
Friday, August 2, 2019

Personal Strengths Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personal Strengths and Weaknesses While many people tend to listen to family, friends, or co-workers about their own strengths and weaknesses, it will often come down to the individual’s own personal assessment of themselves as to what improvements or adjustments one must make. As with any subject, there are pro’s and con’s, or in this case strengths and weaknesses, in each and every one of us. Unfortunately, only a few care to relish on the weaknesses, and instead focus only on their strengths. When I think of strengths or weaknesses, I often try to think of weaknesses first. I am not a negative person nor am I always thinking of the worst possible scenario, but rather focus on faults first. Due to that thinking style or habit, let me start this paper with what I perceive to be my weaknesses. This essay may not include all of my strengths or weaknesses, but I feel it is a major portion of them. First I wish to mention a weakness. While at work or at home I tend to get sidetracked, or become one-track minded, when working on a problem. For instance, while at work if I am in the middle of a report or gathering information for an aircraft issue we are having, I tend to get so focused that I completely lose track of any other issues that may arise or inadvertently ignore anyone or anything that may come up to discuss another issue with me. Maybe it would be called becoming â€Å"overfocused† to give a definition to the s... Personal Strengths Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personal Strengths and Weaknesses While many people tend to listen to family, friends, or co-workers about their own strengths and weaknesses, it will often come down to the individual’s own personal assessment of themselves as to what improvements or adjustments one must make. As with any subject, there are pro’s and con’s, or in this case strengths and weaknesses, in each and every one of us. Unfortunately, only a few care to relish on the weaknesses, and instead focus only on their strengths. When I think of strengths or weaknesses, I often try to think of weaknesses first. I am not a negative person nor am I always thinking of the worst possible scenario, but rather focus on faults first. Due to that thinking style or habit, let me start this paper with what I perceive to be my weaknesses. This essay may not include all of my strengths or weaknesses, but I feel it is a major portion of them. First I wish to mention a weakness. While at work or at home I tend to get sidetracked, or become one-track minded, when working on a problem. For instance, while at work if I am in the middle of a report or gathering information for an aircraft issue we are having, I tend to get so focused that I completely lose track of any other issues that may arise or inadvertently ignore anyone or anything that may come up to discuss another issue with me. Maybe it would be called becoming â€Å"overfocused† to give a definition to the s...

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