content†¦Data shows a trend between gender and motivation to participate in physical activity. There was a study performed on university students that were enrolled in undergraduate health and kinesiology classes. The university stu dents were asked to complete a survey indicating the amount of exercise they participated in and their motivation for the physical activity. Physical activity can be divided into two sub-groups: exercise and sport participation. The results showed that the motivation varied depending on the type of physical activity (Kilpatrick 2005). Five types of motivation were tested: challenge, competition, social recognition, strength and endurance and weight management. Men had higher motivations for challenge, competition, social recognition and strength and endurance. These motivations are strongly correlated with sport participation. On the other hand, women had more motivation for weight management, which correlates with general exercise. An interesting result reported; both men and women strongly correlated positive health and weight management with general exercise such as going to the gym or running. (Kilpatrick 2005). While gender plays a contributing factor in how college students ex ercise, the principal factors that serve as barriers are lack of motivation and time. The majority of a college student’s time is spent attending classes, doing homework, and studying for exams†¦.hopefully. The academic load often drains outShow MoreRelatedExercise Among College Students : Exercise1182 Words  | 5 Pagesdon’t exercise at all. Although exercise is encouraged to Americans the obesity rates continue to increase. College students are vulnerable to weight gain because of the environment and obstacles that surround them. A survey was conducted at the University of Texas at El Paso asking the students questions towards exercising. This literature review will inform the reader how exercise plays an important role in a student’s life benefiting them in a variety of ways. Exercise amongRead MoreThe Importance Of Physical Education1361 Words  | 6 Pages Today’s generation of college students have been infected with social media poisoning, which places little to no importance on physical activity. Their idea of exercise consists of how fast their fingers type. Immediate changes need to be implemented in the education system to avoid serious long-term effects. College physical education courses are designed to promote a healthy lifestyle through education and exercise. The main objective of the education system incorporating physical educationRead More Critiquing Internet Sources The author is keen in analyzing the issue of excessive consumption of800 Words  | 4 PagesInternet Sources The author is keen in analyzing the issue of excessive consumption of alcohol among college students. He acknowledges that excessive drinking is a common problem among college and university students and wants to explore why such students indulge in such a risky behavior. The author uses a reliable number of students when looking at the drinking problem and chooses the correct age, which is students below 21 years (Dodd et al, 2010). The results of the author’s research are reliable andRead MoreResearch Study : Relationships Of Eating Competence, Sleep Behaviors And Quality, And Overweight Status Among College Students Essay1091 Words  | 5 Pagesoverweight status among college students Intro: Lack of sleep has been identified as a major public health issue found to contribute to chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes (type 2) and hypertension. As sleeping habits worsened over the years, obesity and unhealthy eating trends continued to climb. In contrast cross-sectional studies support the notion that sufficient sleep promotes â€Å"health related behaviors,†such as balanced diet and regular exercise. Concerning college students suffering fromRead MoreObesity : A Growing Factor Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pagesan immediate change in this trend, obesity among young adults, specifically college students, will continue to transcend. Colleges and universities should start providing healthier food options for students to choose from, propose exceptional living and lifestyle coaching for students, and require general promotion of healthy living across the campus. Accordingly, the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) should offer healthier food choices for stud ents, require healthy lifestyle information classesRead MoreThe Importance of Sleep for College Students1617 Words  | 7 Pagesthat are not safe, especially among college students (NSF). Most college students are deprived of sleep all the time due to many of thing such as: partying late, staying up late studying, procrastination, drugs, alcohol and poor sleep habits. Not getting enough sleep can play a big role when it comes to academic performances. Sleep is a major factor when it comes to college students; however, it is what college students lack the most. College students are among the most sleep deprived peopleRead MoreStress Is A Common Experience For All Of Us1194 Words  | 5 Pagesstress when we are very busy, have important deadlines to meet, have college assignment and lack of time to complete these assignments. Our body cannot decide what to do then we feel stress. My friend has gone to college since 2011, and she had finished 45 credits for her nursing degree but she dropped out college this year because of stress. When she told me about dropping college, several questions arose in my mind about student s stress. So it becomes important to know w hat is stress? What areRead MoreMental And Physical Health Of College Students1469 Words  | 6 Pages Literature Review: Mental and Physical Health of College Students Jackie Brocious Misericordia University Literature Review: Mental and Physical Health of College Students This paper is focused on the sub-topic of mental and physical health of college students, either within healthcare-related fields or general graduate programs. This sub-topic is a branch of our group’s research purpose of identifying the occupational therapy (OT) student’s perception and confidence with an OT programRead MoreHealthier Food And Lifestyle Options For Uah Students Essay1332 Words  | 6 PagesHealthier Food and Lifestyle Options for UAH Students Obesity is a growing factor in the United States. Data confirms that there is an increase in fast food dining facilities across the United States as well as a decrease in nutritional information. Without an immediate change in this trend, obesity among young adults, specifically college students, will continue to rise above average. Colleges and universities should start providing healthier food options for students to choose from, offer healthy livingRead MoreNewton s First Law Of Motion Essay1458 Words  | 6 Pagestwenties. Because a major portion of this age category is in college, it is crucial for universities and community colleges to provide physical education to help students achieve and maintain a standard level of physical and mental fitness outside and inside the classroom. At one time, the American physical education programs were producing strong bodied and strong willed children. The common gymnasium was no less than an arena for students to release pent-up energy and to display their physical abilities
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychological Disorders And Therapy Methods - 1223 Words
Psychological Disorders and Therapies Different types of psychological disorders and therapy methods will be discussed in this essay. Psychological disorders are categorized and defined in the â€Å"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders†(DSM). The most recent edition of the DSM is the DSM-V published in May, 2013. (1) The methods of therapy utilized for the treatment of psychological disorders are dependent on the training of the therapist and the most appropriate method of treatment for a psychological disorder. The term psychological disorders are often called mental disorders. These disorders are patterns of psychological or behavior symptoms. Multiple areas of life are affected by the disorders and distress is felt by people who are experiencing these symptoms. (3) Anxiety disorders are one of the disorders listed in the DSM-V. Anxiety disorders are usually characterized by abnormal and excessive fear, anxiety and worry. Anxiety is an anticipation of a future threat that may, or may not, appear. Fear is an emotional response to a threat that often times may be perceived and not real. One survey reported that about eighteen percent of adults in America suffer from an anxiety disorder. There are seven categories of anxiety disorders. Types of anxiety disorders include: †¢ Generalized anxiety disorder †¢ Social anxiety disorder †¢ Specific Phobias †¢ Panic disorder †¢ Post-traumatic stress disorder †¢ Separation anxiety disorder Dissociative disordersShow MoreRelatedPsychological And Psychological Treatment Of Psychological Disorders1709 Words  | 7 Pagesefficacy of psychological (non-pharmacological) interventions for psychological disorder? Discuss with reference to difficulties in measuring the effects of psychological treatment. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the different theoretical approaches in the treatment of psychological disorder with the help of psychological treatments. Furthermore I will be discussing the difficulties faced in measuring the effects of psychological treatment. Psychotherapy is the term used for psychological treatmentsRead MoreAbnormal Psychology Essay1646 Words  | 7 Pagesand explanation of two mental disorders and two mental illnesses all taken from the psychology perspective. As the reader will see, normal and abnormal psychology as well as the mental disorders and illnesses are common issues that could happen to any person or affect any family at any time. In addition to learning about the disorders and illnesses the reader will also learn about possible therapies for treating these mental disorders and illnesses. Mental disorders and mental illnesses objectivelyRead MoreEffectiveness of Music Therapy Essay1564 Words  | 7 Pageshuman being in physiological, p sychological, and emotional integration of the individual during treatment of an illness or disability’. Those who oppose music therapy believe it does not work, especially for in the long term, and that drugs are more efficient and show faster results. Despite those who are against it, music therapy has become very popular over the years and it is common for higher class people to form organizations and clubs for their support of music therapy. In the journal article byRead MoreIndigenous Healing And Psychotherapy. Introduction. Indigenous1733 Words  | 7 Pagespositive well-being. These two methods are currently researching each other’s methods and they are both adapting the others culture methods, to enhance the method they use, to promote an individual well-being, in their own culture. They are adapting methods practiced by one another so that they can enhance their client’s benefits of therapy. Individual therapy needs, to each culture, differ from one another. Culture diversity is a factor that influences which methods they choose to adapt, from oneRead MoreMusic Therapy And Its Effects854 Words  | 4 PagesMusic therapy is not currently a widely recognized option of treatment. If an individual goes to see a healthcare professional nowadays, it would be highly unlikely that that individual would receive a recommendation for music therapy treatment. Yet, music therapy is an established field of medical science that dates back to the time of the ancient Greeks. So, what is music therapy? Music therapy is defined as â€Å"treatment including creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music†(â€Å"What isRead MoreThe Psychology Of Clinical Psychology929 Words  | 4 Pagesemotional, and behavioural disorders. A clinical psychologist may specialise in certain disorders, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and bipolar disorders. He or she may also provide counseling services to people who are struggling with divorces, relationship and emotional problems. Clinical psychological services inclu de procedures to understand, predict, and relieve any forms of discomfort. This includes emotional, physical, and psychological distress, social and behavioralRead MoreThe Different Versions of Psychoanalysis Essay891 Words  | 4 PagesIn Chapter 14 of â€Å"Psychology in Action†, we discussed psychological disorders and abnormal behaviors. Chapter 15 covers therapy. Therapy is a remedial attempt to â€Å"cure†emotional, mental, or physical health problems (â€Å"Therapy- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia†). When therapists deal with patients with psychological problems and mental disorders, they use psychotherapy. Psychotherapy involves using specific techniques to improve the psychological functioning of the patient. In psychotherapy, therapistsRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy1111 Words  | 5 Pagesinterventions for adults with anxiety disorder appears to be individual forms of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The mean total societal costs were lower for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as compared to Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Apeldoorn et al, 2014). In particular, self-help books are cost effective compared with other forms of treatment options. Drugs and group based psychological interventions does not appearRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder: A Literature Review Essay1589 Words  | 7 Pagestraced back to 1938 when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as n either being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009, p. 15). Then in 1960, Otto Kernberg coined the term ‘borderline personality organization’ to describe persistent patterns of behavior and functioning consisting of instability, and distressed psychological self-organization (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009Read MoreChapter Thirteen Of Experience Psychology982 Words  | 4 Pagesfocuses on therapies. The four sections that are discussed in this chapter are: biological therapies, psychotherapy, sociocultural approaches and issues in treatment, and the effectiveness of psychotherapy. The treatments that eliminate or reduce symptoms of psychological disorders are biological therapies. These therapies alter the aspects of the body functioning. The three forms of biological therapy are drug therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery therapy. Drug therapy is the most
Cisco Systems, Inc. Collaboration on New Product...
Literature review : KOLLAT, ENGEL, BLACKWEL, (1970) investigated the Current Problems in Consumer Behavior. In this study they compared the history of most disciplines; the studied of consumer behavior in its infancy, dating back less than 50 years. Moreover, a significant percentage of their research had occurred during the last decade. Brosekhan Velayutham examined the Consumer Buying Behaviour. They found that consumer has become essentail. Consumers are the kings of markets. Without consumers no business organization can run. All the activities of the business concerns end with consumers and consumer satisfaction. Sadiq investigated the Economic Impact of†¦show more content†¦REESE, LOEW, STEFFGEN, (2013) examined that social norms enhance pro-environmental behavior in Hotels. They analyzed hotel guest’s towel-used during their stay, they also studied tests whether messages employing provincial norms were more effective in reducing towel-use than standard envir onmental messages. Siddiquee, Hosne Asif, Rahman, (2014) examined the terry towel industry in Bangladesh. The aim of this study was to increased the knowledge of terry products scope, products demand and supply, buyer or market of products, product range, export volume, trend and revealed other opportunities, strength, threat etc of this sector. They found that Bangladesh is the number one choice of the importers for higher quality with low price of terry product specially terry towel. References: Ahmed, A. (2011). GROWTH TRENDS OF PAKISTAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY. Pakistan Textile Journal . Brosekhan, A. A., Velayutham, ,. D. (n.d.). Consumer Buying Behaviour – A Literature Review. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) , 08-16. Hanley, S., Leahy, R. (2008). The Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing Strategies in Department Stores. lnternational Journal of Business and Management , 133-140. Khan, A. A., Khan, M. (2010). Pakistan Textile Industry Facing New Challenges. Research Journal of InternatÄ ±onal StudÄ ±es , 21-29. KOLLAT, D. T., ENGEL, J. F., BLACKWEL, R. D.Show MoreRelatedHow Technology Affect Business Especially For Cisco Systems Inc.1321 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract Cisco Systems Inc. is a public traded corporation listed on Nasdaq as CSCO. Cisco Systems Inc. is the worldwide leading supplier of computer networking products, it offers communication systems and services, product for companies. Cisco sells routers, switches, internet services devises and other communication and internet related services to entity. The purpose of this paper is to explain how technology affect business especially for Cisco Systems Inc. First, the paper has a brief introductionRead MoreCisco Systems, Inc.: Collaborating on New Product Introduction12030 Words  | 49 PagesCASE: GS-66 DATE: 06/05/09 CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.: COLLABORATING ON NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION On November 13, 2007, more than 100 employees of Cisco Systems, Inc. assembled in classic Cisco fashion: they dialed in from multiple locations around the world for an important meeting. The purpose of the gathering was to get the green light from senior management to manufacture a new high-end router that would make the giant networking company more competitive in an age of surging Internet trafficRead MoreCase Analysis Cisco Essay2299 Words  | 10 PagesINDIVIDUAL CASE REPORT Cisco Systems Inc.: The Viking Challenge Submitted to: Mr. Dave Swanston Submitted by: Vishal Gupta ID: 125821880 20th March 2013 Executive Summary Cisco Systems Inc. is a $100 B technology company which provides internet networking solution to telecommunication and broadband service provider corporations. Cisco is leader in developing the networking equipment for the industry. Cisco wants to develop a new generation router AggregationRead MoreCisco Systems Uses Its Culture for Competitive Advantage2002 Words  | 9 PagesCisco Systems Uses Its Culture for Competitive Advantage Case Study Cisco Systems Uses Its Culture for Competitive Advantage Introduction Cisco Systems, Inc. is the worldwide leader in providing hardware, software and related services to enable networking for the Internet. Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government, and home communications. Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create the Internet solutions that make these networks possible,Read MoreCisco Merger Strategy4607 Words  | 19 PagesCisco IT Case Study Acquisition Integration How Cisco Applies Companywide Expertise for Integrating Acquired Companies Faster, smoother integrations help to realize acquisition value. Cisco on Cisco Case Study/Business Management/Cisco Acquisition Integration: Acquiring companies that offer attractive technologies, products, or market opportunities has been a major growth strategy for Cisco ®. To help integrate these companies rapidly, consistently, and with minimal disruption, Cisco has formedRead MoreBusiness Strategy and Innovation of Cisco Systems Inc Essay5334 Words  | 22 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the report was to discuss the business strategy of Cisco Systems Inc (Cisco), a company widely considered innovative. The report was to discuss the justification of Cisco’s status of innovative, how the business environment impacted on Cisco and it’s opportunities for innovation, their sources of competitive advantage, strategic options available to Cisco, and evaluate the risks of implementing the strategic change to achieve this option This was done by evaluatingRead MoreCisco Systems Architecture2359 Words  | 10 PagesCisco systems Architecture: ERP and Web-Enabled IT Case Introduction and Background and analysis of the Business Cisco Systems, a Global leading company that manufactures and markets Internet Protocol (IP) equipment, uses routers to send digital and voice data over the Internet. Founded in 1984 by three former Stanford University Students, Cisco first found early success by targeting Government agencies, Universities, and the Aerospace industry. In 1998, Cisco began targeting big businessesRead MoreEssay on Cisco Systems Case Study5151 Words  | 21 PagesCisco Systems, Inc. International Business Case Study Executive Summary Cisco Systems is a global market leader and innovator of computer communications and networking solutions. Established in the 1980’s, the company rapidly developed into the world’s greatest manufacturer of internet routers and was/is a foremost provider of commercial communication network devices. The aim of this case study report is to create an understanding of Cisco’s historical international business activities asRead MoreCisco2969 Words  | 12 Pagesstudy â€Å"Social Strategy at Cisco Systems†written by Mikolaj J. Piskorski, Daniel Malter, and Aaron Smith. It emphasis on a main concern, which is aligned with Cisco Learning Network and Internet of Everything (IoE) and is presented in a question; how can Cisco’s phenomenon of â€Å"Internet of Everything†be attained through Cisco Learning Network? The issue highlights the importance of Cisco’s strategic commitment of advancing and supporting the Internet of everything. The Ci sco Learning Network, a socialRead MoreEssay on Cisco Culture4287 Words  | 18 PagesAssessing corporate culture Cisco Systems MBA 501: Organizational Dynamics and Leadership Professor: Dr. Bruce Hiebert Gurjot Singh Friday, April 09, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 3 2 About Cisco Systems 3 2.1 Vision, mission 3 2.2 Slogans, legends and myths 5 2.3 Organizational structure 6 3 Human Network and leadership 8 3.1 Employees and rewards 8 3.2 Training and teaching 12 3.3 Leaders’ functions and Change management
JFK A Man of History and Memories free essay sample
Outlines the main points of J.F.K.s life as president. This paper outline three main events in Kennedys life as President: his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, the Cuban Missile Crisis and his assassination. Included is a time line of the day he died as well as personal comments. In this paper, I plan to give a brief outline of the highlights of President John F. Kennedys life, including the horrible death that shocked the nation. I will tell of his childhood, of the sickly child. Ill discuss two of what I consider to be his most important contributions: his Civil Rights involvement, and the Cuban Missile Crisis, as well as some of the details of his death at Dealy Plaza in Dallas. Despite to controversy that surrounds JFK and his legend, he gave a lot to this country, and he should be remembered that way. We will write a custom essay sample on JFK: A Man of History and Memories or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why I should be selected free essay sample
Over the years I have been to surf camps and each one was a memorable experience. Unfortunately each trip only lasted for a day. Spending a whole week here would be a brilliant experience as I have been hoping to improve on my surfing skills for a while now. A few months back I watched Waveriders which convinced me even more to surf, after all the North West is known for being one of the best surf spots in the world. My family are big into athletics, competing at national and international level, but I want to make surfing my own sport. I have missed out on the opportunity to come back here over the last few years. This is the first year in a long time that we will be home for the summer. I saw this competition this morning and it definitely woke me up! – Who wouldn’t chance an entry for this brilliant opportunity? Surfing culture in Southern California has gone through several revisions  the bronzed, silly countercultural movement of the early ’60s, spearheaded by Miki Dora; the Technicolor times of the Beach Boys and surf kitsch films like Beach Party; the dirty, somewhat scummy years captured best in the documentary Dogtown and Z-Boys; the shredded, California punk era, when everything got a bit more â€Å"aggressive†; the hard-core bros at Windansea and the â€Å"surf weird†longboarders of La Jolla. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I should be selected or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Duke Kahanamoku, the Hawaiian waterman most credited with spreading the gospel of surfing, came to California and put on several surfing exhibitions for the inhabitants of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach. Surfing existed in the States prior to the Duke’s arrival, but the Duke spread the gospel of aloha culture throughout California. Huntington Beach has far from the best waves on the West Coast, but it quickly became the kitschy capital of SoCal surf culture, home to both the International Surfing Hall of Fame, the U. S. Open of Surfing, and a life-size statue of the Duke. In the late ’40s and early ’50s, returning G. I. ’s and advances in board technology made surfing more accessible (prior to 1940, most surfers had to figure out ways to carve their own surfboards out of massive, heavy pieces of lumber or beat-up telephone posts) and the first salable iteration of surf culture was born. In 1957, a screenwriter and novelist named Frederick Kohner published Gidget, a book based on his daughter Kathy’s adventures in Malibu, and by 1959 the Gidget movie franchise had launched and the rest of the country learned that there was, indeed, some appeal in surfing at the beach all day long.
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